I love Makeup Designory NYC!


Well-known member
Hey y'all. A while back there was a bunch of threads discussing makeup schools and I promised an update once I got into it all & had something real to say.

I started class at MUD-Makeup Designory NYC on Monday. I'm enrolled in the Fashion Program-1 month beauty makeup, 1 month hairstyling & portfolio development.

I'm in the Beauty section right now. The first two weeks of class brings makup application down to the absolute minimum basics. Each 1/2 of the day is devoted to a part of the makeup application (so far we've done eyebrows, foundation, eyeliner & lips). The techique process is pretty simple for those with experience, but those without a lot of practice working on another person, it's great. By breaking it down step by step it is helping me learn the techniques that are most accepted in the professional world, instead of what I've just "picked up along the way"

In addition to technical instruction, it's the industry discussions that I'm finding to be most helpful. My teacher has been working as a makeup artist for 20 years, and from the sounds of it, has held some pretty high positions. She gives us practical tips, tricks & other useful stuff to keep in mind when working on a shoot or something. We also talk a lot about products (I, admittedly, know little more than MAC stuff so this is extra helpful for me).

I haven't been able to decide if it's worth $7000 or not yet, but so far I'm really enjoying myself.

Thought that might help a few people.


Well-known member
Well, I'm done with the beauty section of the course. My opinons have changed slightly, but I would still say that it is overall a good program to get started with. You will understand why I say "get started with" in a moment...

Ok, so as promised, the first 2 weeks we learned about the basics of makeup application. This part was good, but the remainder of the course dropped off slightly. I have been freelancing with MAC for a while now so I really didn't learn much about the actual application of makeup. I did, however, learn which types of makeup were appropriate for which mediums (print, tv, film, etc) This will be most helpful in getting a job. The last 2 weeks were really just a repromote of the first two. We would get a lecture on makeup for music videos (for example) and then practice it on each other. The music video makeup would really be a reiteration of the basic makeup, with maybe just a small twist.

I still maintain that the industry discussions were the most helpful. And it did force me to practice, and on many different faces & such. Jen at Career Services is wonderful! She's a bit intimidating at first, but she just wants everyone out there & working.

I would say that it has been a good class, and a really great experience, but it got very boring & repetitive at the end. I feel that then curriculum could have just done lectures for the different mediums and maybe gotten into the more creative aspects of makeup artistry (we didn't even get a lecture for avant garde, it was sort of like 'today we're doing avant garde, look we have stuff to play with' and I would have loved to learn the history on it, what makes a good design/story, etc) and we didn't touch on fashion print or runway at all.

So yeah, good class, good experience, but I don't love it as much as I did on day 2. I'd say if you can get a mentour or shadow someone working already in the industry go for that....you will get more practical experience w/o spending so much money.


Well-known member
Makeup Designory/MUD

has anyone here heard of/gone to MUD? I will be attending in September and I just want to know what people thought of it. I'm totally excited, it's in a really nice part of Burbank (I lived with my dad there for about 2 months and I thought it was a shithole) and the people who work there are SOOSOSOSO nice!


Well-known member
I'm attending the Beauty course right now and starting the Character class next month...are you on Myspace??? Add me at www.myspace.com/chrischick and I can tell you all about it when I'm done.


Well-known member
Makeup Designory (Campus in NY)

Has anybody ever went to M.U.D? I'm thinking about enrolling in either the Journeyman or Makeup 2 makeup artistry courses. I requested an informational catalog and I got it in the mail today. I'm very interested in the school, and I was wondering if anybody had any experiences or heard anything about it.

thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Re: Makeup Designory (Campus in NY)

Originally Posted by ashley8119
Has anybody ever went to M.U.D? I'm thinking about enrolling in either the Journeyman or Makeup 2 makeup artistry courses. I requested an informational catalog and I got it in the mail today. I'm very interested in the school, and I was wondering if anybody had any experiences or heard anything about it.

thanks in advance!

I finish in 2 days....I'm planning on posting about my experience this weekend so I recommend you check it out!


Well-known member
Re: Makeup Designory/MUD

Originally Posted by baby_love
has anyone here heard of/gone to MUD? I will be attending in September and I just want to know what people thought of it. I'm totally excited, it's in a really nice part of Burbank (I lived with my dad there for about 2 months and I thought it was a shithole) and the people who work there are SOOSOSOSO nice!

I start in June! and when i took my tour the girls seemed to be liking it just fine. it made me uber excited just to be standing in there.

Naked Lunch

Well-known member
I graduate from the Journeyman program on Friday. I have to say I had so much fun! I really liked my Beauty teacher and beauty was a fun class, but Character was sooooo much fun! I LOVE Michelle, and I loved everthing about that class. (minus the fact that i'm allergic to prosaide, and spirit gum so my skin was peeling off) I'm sad to be leaving, but I'm so glad I went.


New member

Have any of you been to the school? Or know anyone who has enrolled there?
I've gotten the information and stuff from online...and I plan on going... it seems like a really good school, but... I'm from North Dakota (I'm not a hick..heh) And that's a long way from home...and I want to know if the school is really, truely worth it. And if there's anything that I should know before committing to it.


Well-known member
Re: Makeup-Designory (MUD)

If you look down a few posts MisStarrlight has a post called I love Make up Designory NYC... you may want to check that one out. =)


New member
I know that I'm going to enroll in Burbank next year, but I really don't know what courses to take.
I know I want to apply makeup...and special effects makeup, and also as well do hair and nails... but I can't choose ... :s Am I the only one who can't choose.


Well-known member
MUD doesn't address hair & nails & cosmetology school doesn't really address makeup or fx makeup to the extant that a specialized makeup program would....you need to decide what you want to do because even though they are related and part of the same industry, they are actually completely different.

And Naked Lunch--I totally <3 Michelle more than life!!!!
Who's teaching Character now?

Naked Lunch

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
And Naked Lunch--I totally <3 Michelle more than life!!!!
Who's teaching Character now?

Michelle is still teaching Character. I'm bummed that I won't get to see her everyday anymore!


Well-known member
I know there are a few of us that have wanted to go to MUD for a long time, but living in San Diego is tough when the closest campus is in LA. However, I just found out there is a beauty school in Poway that offers a MUD-approved course!! (I think it's Poway Academy of Hair Design)
So we have some hope!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Naked Lunch
Michelle is still teaching Character. I'm bummed that I won't get to see her everyday anymore!

Hmmmm....she was doing 1 makeup session & hair while I was there.
The school must have done some sweet talking to get her to do charater...but then again, from what I understand there was tons of drama around both of the former character teachers starting the session right after mine so they probably needed someone to fill in quickly.

Naked Lunch

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Hmmmm....she was doing 1 makeup session & hair while I was there.
The school must have done some sweet talking to get her to do charater...but then again, from what I understand there was tons of drama around both of the former character teachers starting the session right after mine so they probably needed someone to fill in quickly.

Hmm are you talking about Michelle Grimm? She's still doing the hair class, but not makeup. I was talking about Michelle Mulkey, they brought her over from LA to replace the other character teacher after all that drama with him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Naked Lunch
Hmm are you talking about Michelle Grimm? She's still doing the hair class, but not makeup. I was talking about Michelle Mulkey, they brought her over from LA to replace the other character teacher after all that drama with him.

I have been wanting to go to the NYC MUD school as well to take the same classes as you (except hair, I hate that, LOL) + fashion.
How long are the days really from 8am to 5pm? Are they really intense?
Is it better to take the evening classes?
What are you doing now?