How many is too many?


Well-known member
I only have back ups of 2 lip glasses/lustres - explicit and instant gold. I only have those because once when I did Back to Mac, i couldn't think of anyting that i wanted!


Well-known member
I haven't bought backups for anything because 1. It takes me a while to finish off a product and 2. I usually try new things.
The only product that I considered getting a backup for was Stroke Of Lust l/s from Lure, which I'm 3/4 done and now I'm looking for different or better shades.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dangerousmuffins
I have 6 DeMenthe & 7 Brill. I just love those colors.
Other than that, I only have a few backups.
Belle Azure - 2 backups
Porcelain Pink - 1 backups
Lightscapade - 3 backups
Playful - 1 backup
Springtime Skipper - 1 backup

Non-MAC -
Juicy Tubes - Caribe & Pinkadelic - like 10 backups each (only came in the mini JT packaging)

I know I have more backups - can't think of anything else right now.

So an answer to your question - No, 5 backups of one product isn't too many.

I don't feel so bad anymore! LOL!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laura-doll
ive never thought about backups lol
till now!
sounds like a plan

In less delicate terms, the practice is called "hoarding."
Maybe I'm over-analysing it, but I think my tendency to buy backups is a function of my own insecurity. "What if this beautiful thing is not there when I need/want it?" :eek2:
Given the size/pigmentation of the typical MAC product, if you have two of an item, you're not likely to ever, ever run out.

The rational part of my brain, the part that has a college degree, tells me that if I have one of a MAC item, I'm not likely to ever, ever run out.
I ignore it.

rocking chick

Well-known member
I love Rocking Chick so much that I got 8 backups (yes.. 8, think I must be crazy)

Pearl blossom - 2 backups

Playful - 1 backup

**Obsessed with Barbie loves MAC**


Well-known member
Every backup I've bought I've either sold or swapped away, because I never finish anything. I just don't buy backups anymore.


Well-known member
I have two backups of Mothbrown. Looking for another one because I am almost finished with the first one. This is my HG eyeshadow. I love it. I would never get a backup of l/g because I love all pinks and golds.

I think the only other e/s i was thinking of getting a backup is Moonflower. I love this e/s.


Well-known member
I usually have backups of mascara and lipgloss, but only one backup. I'm addicted to novelty, so I might grow bored with it.


Well-known member
Too many? Hmm depends on what it is,.. I had 5 backups of Flash of Flesh and have used them ALL! And now I wanna cry,.. I doubt 20 could have been enough of that color (prays for repromote).

Otherwise I have backups of:

D'Bohemia - 1
Lovebud -1
Say Yeah - 1
In living pink - 1 (holding this for a friend)
Lily white pig -1
Reflects Gold - 1
Shell pearl BP - 1
Lightscapade -1
Glissade -1
Coral Grade - 1
Pinkulair - 1
Goldenair - 1
Nightsky -1 (About to use, this almost out of original)
Pinkcraft - 1

I used to have backups of Petticoat (I am using it now) and Tahitian Sand (also using it now). I do tend to go through things.


Originally Posted by tinagrzela
I have 2 backups for Pettitcoat, 2 of Pearl Blossom beauty powder, 1 of Glissade, 1 of Don't be shy. I think that's it!

I'm so jealous... I really regret not buying petticoat backups plus mine was the last one at my counter


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Too many? Hmm depends on what it is,.. I had 5 backups of Flash of Flesh and have used them ALL! And now I wanna cry,.. I doubt 20 could have been enough of that color (prays for repromote).


Now that IS impressive!
When I really looove an item, I'll buy one backup, and feel like I'm set for life.
I don't wear makeup every day, though.
My feeling about multiple backups is, If you can afford it, go for it!


Well-known member
I have to say that considering that MAC is always coming out with new colors, i dont find it very useful or economical to get back ups. But yeah i guess is i ever fell in love with something head over heels then i would go ahead and get one or two backups assuming its a LE item.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by badtzmaru74
I have to say that considering that MAC is always coming out with new colors, i dont find it very useful or economical to get back ups. But yeah i guess is i ever fell in love with something head over heels then i would go ahead and get one or two backups assuming its a LE item.

MAC seems to make things so complicated, with their limited edition collections(which you know will be gone before long) and their penchant for abruptly discontinuing a "permanent" item. I've backed up a few of my very favorite "permanent" lipsticks, for fear that they'd go the way of "Moxie" and "Powerhouse."
Wouldn't it be so simple if you could just think, "I'm getting low on Rocking Chick/Flash of Flesh/Petticoat," then trot to the MAC store or go to the website and buy another?


Well-known member
My strategy is to buy backups of things that I know I will repurchase, hence I dont actually have to go buy it or afraid I'll run out. Also, when I have a little extra cash I stock up.
I have backups of my HGs:
1 CCB in Fawntastic
1 Teddy e/l
1 Ornamental l/g
1 L'oreal Carbon Black mascara
1 Amber Lights e/s
I am considering backups of these items that I've recently fallen in love with:
Wonderstruck l/g and Fab blush, which is a PITA to find!


Well-known member
I have 2 b/u of Trax, Bronze & Amber lights bcos they're my faves
1 of Shooting Star MSF and 2 of Pinkarat l/g.

I like to get back ups of my fav things because I'm scared i'll lose them!!!!!!(which I have done before) eeeek!

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