How do you feel about Britney Spears


Well-known member
I feel bad for her kids.. and it's getting a bit sad if a lot of people are more on K-feds side than anyone elses..

maybe a little off topic, but remember a few years back we thought christina aguilera was going crazy? when did she become the normal one?

I remember that!! But I still really liked her!!
I think that was a "phase" for her, because she's not like that anymore.. Marriage did her good maybe?

Can't say the same for Britney though..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I heard she cheated on Justin with that one dancer guy we never hear of again. Wayne Robbinson? Don't quote me on that. I remember someone mentioning it and it's been embedded in my brain (out of all things! lol)

Wade Robeson allegedly, and he's doing well for himself. He choreographs for So You Think You Can Dance?


Well-known member
I think she needs to get away for a while.. away from the paparazzi and fame and clubs. she needs to start worryikng about getting herself better to help her kids.

could you imagine what she will do to herself if she looses her kids?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Not that's she a great mother or seems to be into being a mother, but they would probably be wise to put her on suicide watch if/when KFed wins


Well-known member
I agree that Britney Spears has psychological problems, but I think a lot of her recently activities and behaviors were just part of her attempt to regain the public attentions she once had. Couple days ago I read on one of the tabloids that she is coming out with a new music video... I really don't think she is going to be as successful as before her 2 babies and failed marriages.


Well-known member
Honestly I think she just needs to grow up and be a mother. You can't act like a child anymore when you actually have a couple at home depending on you.


Well-known member

Those who saw the VMA's
How do you feel now?

That's the face I made all along when she ''sang''
Pooooorrrr thing


Well-known member
she was my idol when she first came out [i was like 8 then i think] and i got all her albums, books even a doll i loved her! but i think shes gone crazy in the head now. She doesnt make an effort to look good she always looks trashy, does she even brush her hair? she always seems to have eyeliner under her eyes like smudged so maybe she sleeps in it? shes a bad role model now and if she does come back she'll never be the same Britney like a few years ago.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa

Those who saw the VMA's
How do you feel now?

That's the face I made all along when she ''sang''
Pooooorrrr thing

I heard about this - was she really that bad? I read reports she was miming and her dancing was 'lacklustre and sluggish' and she had to be supported round the stage. First thing I thought was that they will pick on anything just to make her out to be a crazy has-been.

so was it really that bad?? I haven't seen it.


Well-known member
It wasn't awful, it was just completely NOT up to par with what was promised or her past performances.

Medication. She needs it. Medication after a psyche eval.


Well-known member
Wow...I'm sorry, and this may sound harsh, but what a washed-up hack. Man, although I've never really cared for her music I could always appreciate her dancing on stage. But now? Wow. I'm pretty sure I could've danced better than that.


Well-known member
Bleck. It was lackluster and certainly not as good as she did pre-Onyx Hotel Tour... But it could have been alot worse.

Britney needs to get her game face on and dance like she has to support a deadbeat exhusband!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It wasn't awful, it was just completely NOT up to par with what was promised or her past performances.

Medication. She needs it. Medication after a psyche eval.

She needs to get rid of all her yes-men and women and check herself into a real psych ward for a while. She's doing nothing to help herself or kids.


Well-known member
I personnaly think that she looked on ''medication'' or something...
She wasnt there at all, nothing compared to what we used to see.



Well-known member
I just watched it on youtube and she did look very uncomfortable, like she wasn't sure whether she wanted be there or not


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I personnaly think that she looked on ''medication'' or something...
She wasnt there at all, nothing compared to what we used to see.


There's such a difference between self medicating and really seeking treatment. =/

That said, if she DID ask MTV to prevent any jokes or comments to be made about her kids, and MTV *did* agree, then Sarah Silverman is just a complete c-unit.


Well-known member
I agree that S. Silverman went far with her ''jokes'' but wasnt she saying what everybody thinks?

I mean, everybody knows that Britney is a trainwreck, and she should have never done that performance yesterday. What was it for? Proving something to herself probably, or maybe to seek for attention once again...

Ho and BTW, by ''being on medication'' I meant like, not the right one...


Well-known member
It doesn't matter if she said what anyone thinks, first off that's a comment you don't make about ANYONE's kids in the parent's presence, and second, MTV (if they did have the agreement) should have prevented her from breeching it.

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