I am struggling with something...


Well-known member
I totally understand you and I congratulate you! Its not easy to make a decision like that specially us that love makeup and MAC but your health is more important. I need to take more care of myself also and really you are a great inspiration!

And yeah you could buy 2 or 3 things from LE collections so you don't totally miss out and you'll be picking the things you REALLY like! So I think its a win win situation =) I hope everything goes well!


Well-known member
Hi Audrey,

maybe you can start your day by thinking "I'm beautiful even without makeup" (think about it while u r in the bathroom in front of the mirror
) & finish your day by thinking "My husband & kids love me for who I am even without makeup" (think about it while u lay down on your bed
). if you can think these every day, it will help you to skip a lot of MAC collections.
Also, you can start look at another makeup brands. there are many brands are as good as MAC or better. Go to makeup show, etc. once you learn about these brands, trust me you won't worry if you miss 1 or 2 MAC products.
i used to be a MAC victim but once i learned there are many good brands include MAC, i become a victim of a lot of brands...
MAC have a very good marketing. they sell LE all the time.. then they make it out of stock right away, so people will freak out & buy it. the question is how strong are we to say "No, i don't want to buy it"?
I don't know about you but i have plans for my makeup in the future. will i wear full makeup when i'm 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, etc? (i'm 35).. if yes what colors, textures? if only some parts of my face, which one, lipsticks, eye shadows? once i know what i plan, i focus on it.
I agree with the rest, you can buy makeup as a reward.
As for your weight programs, just think positively in everything for everything.
I was born as a 7 months premature baby with disability. since i was in 5th grade till today i'm only 95 lbs, i want to be 100 lbs but whatever i eat, it will cause problems to my face (acne) & stomach. trust me, it's not easy to find clothes size 1 all the time unless i go to children size. makeup is my medicine, addiction & best friend. we all have our own issues & have to be strong to deal with it. and i know you can do it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I do think it is possible to enjoy and participate in the colour collection threads without feeling like you have to "get it all". But for many, those threads can be overly enabling and I respect that for some it's best to stay away. I've learned to navigate those threads without feeling pressure and just enjoying the interaction between our members. I feel like I can be part of the convo even if I don't buy anything from a particular collection. I didn't even buy Ripe Peach blush ombre, which has been quite the hot ticket of late.

For me personally, I spend way less when I stay away from those threads or go there seldomly. Lots of times lemmings are created when people rave about stuff, and it becomes more easier to spend money on items you haven't paid attention to before. I don't know how many times I read people say they're getting something because someone else liked it and that it wasn't even on their to buy list before.
I also enjoy the interaction between members which is what really makes me go there even when I am not interested in a collection. Then I end up buying at least one item from a collection even when I planned I wouldn't get anything. I am not saying it's impossible to buy nothing when visiting a collection thread. Ive done that lots of times. Still, sometimes it's best to stay away when your trying to save money. At least for me.

I didn't buy Ripe Peach either as I didn't like the texture of the blush ombres in person so I guess I am not so easy to pursuade either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I am struggling with something and would like opinions on it. It may seem so simple, but it's hard for me. I have recently decided that I want to take better care of myself. I have joined Weight Watchers, and have started taking steps to lose weight and lead a more active lifestyle. Since starting with WW, I am finding myself wanting tools to make weightloss easier, like a new ipod, and a new bicycle, etc. Since we all know money doesn't grow on trees, I *think* I am willing to sacrafice some of my makeup collection in order to be able to afford the other things that I want. I have bought alot from recent collections, that I really like, but could definately live without. But I am really struggling with parting with it. I *know* that the other things that I want to buy will benefit me. I *know* I will still have more than enough makeup to last me a lifetime if I sell some off. But it is so hard for me. DH told me that I don't have to sell anything, but I feel like I need to because they are things that *I* want. I know we are all MAC addicts here, and I know you all can understand where I am coming from. I go back and forth... "what if I miss it?" And then I go back to "what good is it sitting in a drawer, used once a month?" I guess I just need the nudge from others who have the same addiction....

I know exactly where you're coming from! The best way I found to curb the lemmings is to dig through the drawers and "shop" my own stash. Then I would use those to create different looks and combos to match as close as what was recently released. Layer colors or mix and match them to create a similar color. MAC always releases colors so chances are they'll come back sooner or later.

Another thing is to make a list of what you want then put it away for a week. If you find yourself still really thinking/obsessing over it, then go to the store and check it out. If you forget about it, then it's not that strong of a lemming after all =)


Well-known member
i understand how hard of a struggle it is. i remember i was looking so forward to the GMLOL collection and when i actually saved up money and went, i was like "goodness, i dont really NEED this, it'd be nice to HAVE but its not a necessity" and i ended up buying my first MSF and my first blush from MAC instead and boy was i happy :]

i am new to MAC and i see tons of crazy collections out there that i drool onto my keyboard just looking at them and dreamed of when my collection would be drool-worthy as well. but i think i'm happy just having the basics and i'm glad that i realized this early on when building my makeup collection because i honestly would not know what to with so much stuff. i dont need 10 pink blushes, 20 lip glasses that are all 1/2 a shade apart. maybe you should make a little 'chant' that you can repeat to yourself every time your hands are itching to buy new makeup.

i always tell myself that 'it's not the end of the world and there are better things that will come out in the future'

remember that if you have less of something, you will treasure it that much more. plus your health is so much more important and that 'rush' you get from exercising might be able to substitute the 'rush' you get when you buy MAC hopefully?


Well-known member
I've reached a point, I have been buying too much junk. Too much makeup, too much junk food. Etc.

The makeup I went cold turkey on but I am going to need to buy some eventually (foundation, and false lashes etc). My project this weekend (4 day weekend) is going to be to clean up my house, and spend a good 3-4 hours reorganizing and going through my makeup and make a plan to start using it more.

The Irony is the more I use the stuff I have the less I feel that I 'need' more. I bought myself the collectors edition MUFE aqua eyes set so I have all the liner colours a girl could want but I still really want the pearl glides that are out with art supplies right now. I have some decisions to make so far this year I've avoided making makeup decisions by just not buying anything.

I've reached the point where I don't need to buy as much anymore. Like Darae is saying I need to get my rush elsewhere.

I think the rush I get when I USE the makeup is good. I enjoy neutral looks and bold looks. I like playing up my eyes, and having fun with it still. I just have to be responsible in a lot of areas of my life. And not use the rush of shopping or the way a bag of potato chips makes me feel temporarily good to deal with stuff.