I just don't know what to say to this...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
F gamers. Worst boyfriends ever =p Rather spend time with their computer or Wii than their girlfriends.

:looks at boyfriend playing multiplayer computer games with his friends::

Tell me about it!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
When I read that list, the first thing that came to mind was, "Wow, someone got burned by American woman."

It's really, really ridiculous. This man clearly has never dealt with non-US women or men of any nationality. I know so many people quite a few of those items apply to.

Perhaps it's too quick to judge, but from the tone of the writing, I'd say several of those items apply to him.

I just want to add something: there are some really, really hot nerds who enjoy gaming but don't make it their entire lives and there are some non-nerdy guys who make some other hobby (cars, sports, movies, etc.) their entire lives.

But I have a slight bias. I'm a girl gamer, but i haven't had the time or money for a while


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I just want to add something: there are some really, really hot nerds who enjoy gaming but don't make it their entire lives and there are some non-nerdy guys who make some other hobby (cars, sports, movies, etc.) their entire lives.

You can own a Wii or a PS2, or a PC and not be a "gamer." I define gamers as guys who would rather stay in on friday/sat nights and play games. Or who the first thing they do on a consistant basis when they get home from work is turn on their consul system. If you have to make concessions in your relationship to make time for his "gaming" then he's a gamer.

I could care less if a guy plays games. But he better be the type that knows how to pause, or log off from the system when it's US time. I didn't start a relationship to be involved with the cat alone on the couch every night, because he's always in the other room playing games (escept for when he wants sex).

I can understand stuff like poker night, or Wii night or whatever. Thats totally fine and I think it's important he has time for himself, andhis friends w/out me. But those things needs to be the minority of nights in the month. Not the majority.

I HATE the escuse, well you just wanna watch TV anyways! Whats the difference between me playing games or watching TV, it's not like I'm doing anything productive. It's like hello, I can snuggle and be with you when we watch TV. We can chat, and talk, and who knows what will happen
. But when he's plugged into a game, it's like 200% of his attention goes to playing the game, and I dont exist anymore.

You ever tried to call your boyfriend when he's playing games? You get like 1 word responses, and cave-man grunts, because he can't even give you enough of his attention to talk to you, and play a video game at the same time.


Well-known member
I live near an army airbase here in germany and sometimes, when I go out, there's also a couple of GI's in the clubs/bars/etc. I have never dated one of them but when I went to the restroom one night, there were two german girls talking about how german men suck cause they dont know how to treat a woman... how they're dumb and unkind... you know, that kind of talk.

A few weeks ago, I saw a TV show about a man who "orders" girls from foreign countries (asia) because he says german women are spoiled, lazy etc. and asian women are the only "real" women left in the world.

I am originaly from east europe, but now I live in Germay. When I go back to east europe, lots of girls from the village I'm from tell me that I am very lucky cause one day, I wil be able to get a good german man to take care of me, and wont have to deal with east european men.

What I wanted to say with this, is that in every culture theres ppl with brainfarts saying that ppl of this or that race are bad partners and suck as a wife/husband...

sure, these stereotypes are fitting to some ppl, but the majority is not bitchy 24/7, neither lazy nor selfish, but kind, loving etc.

Idiots come in all sizes and colors. So do nice people. No reason to condemn the whole culture and/or gender


Well-known member
I just noticed that the poster calls himself Vlad Tepes, who is aka Vlad III /Vlad the Impaler/Vlad Dracula or better known as Count Dracula. Damn, he is getting cooler by the minute! Hot stuff. Rawwwr!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
:looks at boyfriend playing multiplayer computer games with his friends::

Tell me about it!!

if you can't beat him, join him! haha jk... although I already have a mild interest in games so there are some thing we can do together...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You can own a Wii or a PS2, or a PC and not be a "gamer." I define gamers as guys who would rather stay in on friday/sat nights and play games. Or who the first thing they do on a consistant basis when they get home from work is turn on their consul system. If you have to make concessions in your relationship to make time for his "gaming" then he's a gamer.

I could care less if a guy plays games. But he better be the type that knows how to pause, or log off from the system when it's US time. I didn't start a relationship to be involved with the cat alone on the couch every night, because he's always in the other room playing games (escept for when he wants sex).

I can understand stuff like poker night, or Wii night or whatever. Thats totally fine and I think it's important he has time for himself, andhis friends w/out me. But those things needs to be the minority of nights in the month. Not the majority.

I HATE the escuse, well you just wanna watch TV anyways! Whats the difference between me playing games or watching TV, it's not like I'm doing anything productive. It's like hello, I can snuggle and be with you when we watch TV. We can chat, and talk, and who knows what will happen
. But when he's plugged into a game, it's like 200% of his attention goes to playing the game, and I dont exist anymore.

You ever tried to call your boyfriend when he's playing games? You get like 1 word responses, and cave-man grunts, because he can't even give you enough of his attention to talk to you, and play a video game at the same time.

I totally get you on this one. It's a constant struggle w/ my bf because on our ONE day off together all he wants to do is go out and play games. Not to mention the little bit of time we have together after work everyday is spent watching #$^^&*(*((* mother f***ing cartoons!!!!! Then these nerds say American WOMEN are bad. I beg to differ. Anyways, my point is that it's completely pointless to focus on the faults of only one group of people. People as a whole have flaws.


Well-known member
This guy has a few problems the way I see it:

1) He is still a virgin mainly because no woman in her right mind would find this dink attractive. And if they did...intervention time.

2) As much as he says American women are greedy and selfish, you don't have to pay $50 bucks to post to Specktra...not that we are all American women on here. You have to pay $50 to post on his board. One word: Greedy.

3) #2 makes me think he doesn't have a job.

4) Which also makes me think he is still living at home with mommy and daddy. Come on! What girl would not find that attractive. I mean never being able to stay at his house and having sex. And if you did have sex at his house it would be fast because you would have to be finished before mom got home from the grocery store. "Hurry up babe, I hear mom's car in the driveway."

5) Dude has no intelligence. Nuff said.

6) Dude probably looks like a mongoose. After all, all American women want are "models". Hasn't that been said for years about men. I will dare to say that Vlad probably falls into that category. I will also say that he is one of these guys who thinks it is ok for him to weigh 500lbs and smell like rotting fish, but his woman had better look perfect at all times.

Ok, I am done...have to go get ready for work. I think I am going to ask the awesome ladies who I work with what they think.


Well-known member
I get strange vibes from this whole text.

The nickname, for example; VladTepes, Vladislav Tepes "Vlad Dracul" or simply Dracula, indicates someone with um... vampire wannabe tendencies.

The fact that he quotes Nomad form Star Trek is also kinda off-putting. Yeah D&D came into my mind aswell haha.

Also the fact that he knows about Ricki Lake and Oprah. Come on! He quoted Zsa Zsa Gabor!

I imagine a geek, pale as toilet paper with long greasy hair colored black with 2 inch blond roots. He wears eyeliner and think he's Mr Hot Shit aka I Suck Uuur Bluuud.
He was inlove with this girl, but obviously she didn't feel the same. And yes! In all his manly rage he googled up the site and posted under the name of a dead rumanian, saying ALL women are the same since he had a bad experience with one.

If this offended anyone or anything I'm sorry, these things just make me so annoyed!

(And yeah I'm a Sci-Fi/Star Trek nerd aswell, but come on :p)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kyarorain
I imagine a geek, pale as toilet paper with long greasy hair colored black with 2 inch blond roots. He wears eyeliner and think he's Mr Hot Shit aka I Suck Uuur Bluuud.

That's hilarious! And probably true.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
if you can't beat him, join him! haha jk... although I already have a mild interest in games so there are some thing we can do together...

I try. His friends dont like me to play.perhaps its due to my mad skill. haha no. they feel like they have to "go easy" on me. which is total bullshit. ..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I try. His friends dont like me to play.perhaps its due to my mad skill. haha no. they feel like they have to "go easy" on me. which is total bullshit. ..

lol... they just dont want you to beat them, they would be embarassed =p


Well-known member
..... not looked at the site direct (just the quotes posted here) as I have severely restricted website access, but shurely this isn't serious?

.... when did the site seem to have gone up? Could it be an April Fool's joke, folks? The sci-fi references give it the feel to me of something tongue in cheek.....


Well-known member
lol... got a few good laughs from re-reading this thread.

To bad you can't openly post on their site, would be fun to give them a verbal workout lol.


Well-known member
This post made me laugh too! Those men are retarded. They obviously liked american women at some point to know that we stunk! LOL


Well-known member
What I really hear is:

some poor, fat, ugly man hit on some white girl, got shot down and now thinks all American women are like that.

Geez. Ever heard of natural selection????

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