how much do u spend on MAC


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Re: how much do u spend

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Haha..I refrain from shopping there. I never even really go into the store at all, because I will just be tempted and I don't want to waste the artists' time. I really don't have the money to be spending on any makeup right now, and even though i already have a lot of makeup--I would love to throw it all out and start fresh (with GOOD makeup) but it has to wait. I do need to buy good brushes though..which can't wait and I will be purchasing some soon (but not from MAC) lol
i guess my screename fits me perfectly lol

i understand what you mean, but if you are REALLY interested in trying some mac stuff, go and buy only like 1 or 2 items to try. thats what i did. my collection is quite small since i only started last month. I don't have my job anymore because i'm focusing on my studies, so its not like i have an income coming in either. however i try to save up here and there. it adds up in the end, and you'll be surprised how great quality makeup lasts. at first i thought mac was too expensive, but i went to a counter to browse and got alot of great advice. and samples were a plus too. another thing that drew me in was recycling containers and getting free product. =)

and just a tip about brushes: go to your local craft store and investigate their artist brushes =) my best brushes are from my local michaels. and i only spent about 20 $ for them


Well-known member
Probably around $50 a month. It depends though, especially if there are new collections released that month!


Well-known member
50US$ or 36.50€ on average (according to my last 12 months spending, sicko me keeps a cosmetics inventory excel sheet...)
however, I rarely buy color story stuff, only things I consider basics that I have to aquire some time...


Well-known member
it ranges wildly. last month, £40. the month before £120, the month before £150! (i had a bonus and went crazy).
this month... i'm trying to be good!
i know i want the blue storm shadows though, so i prolly wont be that good.


Well-known member least 100. i just made 3 online orders within the past 3 weeks. it's so bad that i have to buy MAC behind my bf and mom's back. lol. they would shoot me if they knew how much i spent on MAC. but i don't care what anyone says. i'm a die-hard fan.


Well-known member
Recently, I made some major hauls spending about $300-400 total...but I am going to scale back and get something every 2 weeks to be about 60.00/month or so...After X-mas I am going to chill on buying new MU! At least I hope!


Well-known member
my MAC shopping has grown since being on here! i've bought quite a lot in the last few months but before that not so much. Think i need to find a happy medium! maybe £40 a month if i can get away with it. less some months, more others!


Active member
I pretty much started buying MAC in May of this year and this summer I just went crazy buying lots of stuff from the permanent line and the new collections. The last stuff I got was when Blue Storm and Smoke Signals came out and I promised my mom the only MAC I would get this fall would be Christmas presents. But this summer I must have spent something like 200-300$ (canadian) a month.


Well-known member
WAY TOO MUCH. I am a pigment addict. I don't really care much for the lipglasses and such. I own 42 pigments (from Rare to Reg...) and 5 mac blushes, 9 fluidliners...a 187 brush...I have only been collecting since MARCH!


Well-known member
oooh my.. im almost embarressed to say this... since the 1 september I used 4000 danish kroner that's about 930$ :-S and now i had to put myself on a leash cause there's still so many shadows i have my eyes on.


New member
I've been using MAC for about 2 years and have about $2500.00 of it in my collection. Most I have bought myself but my fiance'/family pitches in every once in a while.


Well-known member
I visit the MAC counter about 2 times a month to check out new collections, so I don't always buy something. When I do I always end up spending around €60,- euros.


Well-known member
I'm reassured to learn that my MAC spending is not as outrageous as I'd thought; I'm really about "average."
In a typical month, I spend about $50 on MAC.
This total depends heavily on how much the month's collections appeal to me.
If the month's collection(s) feature(s) several pigments and lipsticks that I just love, love, love and buy in multiples, my MAC expenditure can edge toward $100 for the month. I have a set amount that I can spend on everything each month, so if I buy a lot of MAC, I have to cut back in another less essential area, such as food.

But I do as many others seem to; when I know a really great-sounding collection is coming out, I'll budget carefully so that I can have a little extra to spend on MAC.
Fortunately, the only credit card I have is one on which the balance must be paid in full every month, so that forces me to not go completely wild.


Well-known member
I guess it depends on the collection. But what I noticed though is that when a collection is not that interesting, I end up buying things from the regular line! It's like I'm doomed to spend way too much than I really should on MAC!

I spend around $70 - 250 a month.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by addicted2mac least 100. i just made 3 online orders within the past 3 weeks. it's so bad that i have to buy MAC behind my bf and mom's back. lol. they would shoot me if they knew how much i spent on MAC. but i don't care what anyone says. i'm a die-hard fan.

Oh dear, you sound just like me!

When I graduate from college and move back home my parents will flip if they see all the make-up I have.

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