i have a virus on my computer


Well-known member
i have a virus on my computer. i don't have anti-virus software install so that is why i have this virus. how can i get rid of this virus? i have a virus called "worm.win32.netsky". i also have adwares and trojans on my computer.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Depending on how bad things are, you might have to reformat and start over.

My best suggestion is to google the virus name and see what others have done


Well-known member
F-Secure or AntiVirus.

Definately get good anti-virus programs and a good firewall like Kerio, even when you start over. When I bouhgt my last computer I read in an article that a new computer without these programs installed is virus infected after 20 minutes in the internet.


Well-known member
As you currently do not have any virus protection on your computer my advice is to reformat. What you are going to want to do is back up all of your old files onto a separate drive. External disks are relatively cheap these days. Then follow the instructions that should have come with your computer in regards to reformatting. Don't forget to export your bookmarks from whatever browser you are currently using. It will come out as a text file but can be imported after reformat. Once you have reformatted get AVG antivirus. It's free and it works, in my opinion, better than Norton or Mcaffee. Link AVG Free Advisor - Free antivirus and anti-spyware downloads Next you want to get Firefox instead of explorer for your web browser. I find it to be safer and more secure. Link Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable There are several security add ons that you can choose. I uses 'no script' and manually allow sites that I like. Next get Adaware from LAVASOFT do NOT fall for any product that calls iteself adaware unless the url is lavasoft. Link Ad-Aware @ Lavasoft - The Original Anti-Spyware Company - Lavasoft Run it weekly to be sure you don't have any crap that Firefox didn't catch lurking in the bowels of your computer. Be careful what you allow it to delete though because sometimes Windows updates look suspicious to it. When in doubt don't delete. Next get Spybot. Link The home of Spybot-S&D! Same thing as Ad aware but it can find some things that Ad Aware doesn't. Once again run it manually once a week. You probably got those viruses etc from file sharing (*coughdownloadingporncough*) when you do that you open your computer up to anything any pimply faced geek can come up with so be sure to scan any file you download before you open it. If you visit Myspace often be aware that all the little script kiddies have pages there too and they just LOOOOOVE infecting computers with whatever crap they can dream up. Lastly, and this is very important, I want you to take out a notebook and write 'I will not use a computer without virus protection' 100 times with a number 2 pencil. Seriously now... what WERE you thinking? By the way here's a description of your virus. You need to get cracking on getting rid of it. Discovered: April 27, 2005 Updated: February 13, 2007 12:38:04 PM Also Known As: Win32.Mytob.DG [Computer Assoc, Win32.Netsky.AH [Computer Asso, Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom.am [Ka, W32/Netsky.b@MM [McAfee], W32/Mytob-CI [Sophos], W32/Netsky-B [Sophos], WORM_MYTOB.EK [Trend Micro], WORM_NETSKY.B [Trend Micro] Type: Worm Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP W32.Netsky.AI@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to email addresses it gathers from certain files on the compromised computer, and copies itself to mapped network drives. The worm also downloads a copy of Backdoor.Nemog.D. Protection * Initial Rapid Release version April 28, 2005 * Latest Rapid Release version April 28, 2005 * Initial Daily Certified version April 28, 2005 * Latest Daily Certified version April 28, 2005 * Initial Weekly Certified release date May 4, 2005 Click here for a more detailed description of Rapid Release and Daily Certified virus definitions. Threat Assessment Wild * Wild Level: Low * Number of Infections: 0 - 49 * Number of Sites: 0 - 2 * Geographical Distribution: Low * Threat Containment: Easy * Removal: Moderate Damage * Damage Level: Medium Distribution * Distribution Level: High Writeup By: Yana Liu The Trunkmonkey Technical Support Edition Now available exclusively at Specktra.net


Well-known member
its been years since i have the computer so i don't know if there were any instructions on how to reformat. does anyone have a dell dimension that can tell me how to reformat?

this whole computer getting a virus thing isn't my fault. its my older brother. he has epilepsy so when it kicks in, he does things that is not to his knowledge.


Well-known member
Ummm. You need to be really really sure you've got all your programs, files, and pictures saved before you do that...


Well-known member
yes i did that. i have all of my files stored on a flash drive.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Ummm. You need to be really really sure you've got all your programs, files, and pictures saved before you do that...


Well-known member
thanks so much. it will take me some time to reformat but once reformatting is done, i'm going to head to the store to purchase the anti-virus software and re-download Lavasoft Ad-aware program and Mozilla.


Well-known member

How do I reformat if I have a Dell Dimension desktop?


Well-known member
Ever considered switching OS's and trying a Linux OS? I used ot be a Windows user and I hated it so I started using Kubuntu with is very user firendly especially if you're used to Windows and all my problems disappeared. No virus threats, no Blue screen of death and all that jazz. It's free and all the software is free because it's all shared and Open Source. I recommend it to everyone.


Well-known member
Whoops never mind. You don't have to buy anti virus software AVG is really good and it's free Almost forgot. Since your brother was the one that got your computer set him up a user account in the control panel but do not give him administrative rights. This will help keep him from downloading anything that will cause a repeat performance. I generally rip and rebuild all of my machines once a year just to clean up all of the junk on them. It's a bit of a pain but the last computer I had lasted 5 years for me and is still running like a champ. Good luck.


Well-known member
thanks to all who answer. i am doing a virus scan on the computer right now and so far so good. no pop-ups telling me to download spyware, no messages saying that i have that "worm.win32.netsky" virus and no message telling me that someone is trying to hack into my computer. so is this a good sign that my computer is now virus free?


Well-known member
what is a good place to get free AVG. right now, i am using the trial version. i need a legit site. not some bogus site that will install viruses and spywares into my computer. i don't want to deal with that drama again.

Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
Whoops never mind. You don't have to buy anti virus software AVG is really good and it's free Almost forgot. Since your brother was the one that got your computer set him up a user account in the control panel but do not give him administrative rights. This will help keep him from downloading anything that will cause a repeat performance. I generally rip and rebuild all of my machines once a year just to clean up all of the junk on them. It's a bit of a pain but the last computer I had lasted 5 years for me and is still running like a champ. Good luck.