How much do you pay for a hair cut?


Well-known member
$65 Australian Dollars
that includes shampoo, styled/cut, blowdry and straighten!


Well-known member
$14 including tip, but i have to drive two hours into the city to get to the salon. I live in the middle of nowhere, and there are no salons in my town. When i was a kid, I had my hair butchered by a few different ladies who cut hair from their homes, and i just decided the drive was worth it.


New member
bout 25 plus tip... no color or nething so.
when i used to dye my hair it was like 45ish plus tip... with the color and highlights which is still not bad


Well-known member
i cut my hair myself. so. Free. i also have weaved it by myself with foils , its super hard though, so sometimes i have my friend do it, ill buy her lunch or something.


Well-known member
I either pay $7 (w/o tip) or $18 (w/tip). The $7 is at the Gene Juarez Training School and I'm pretty lazy to catch the bus to go up there and the $18 is this small salon a few blocks away from campus and I usually go there and they always cut my hair exactly how I envisioned it.