How often do you wash your hair?


Well-known member
I use to wash it every day when in college then every second day but now I'm washing it every third day because I stopped conditioning it all the time I hope I can train it to go longer
oh and I brush it once in the morning


Well-known member
My hair is a medium length asymetrical bob, which I usually wear curly, so I comb it only before I get into the shower to make sure it doesn't tangle.

My hair is super dry, so I only wash it when it gets oily, which is about every three days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Avozilla
My hair is a medium length asymetrical bob, which I usually wear curly, so I comb it only before I get into the shower to make sure it doesn't tangle.

My hair is super dry, so I only wash it when it gets oily, which is about every three days.

I'm exactly the same (bar the bob
), by the end of the third day mine has got a little bit oily so I'll wash then. My hair is reaaallly dry and coarse, and as soon as it's dry after a wash it'll go super frizzy! So I try and avoid washing it too often.


Well-known member
I wash about once a week. . . my hair is super long (tailbone), super curly, and I have a dry scalp so I don't have to worry about it getting oily (ever) and it takes too long to airdry to wash it anymore often than that during the winter. During the summer I play it by ear.


Well-known member
I wash my hair on Sunday evening, Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon.
Works well with my Uni timetable loool! So that's 3 times a week.