The butterflies and infatuation don't last forever, despite how good of a match two people are. Infatuation generally wears off in about 2 years - and what remains after that, if anything, is love. Love is not about feelings - it's not about feeling on top of the moon everytime you see that person, love is about acceptance and compromise. You see the other person, you see that person's flaws, but you still love that person despite of them, because those flaws are part of that person too. Love is more about that acceptance and compromise than it is about those lovey-dovey feelings - there still are times that are more passionate, but they don't cloud everything else like infatuation does.
I think this is what you are going through with your boyfriend. You are transitioning from infatuation into something else, and it requires some adjustment, and there is normal to have questions wether there are still feelings there or not. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and there have been times in which I question myself if I'm with him out of habit, or if it's something else there. But after a couple of weeks, I'm always shown that there's something there besides habit.
Now, you may not like what I'm about to say next, but I'm going to say it anyway. In my opinion, you are already cheating on your boyfriend. Not on a physical level, but on an emotional level. You are devoting your energy and your time to someone else other than him, to someone else who you have feelings for. Meeting up with him at your house and refraining from making anything happen is already betraying your bf, you are meeting with a man you care about. I too think you should work on your relationship. Take a break from that guy, and work your relationship with your bf, try to see eachother more often, try to do different things together, go on dates, fall in love with eachother all over again. If it doesn't happen, then cut him loose and try your luck with the other guy. But whatever you do, don't keep this situation for longer, don't make your bf think he's the only guy on your mind when he clearly isn't. I've been in his shoes, and when my bf came clean to me, after a couple of months, I just felt betrayed, and lied to... I would have prefered if he had been man enough to tell me the truth from the start, instead of lying to me for months. Don't put your bf in that situation, it's a pretty fucked up position to be in.