I grew up with all girls (my Dad wasn't really involved in my life) .
My mom and Aunt would always do their make-up and I was about 5 years old and they bought me one of those really cute plastic Caboodles make-up case and it was hugee !
They'd give me alot of children friendly make-up that I wore once every blue moon .
But I always wore lipgloss . (I loved yummy flavorings and scents !)
Although if there was a school party she'd put blush,eyeshadow,and lipgloss on me .
Then in 6th grade I wore a really tacky blue eyeshadow EW !
Never will forget that .
Idk why I never noticed people looking at me weird .
Then 7th grade came along and I had the CRAPPIEST blush brush from Clinique it was so prickly so I overdid my cheeks with blush . :/
And about 1 month after 7th grade I started wearing a bit of eyeliner,lipgloss,blush,and a bit of foundation when I broke out .
I am now in 8th grade and wear a full face only because I have terrible skin but as my skin gets better I'm using less and less .
All in all my Mom would've let me wear makeup whenever I wanted .
It's not so much as growing up so fast it's making yourself feel better about yourself and expressing your personality .
But I must say I've really gotten better at makeup (at least I hope so !) my friends actually want me to do their make-up !