How many MAC (only) e/s do you have?


Well-known member
okay so i have:

e/s that hasn't been depotted yet=5
pan form e/s=15
MES duo=1
pigment sets=1

so uhh total of about 23 or so.
i have only been collecting MAC since early june of 2008 and my only job is school and babysitting


Well-known member
Individual e/s: 318
Palettes (like holiday ones, I depot my quads): 20
Pigments: 138

Yes..I'm an addict...wanna be an enabler??


Well-known member
122 singles
6 Electroflash duos=12
2 Heatherette trios=6
36 pigments

176 eyeshadows

OMG...I totally didn't know I had that many until I counted. lol! I have problems~ Yay!


Well-known member
90 depotted shadows in my palettes
30 pigments (full, samples and vials)
3 quads (self made barbie, pandemonium, fafi)
All Metal X Cream shadows
MES - 2
Paintpots - 10
Paints - 2


Well-known member
11 single eyeshadows
3 quads
2 trio
2 eye palettes
4 mineralize eyshadows
13 pigments

So far I have a total of 54. I ordered 7 more so that will make it 61.


Active member
only 2 eyeshadows. Im not made of money. I would like to just walk away with the testers at the mac counters used or not! lol.


Well-known member
Over 140, including quads, palettes and singles. Not including pigments, paints, paint pots, shadesticks or Mes. I think that covers it.


Well-known member
Let's see:

3 full palettes, three in an almost empty palette, 7 to be depotted, and six in one of the holiday palettes.

That's 61 total.


Active member
... i wish i had that mutch..i have 4...cause in portugal its very expensive..and its a 2 hour drive to the nearest mac counter.and its a very very small one..and it has few things
i have 5 mac products..5 shadows and a paint pot..


Well-known member
I've got 4 palettes full, about 6-7 mineralized shadows and about 3-4 pots that have to be depotted. I keep telling myself enough is enough dammit but my head never wins