Hubby said


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice

^ Two of our children came from Shelley of Bear Creek Russells. LeeLu a Hunt Terrier, and Magnus (who is HOME and is ADORABLE!) a Russell Terrier. :thumbsup:

(not what you're asking for, but they are the BEST dogs ever so I have to at least get you to look at them.

Yeah! I TOTALLY agree. I have a Jack Russell/Chihuahua and he is incredible! The only thing is that he's very hyper (even though he's coming up on his third birthday), so it helps that I'm just as hyper as he is! He's basically my son (and the one in my icon) and he sleeps with me every night.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
Yeah! I TOTALLY agree. I have a Jack Russell/Chihuahua and he is incredible! The only thing is that he's very hyper (even though he's coming up on his third birthday), so it helps that I'm just as hyper as he is! He's basically my son (and the one in my icon) and he sleeps with me every night.

I already have one really hyper doggie, I can't have'd be too much for me to deal with.


Well-known member
Unlike the Parson Jack Russell Terrier the Russell Terrier isn't as hyper, they are more laid back... and of course those adorable stubby little legs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I already have one really hyper doggie, I can't have'd be too much for me to deal with.

Pug. You need a Pug. In my experience (best friend does Pug Rescue and has, like, 7 on her farm) they're cute and tonnes of personality - but also just want to hang out on the couch and watch tv. They don't really bark - they just do passive resistance when they don't like something.


Well-known member
do they shed?
do they get very big?
are they good with kids?
are they prone to health problems?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
do they shed?
do they get very big?
are they good with kids?
are they prone to health problems?

Yes, they shed, not very many dogs dont shed
examples of dogs that dont shed are; poodles, malteeses, yorkies, Pulies, komondors, Portuguese
Water Dog, Havanese, and I believe that Nova Scotia Duck
Tolling Retrievers dont shed...
no pugs dont get very big they are a toy dog but they are sturdy they have a tendacy to get fat though but they dont break easily like most toy dogs
They are GREAT with kids pugs are very outgoing and friendly
Yes they have health problems, mostly respritory problems, being that they are a squished faced dog but I dont think they they have any MAJOR problems but they are becomming more and more popular which always spells disaster with any breed...

What are you looking for in a dog? I pretty much know anything about most dogs there is to know, im a freak and its one of the things that I like to read about... gimme a list of requirements and ill give you a list of dogs lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
do they shed?
do they get very big?
are they good with kids?
are they prone to health problems?

Yep, they shed but they're short hairs.
They're about 2x the size of a jack russell, so not very big.
Great with kids. Tonnes of personality but not hyper.
Not any health problems I would necessarily say are particular to the breed but they sometimes snore/snort --and you have to remember to walk them and get them exercise as they certainly won't remind you!!
Once they're out though they'll go with it.
Of the small pack of them, my friend only has real obedience problems with one but she's another rescue.
And yes, they're becoming very popular (hence why my friend rescues them) so be sure to go through a reputable breeder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
Yes, they shed, not very many dogs dont shed
examples of dogs that dont shed are; poodles, malteeses, yorkies, Pulies, komondors, Portuguese
Water Dog, Havanese, and I believe that Nova Scotia Duck
Tolling Retrievers dont shed...
no pugs dont get very big they are a toy dog but they are sturdy they have a tendacy to get fat though but they dont break easily like most toy dogs
They are GREAT with kids pugs are very outgoing and friendly
Yes they have health problems, mostly respritory problems, being that they are a squished faced dog but I dont think they they have any MAJOR problems but they are becomming more and more popular which always spells disaster with any breed...

What are you looking for in a dog? I pretty much know anything about most dogs there is to know, im a freak and its one of the things that I like to read about... gimme a list of requirements and ill give you a list of dogs lol

I've wanted a Puli or a Komondor (very smart dogs...they take care of the flock all by themselves)...The only thing w/ Puli's is that you must constantly take care of their coats to get them in "Puli" shape!!! But they're adorable dogs!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
I've wanted a Puli or a Komondor (very smart dogs...they take care of the flock all by themselves)...The only thing w/ Puli's is that you must constantly take care of their coats to get them in "Puli" shape!!! But they're adorable dogs!!!!!!!

same thing with Komondors... also they arent too good with kids... Puli's are very "nippy" they, like Corgis were bread to nip at the heels of the cattle and such, and without a proper outlet for their inteligence and energy they can be very distructive... I wanted a Komondor sooo bad lol but then I realized just how difficult the upkeep would be lol... afterall having a komondor or a Puli you want it to look like the breed that they are so you gotta keep up with the coat lol


Well-known member
I HAVE 2 YORKIES 1 MALE,hes 6 lbs and 1 FEMALE OF COURSE shes 4lbs!...(mothers day presents from hubby from reputable AKC breeder)


Sorry for the caps but yes yorkies dont shed but the grooming can be costly i know first hand...LOL !

I honestly think its how u raise ur baby/ies(dogs that is,or any pet for that matter) because i have had my yorkies since b4 i was pregnant ,al though they do tend to have jealousy issues all i was told to do was (since they dont shed!) was alternate in laying them on my belly and thats how they start to bond with the unborn baby .....It worked for me.

so if u do choose a yorkie ,maltese or a small dog just make sure u think about them and how they deal with things because they are every sensitive and like to always be with their owner where ever they go so if u dont have the time for them think about that too.


Active member
Our 2 year old Yorkie is her daddie's heart. When we went to pick her up he didn't even know what a yorkie was if that tells you anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
Yes, they shed, not very many dogs dont shed
examples of dogs that dont shed are; poodles, malteeses, yorkies, Pulies, komondors, Portuguese
Water Dog, Havanese, and I believe that Nova Scotia Duck
Tolling Retrievers dont shed...
no pugs dont get very big they are a toy dog but they are sturdy they have a tendacy to get fat though but they dont break easily like most toy dogs
They are GREAT with kids pugs are very outgoing and friendly
Yes they have health problems, mostly respritory problems, being that they are a squished faced dog but I dont think they they have any MAJOR problems but they are becomming more and more popular which always spells disaster with any breed...

What are you looking for in a dog? I pretty much know anything about most dogs there is to know, im a freak and its one of the things that I like to read about... gimme a list of requirements and ill give you a list of dogs lol
smiles.gif bigger than my husband's shnauzer.
A bit of shedding is okay,but if yorkies and malteses don't shed that's a HUGE plus in their corner.
I have four kids and I keep another one, the one I keep will be two in October and mine are aged four, six, ten, and thirteen...
I've got a Lewellen Setter that is a large medium size dog and she's EXTREMELY intelligent, and likes playmates, so won't hurt little doggy, but does like to play frisbee and ball and go running and stuff.
I don't mind grooming or having one groomed, especially since summer in Texas = getting a shorter haircut.

BIG nonos are:
nippy, even if it's bred into the dog, since I've got the kiddos, I can't have anyone being nipped.
extremely hyper (one extremely hyper animal is enough...Sparky's about all I can handle...)
nervous breeds (which is why a Chihuahua is a no go at this station soldier...)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
same thing with Komondors... also they arent too good with kids... Puli's are very "nippy" they, like Corgis were bread to nip at the heels of the cattle and such, and without a proper outlet for their inteligence and energy they can be very distructive... I wanted a Komondor sooo bad lol but then I realized just how difficult the upkeep would be lol... afterall having a komondor or a Puli you want it to look like the breed that they are so you gotta keep up with the coat lol

I can identify with mom's cocker looks like a damned wookie if we don't clip her regularly.


Well-known member
i so admire your knowledge of dog breeds!!! i LOVE people who are as into dogs as i am

Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
same thing with Komondors... also they arent too good with kids... Puli's are very "nippy" they, like Corgis were bred to nip at the heels of the cattle and such, and without a proper outlet for their inteligence and energy they can be very distructive... I wanted a Komondor sooo bad lol but then I realized just how difficult the upkeep would be lol... afterall having a komondor or a Puli you want it to look like the breed that they are so you gotta keep up with the coat lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer bigger than my husband's shnauzer.
A bit of shedding is okay,but if yorkies and malteses don't shed that's a HUGE plus in their corner.
I have four kids and I keep another one, the one I keep will be two in October and mine are aged four, six, ten, and thirteen...
I've got a Lewellen Setter that is a large medium size dog and she's EXTREMELY intelligent, and likes playmates, so won't hurt little doggy, but does like to play frisbee and ball and go running and stuff.
I don't mind grooming or having one groomed, especially since summer in Texas = getting a shorter haircut.

BIG nonos are:
nippy, even if it's bred into the dog, since I've got the kiddos, I can't have anyone being nipped.
extremely hyper (one extremely hyper animal is enough...Sparky's about all I can handle...)
nervous breeds (which is why a Chihuahua is a no go at this station soldier...)

Well the big reason that Id want to steer you away from a yorkie or a maltese is that they are really very fragle dogs, yorkies are a bit sturdier, espcially if you find someone thats selling friggin yorkies the size that they are supposed to be I think the ideal weight for a yorkie is like 7lbs not 4
Yorkies are a bit hyper but they are really sweet dogs, while they dont shed they do require alot of upkeep on their hair, its like human hair... A really good breed that ALOT of people overlook because they seem so "frou frou" are Poodles, they are EXTREMELY smart, loveable, extremely trainable, and social dogs. They are that hyper, they dont shed and they are VERY sturdy, again not the tiny little things that people have been making, a regular Minature, not toy poodle weighs about 13lbs and they dont break easily... but like Yorkies their coat requires a decent amount of care... most of the non shedders do (go figure) Another good choice would mabye be a Havanese they were bread to be family companions, they are small they dont shed and they are very sturdy. And the Silky Terrier I think dosnt shed... The look almost identical to a yorkie, they are a bit bigger and their hair dosnt gorw out as much as a yorkie so just look into some of those breeds, some may be harder to find and some will be ALOT more expensive due to poularity...

anywho hope that helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
i so admire your knowledge of dog breeds!!! i LOVE people who are as into dogs as i am

Im a freak. Ever since ive been a little kid Ive had this love of dogs. Ive been wathing Crufts and Ekanuba forever, When I was searching for a dog I went though ALOT of diffrent breeds. I just wish I lived in an area that was more up to the times with dog knowledge. I mean most stores arround here dont even carry REALLY good dog food so I have to order food online and have it deliverd (dont get me started on whats in most commercial dog foods) But I guess its better I live in the land of back yard breeders than in the midwest where all the puppy mills are because id be in jail for hurting someone lol. I cant stand all the people out there promoting all the "designer" breeds, they just want to make a profit and its sad. They promise that the labradoodle they sold you wont shed and is hypoallergenic because after all it is part poodle. Yeah and its part Lab too which is a REDICILOUS shedder. And then people have to give the dog away because it chewed the bumper off their car or their kid is allergic after all. That or the "breed" just isnt popular anymore so they have to go get the new designer status symbol (I hate paris Hilton for that reason) I could go on and on and on lol


Well-known member
I really don't like poodles.
I'm not as concerned that one of the kids will hurt the we've pretty much got the dogs and kids seperated...but I am concerned that a dog might bite one of the kids for whatever reason...
I do intend to see what is available at a shelter...once I get the go ahead...I'm waiting (still) on word from my brother. :/


(I hope that works) is PRECIOUS!!! Her name is Holly and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrgh I'd go get her right now if I could *sniffles*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
Im a freak. Ever since ive been a little kid Ive had this love of dogs. Ive been wathing Crufts and Ekanuba forever, When I was searching for a dog I went though ALOT of diffrent breeds. I just wish I lived in an area that was more up to the times with dog knowledge. I mean most stores arround here dont even carry REALLY good dog food so I have to order food online and have it deliverd (dont get me started on whats in most commercial dog foods) But I guess its better I live in the land of back yard breeders than in the midwest where all the puppy mills are because id be in jail for hurting someone lol. I cant stand all the people out there promoting all the "designer" breeds, they just want to make a profit and its sad. They promise that the labradoodle they sold you wont shed and is hypoallergenic because after all it is part poodle. Yeah and its part Lab too which is a REDICILOUS shedder. And then people have to give the dog away because it chewed the bumper off their car or their kid is allergic after all. That or the "breed" just isnt popular anymore so they have to go get the new designer status symbol (I hate paris Hilton for that reason) I could go on and on and on lol

Puppy mill owners make me want to stab maim and kill. The conditions those animals are in...Good God.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I really don't like poodles.
I'm not as concerned that one of the kids will hurt the we've pretty much got the dogs and kids seperated...but I am concerned that a dog might bite one of the kids for whatever reason...
I do intend to see what is available at a shelter...once I get the go ahead...I'm waiting (still) on word from my brother. :/


(I hope that works) is PRECIOUS!!! Her name is Holly and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrgh I'd go get her right now if I could *sniffles*

aww shes adorable! If your really worried about the kids then just make sure you bring them with you when you meet a dog, espcially a shelter dog, you can never be 100% pos about what they have been though in their past. Oh and I am 100% for adopting a pet. But with kids you have to be safe rather than sorry. Oh and if you are set on a certain breed then dont forget there are TONS of breed specific rescues out there just search for them on the net!

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