I did not wear foundation till 2 years ago, not because I'm lazy, but because my skin did not need it (it doesn't need concealor, still). I'm not a minimalist person. It takes me a zillion products before I leave out the door-but they usually revolve around my lips (balms, pencils, plumpers, lipsticks, a gloss) and eyes (no cream-it makes eyes look puffy! Prep H gel, cream base, 5 shadows, lash curler, 5 coats mascara-and liner under the lower rim only because doing the whole eye just makes it appear smaller and severe).
When I was young it was always drugstore stuff-even into my early 40's it was primarily drugstore items because I lived in a rural area and would have to take an airplane to buy dept store cosmetics. I was relegated to whatever was in Kahalui Long's basically-and some MAC shadows and lipsticks from Queen K'a 'ahumanu center. Moving to Honolulu meant needing to keep up appearences because of so many international tourists were surrounding the area and we are looks conscious.
The first cosmetics I owned as a teenager were Love Bug Peppermint Pizza Lipgloss which I bought from the back of "American Girl" Magazine from the library without my parents knowledge- I taped a few quarters to a three by five card. I put it on and got beaten by my mom with her shoe. I was like 15. I eventually was allowed to wear lipsmackers by Bonne Bell and Cutex nailpolish. When I was a teenager, my goal in life was to wear Maybelline waterproof liquid liner like my Mom. Silly, yeah? I was allowed to wear lots of makeup in my mid teens when I was modeling. It was usually applied by an adult for a catalogue or a fashion show. I could not wait to wash it off, it felt creepy to me. I only really liked lip gloss because it tasted good, and I liked my mother's enormous cat eyes.....
Makeup was a heavy and unnatural affair in the 70's and eighties. In the 90's and beyond makeup suddenly could not just be for enhancement-it had to do something! It had to have antioxidants or be some sort of treatment. I had a cosmetology degree when I got out of high school and makeup back then was different than it is now....we expect more. More is paid for advertisements and promotion. ..and it has to "do" something. For instance make lashes look like false lashes or plump lips or smoothe skin for x amount of hours. I used to be happy with the "perfect colour" now it has to change my life or something...