wax no no
a while back in church a girl i knew got her eyebrows waxed...
before church.
the lady had no idea what she was doing and was pulling the strip in the wrong direction...and would re-apply wax over and over. she finnally figured it out and started apply wax and pulling the strip the correct way... needless to say she had redone the spot several times. not only was this girls face raw by the time this woman was done but it looked like she had been in a horrible fight.
so right in the midddle of the sermon she starts bleeding... and I mean Bleeding!
poor thing
turns out no only did the brow lady not have a licence, she was filling in for a friend who was running late at the shop.. "but had seen waxing done millions of times before"
and no... the girl didnt even flip out or anything.
just sucked it in.
but my moral of the story is waxing is not bad... personally i love it and feel that it gets easier as you continue
but please... PLEASE.
make sure your getting it done by a license professional and speak up when you feel something is wrong!
its a year later and she still has 2 tiny lil scars.
muahz. amy*