Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
i understand you may not think it's a big deal, but she can only return it to nordstroms and yes, we do have an amazing return policy, we (nordstroms) ends up losing alot of money. she already got her money back from ebay, so why try to get EXTRA money from nordstroms when the person who sold it to her may not have even gotten it from nordstroms?
Who says she can only return it to Nordstroms? Who said she is taking it back to Nordstroms (did I miss that in an earlier post?). Excluding the specifics of this situation, if someone has a product and it's the box, without the reciept, they can return it to a store or counter. It has nothing to do with Nordstroms and their return policy.
Additionally, theoretically, how is this any different from a friend giving you a gloss, that you didn't like, and so you returned it for an exchange? Also, if someone is asking for a product exchange rather than a full refund, I don't see the problem. It's less money out of the [multi-billion dollar] company's pocket to garner an exchange than a refund as the cost to make the lipgloss is far less that the retail value of the lipgloss. And as previously stated, returned products are a company tax right-off.
And, I totally disagree with the advice about purchasing products. The SA's job is to sell product, and aid the customer, how are you wasting their time if you buy something, then return it if you aren't pleased? What else exactly are they supposed to be doing? I am not trying to offend any MA/SA's, but if a customer is legitmately returning something, has the correct reciept and/or packaging, and isn't being rude, how is the said individual wasting your time? Is it because you are supposed to be meeting your sales goal and you can't do that is Customer A is only returning or exchanging and not buying something? So then a customer only gets good customer service when you are trying to sell them something? If I'm just coming it to browse, I don't get service because that would be a waste of the employee's time?
Additionally, sometimes you take something home and a product doesn't work the way you thought it would, or look the same in the light. There are many factors that go into returns.
I know many a SA/MA who couldn't care less about a return, because guess what, it's retail and it happens. They also know the how often I frequent their counter and how much product I buy monthly. My consumption far exceeds my return product percentage. It's really of no consiquence.