I cant believe this....

Chic 2k6

Well-known member

there's no words for me say about that :holysheep:

ETA: got this link from the Lush forum


Well-known member
this is wrong on sooo many levels. i can't understand how something like this can happen.. :confused:


So disturbing. My sister turns 12 in about 3 years. It makes me so scared that she'll be going to middle school and such. I'll go insane if I found out she was having sex.


Well-known member
I just cannot imagine how this could happen in a well controlled classroom so I'd say the teacher didn't have control. Surely the teacher noticed that pupils were missing from view and that there was suspicious activity? If not, the teacher needs to find a new job.

An equally disturbing (sickening in fact) story appeared in the news here in the UK recently - Shock at women goading toddlers.

What is the world coming to?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i cant believe that woman goading the kiddies :| she should be jailed for ages, thats child cruelty


Well-known member
Wow...I'm from Indianapolis (actually a suburb outside of Indy), and Warren is a decent township school system. My husband graduated from Warren Central High School. This hasn't been reported in the local papers at all, and what astonishes me is that someone from the UK found out about this before *I* did!! Un-freaking-believable. Seriously.


Active member
I can't believe that!

At my old high school, the busted a couple for having sex in the cafeteria while lunch was in progress.


Well-known member
I wouldn't put it past the kids and its really quite easy. The over crowding in the school systems these days are unbelievable. He probably thought it was just some kids showing something (in a shop class) or he was probably helping another student etc.

I mean *shrugs*


Well-known member
I've seen news reports recently about this (they had a PTA meeting that the press attended on Monday). It wasn't like the industrial tech rooms that I was thinking of...you know, the kind with the machines and whatnot. It was a bunch of computer stations clustered around some sort of partition. It's really hard to describe. At any rate, the room is L-shaped so it's difficult for the teacher when s/he is in one part of the room to see what is going on behind the partitions. Both students were expelled from school, and the the superintendent is looking to purchase computer desks that will allow the teacher to see the students from any part of the room that s/he is in (duh).


Well-known member
that is insane!!!! In sixth grade..there weren't any thoughts of sex...hell, kissing was the best thing ever!! I'm officially disturbed by this mess!
t: I clicked on one of the other stories about the father stabbing his 11 month old son.....People are just F**ing sick!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lightnlovly
that is insane!!!! In sixth grade..there weren't any thoughts of sex...hell, kissing was the best thing ever!! I'm officially disturbed by this mess!

I dunno... I remember seeing some pretty serious makeout sessions in 6th grade... Typically it was between the girls and boys who were a lot more developed than the rest of us. It's not too far fetched to think that things can move a little farther. I know it didn't take long for me to move from kissing to touching to oral, etc. Granted in a classroom was pretty risky, I'm all for PDA, but not that much =p But you hear about adults hooking up in airplanes in their seats on a crowded plane. So not everyone has inhibitions about having sex around other people, it turns some people on.

The other thing you have to take into consideration is that with all the hormones and the rise of obesity in children, kids are developing now a LOT faster than they were when many of us were growing up. So it's only natural to think that kids sexual urges are going to kick in a lot sooner. So if you think about the kids I described above, you know the ones making out and having heavy petting sessions in 6th grade (or earlier), there are MORE of them now. So it's only reasonable to think that if more kids are messing around with each other, the chance someone hooks up, is going to be higher.

Another problem is, the people in this country are bring ignorant to that fact that kids develop faster, and parents are still not talking about sex, and were not teaching sex ed earlier. I didn't get sex education until 10th Grade in HighSchool. I was 16 by then, and they were teaching me about my period. Gee thanks, I'm glad I found about that after I've been getting it for several years. And OMG, thats what a penis looks like?!?! I had no idea :sarcasm:

Lets take it a step farther and add in popular culture. Media, movies, music. This stuff here, this is your 6th graders Sex Education. Snoop Dogg rapping about how, "Your pussy is so wet" and how he's gonna "put his dick on you" is teaching your daughters about sex. PittBull rapping , "Bend over girl, show me what your working with" is teaching your daughter how she should act around her male friends in school. 50 cent rapping about how he has sex, and doesn't make love, he's teaching your sons how to value women.

Add in the, "hook up" culture, where women now feel the freedom to have sex w/out being called a "whore or a slut" (personally I think this is a good thing), and it's not surprising that boys and girls are having sex earlier. Your telling me you, or your friends were never pressured in your early teens to have sex with your boyfriends, or to do oral or whatever? How many of you didn't do it, not because you didn't want to, but because you didn't want to be thought of as a slut? Guilt and shame are powerful motivators NOT to do something. Lots of girls growing up dont feel that anymore. I dont personally think it's a bad thing, just something society needs to acknowledge.