How many is too many?


Well-known member
love bud I bought 2 of, overgrown 2, Waternymph 2, Aquavert 1, Pompous Blue 1, Peppier 1, 2 each of peacocked and nightsky softsparkle eye pencils....oh and 1 in living pink eyeshadows.

I sold most of them haha, I only kept the ones I have and a backup each of lovebud, overgrown and waternymph! I find it sort of stupid to have backups now taht I have SO much makeup that I don't use! it's stupid for me, but I completely understand why others do it! I mean, my HG eyeshadows are all permanent and that's not worth stocking up on because I can go to the store and get them at any time.


Well-known member
my mom has bought like 5 pink maribus, her hG lipcolor

i bought two total lucky greens and two total pollens.


Well-known member
I only have one backup in Shroom, one backup on refined golden bronzer, and one backup in creamola cream lip liner. I use all three of them on an everyday basis.


Well-known member
I wish i would have gotten back ups of all softsparkle pencils...they go sooo fast with all the sharpenning and sanitizing- OHHH i'm sad!
i also love Chance encounter l/g , but i would never buy/swap i guess it's the end.
and i hate MAc for dissing harmony blush it was one the BEST contour items for pale skins, so natural and easy to work with
...on super pale skin -nothing compares!


Well-known member
I only ever buy one of each backup and I only backup pigments - everything else I will find something similar to replace with. The piggies I adore and when they are gone finding something similar can be terribly hard - forest green from example, there isnt anything like it at all


Well-known member
I have 1 backup of Gadabout, and 1 each of Oyster Girl and Wonderstruck (by accident, they were gifts!). I also have 2 pairs of #7 lashes since I wanted to use them two of the times I got my makeup done at MAC and had to buy a second pair.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
I dont have backups, because it takes me so long to finish stuff anyways. Personally I like spending my other money on new stuff

i second that!


Well-known member
Hmm...I only have backups of Going Bananas and Oh Baby (like this will ever get continued lol)


Well-known member
I don't have backups. I haven't ever done that. If a company has something in a limited edition and it sells really well, they will come out with it again or something similar. They want your money.


Well-known member
I only have a backup of Style It Up. However, I have gone through many Brush Cleansers, Techs, Powder Fixes, and Fix Fluids, as well as several Bare Canvas Paints, two Gesso Eyeshadows and a few Myth Lipsticks. I REALLY REALLY wish I had gotten a few backups of Sunday Best eyeshadow. It really was the best. I also have 3 Black Tieds (1 pan, 1 pot, 1 in palette), 2 Carbons (1 pan, 1 in quad), 2 Expressos (1 pan, 1 in quad), 2 Beauty Marked (1 pan, 1 in palette), 2 Deep Truths (1 pan, 1 in palette), and 2 Satin Taupes (1 in palette, 1 in quad). Hahaha. I always buy colors, and they're always in a palette or quad later on!!! I also have 2 Bang On Blues and 2 Big Ts because I bought one, then later got it as gratis. =/ Still wondering what I should do with the two extra. They're both gorgeous but there's no way I'll ever get through the first in this lifetime.

I know there was a member of this board named RockingChick and she bought something like 10 or 15 backups of Rocking Chick lipstick! She really loved that one!!


Well-known member
I am afraid of buying back-ups because of the lack of expiration date listed on most make-up items. Even if I don't ever open the tube (of mascara) I still fear the bacteria growth while it is "sitting pretty".


Well-known member
I can't imagine myself every buying a back up of something, only because I know once I'm finished with the lipgloss, eyeshadow, whatever (who knows how long that'll take) by then I'll probably like something else better


Well-known member
sadly i have about 7 feline back ups! 3 of which my sister has stole so i need more. this is my HG item. i love it to death!

Lisa J

Well-known member
I've never done the backup thing either. I contemplated getting a backup of Springtime Skipper, since I just love it, but I didn't and I'm confident that I can make it last. However, I am sadenned that it was the only item from the Barbie collection that I got.

By the way, what does 'HG' mean?


Well-known member
I didn't use to do the back-up thing until I ran out of my all time fav e/s Olive Groove. So I have:

4 b/u of Firespot because I thought I would hate it but fell in love and I can now use it like crazy and play all I want to with it without fear

4 b/u of Sunmetal l/s
3 b/u of Honey Moon l/s
4 b/u of Moonbathe l/g
1 b/u of New Weed f/l

But I do go through lip products fairly quick though. I know I have more but that's just off the top of my head.


Well-known member
I have 1 backup each of Feline and Mystery e.l., Lightening lipglass, and clear mascara (get it on sale, and then I don't have to worry when it's time to throw it out).

HG, from what I understand from the boards, is "Holy Grail," and means an item that you cannot do without.


Well-known member
Okk so i went a little crazy w/ Vivacious l/s from c-shock..I've got 5,and 3 rocking chick l/s..i have enough to last me quite a few


Well-known member
From MAC? I have 3 Casanova lipsticks. It's my perfect reddish color - not too bright, not too dense, just right for my skin and thin lips.

Another vote for Lash Exact, I usually have a couple extra on hand, so when my mascara gets to that magic tipping point...