How do you feel about make-up vending machines?


Well-known member
To my knowledge, Elizabeth Arden is the first make-up line to be distributed via a vending machine in the U.S. Other companies on Zoom Systems,, brand list are StriVectin, Coty Star Scents, Rosetta Stone, Proactiv solution, Sony Access, & Apple iPod.

Apparently, the idea of vending machines for make-up is not a new idea. According to this article in 2004,, there has been interest in stocking these make-up machines at schools, bowling alleys, and cinemas.

Is this the future of many of the high-end makeup lines? What do you think?


Well-known member
They've had proactiv machines at a local mall for about 2 years (at least); I still think it's odd everytime I see them.


Well-known member
One of my friends recently took a trip to Japan, and there are apparently vending machines for EVERYTHING! Apparently clothing, beer, (sorry thats all I can recall though I know there were some weirder ones...)

I personally do not like that, I'd rather go to a store to purchase whatever it is I'm purchasing, and not through a vending machine. My limits for vending machines are the classic---soda/water and snack food ones.

It would be something hard for me to get used to, though I have to say the COTY scents and being able to try them sounds good in theory, but I can see goofballs whether they are children or adults--abusing these.


Well-known member
I think it's very impersonal; half the fun of shopping for makeup is learning from the MAs.

Also, it just seems odd. Soda? Vending machine candidate. Foundation? Not so much.


Well-known member
I've seen ipod vending I thought that was weird but cosmetic vending machines? that's totally can you try the product?


Well-known member
i think it's weird!

I would lose my intrest in shopping if that was the case!!


Well-known member
it would be cool for drugstore makeup, if you already knew what you wanted like lip gloss or something. I'm not sure why it would be cool, it just would.

Not for MAC though


Well-known member
dont like the sounds of it.

First of all whenever I try and use vending machines whatever I try and buy gets stuck

And then, unless the makeup is like bubble wrapped or something, the idea of it falling when I pick what I want, it could potentially break- yikes!

And it's also impersonal, i like going in the store, testing the product on the back of my hand, and then getting it. What if you press the wrong button when youre making your selection? That would just suck

But I guess i'd have to see what the vending machines are like, Im just used to the ones with candy and pop


Well-known member
i think if its for something more than a commercial than it's lame. I agree with the others it is impersonal and just seems like careless move of those companies. I mean if you don't value your product enough to just put it in the same machine that distrubutes honey buns and 25 cent gum, then why should i? I'll just take my business to a company who wants to put effort into selling me their products. I mean come on people, stop being lazy.


Well-known member
Gosh....Has anyone ever tried to get a candy bar/a bag of chips, etc. from a vending machine and have it get stuck? Well, I'd be pretty pissed if that happened with a $60 compact!


Well-known member
I like to test colors before I buy - that's why I stick to department store lines, MAC and Sephora. I'd be really pissed if I bought a color from a vending machine and it looked funky on me. Where the heck would I return it?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Gosh....Has anyone ever tried to get a candy bar/a bag of chips, etc. from a vending machine and have it get stuck? Well, I'd be pretty pissed if that happened with a $60 compact!

Totally agree. If I bought $200 haul, it better come out of that machine.


Well-known member
I think the whole concept is geared towards those individuals who know exactly what they want and have tried/bought the products they intend to get out of the machine.
Think of it this way, you go to mac and want carbon eyeshadow for example. You know you want it and that you don't need any reccs or anything else but you have to wait 10/15 minutes for a ma to go get it for you. You also don't want the hassle of being bumped or bothered. Enter the vending machine.

And i think they would probably make this machine like one of those snapple machines, a shelf raises to get the product while it slides down the chute.

Not saying I am pro or against per se, just saying that I can see where the makers of this are coming from.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
One of my friends recently took a trip to Japan, and there are apparently vending machines for EVERYTHING! Apparently clothing, beer, (sorry thats all I can recall though I know there were some weirder ones...)

Apparently they also sell used women's undies in vending machines as well over there.

And I've also seen proactiv in vending machines as well as dvd rentals.


Well-known member
I just saw Proactive being sold in a vending machine at Macy's. It looked pretty cheezy. It was like off in a corner.


Well-known member
ewwww used women's undies? WTF and what genius *ahem sarcasm* thought up that business proposal.

lol I knew there were some crazier ones out there!!