I need a hug (lady things)


Well-known member
Really, I'm mostly typing to distract myself, heh.

I'm sitting here, crying because I am having such bad cramps. I've mentioned before that I suffer from endometriosis, tilted uterus, and ovarian cysts (among other things non-gyno related).

I'm actually on the pill constantly, skipping the last week, so I never have a period. Though it doesn't work, and I still get cramps throughout the month and once every three months I breakthrough. Which is where I am now. No medicine helps me. No hot baths or hot compresses or massage... nothing. I am unable to walk, take my breath away in pain. My legs shake, my back hurts... I can't take it anymore!

I just had a laparoscopy just over a year ago, so my doctor didn't want to do another one yet, and I know it's only two weeks every three months or so, but I can't take this anymore!! (Though it's better than before the pill, when I had these cramps for three weeks a month. Yes. Two weeks before I started and all during.)

I'm frustrated and hurting so badly and I just am crying. And I'm not a crier.

*needs hugs*


Well-known member


Well-known member
I feel your pain...and though this may sound stupid it really does work...I have been doing this for two years at the advice of my doctor...1-2 full days before your actual period starts ...Take 2 Ibuprofen (sp) every 4 hrs religiously...until your cycle starts and then 2 every 6 hours after it starts...It not only has shortened my period to 2-3 days but the cramping is completely gone....I am not on any type of BC. The only down side for me...The Ibuprofen makes me go to the bathroom a bit more than normal.

Try this next time...and see if it helps


Well-known member
I'll try... Though I never know now when it's going to start. It just kinda... does at some point in the second or third month (the two week before thing stopped with the pill). My doctor actually said I could take four advil at a time, but it still doesn't help.

Is advil different than Ibuprofen? I'm so bad at that stuff. Thanks, though, I'll give it a try. Really, at this point, I'd try about anything!!

Thanks again, guys.


Well-known member
No it's the same...Yes I used to take 3-4 at a time too...But the constant 3-4 hours non interrupted has worked miracles for me...Not sure why but it has been a lifesaver...I used to be crippled in pain and bleed so heavily if I even stood up I was soaked


Well-known member
Ah man, I feel your pain... I don't miss it.
Is co-codomol or codeine available to buy from pharmacys in the USA? I remember my mum saying that it wasn't or something. When I used to get horrendous period pains I would take Nurofen Plus which is Ibuprofen & Co-codomol together... absolute lifesaver. And I agree with Tish, I used to do that & it does help it


Well-known member
I'm so sorry. I suffer from endo and take birth control continuously for it, so I feel your pain. It is disabling at times. If it makes you feel any better, they say that usually the pain is adverse in relation to the severity of the lesions. So, most people who have major pain tend to have fewer lesions (based on patient studies). However, those suffering don't really care when it hurts so bad.

I had to go to a specialist and found out that I had it wrapped around my bowel and that was what was causing me so much pain. If you go to a typical gynecologist, they will usually just scope the female parts and not look at the bowel. Next time you go in for a scope, find a reproductive endocrinologist who specializes in this. They will bring a gastroenterologist into surgery with them for the bowel. It's also important to go to a specialist after you've had the first scope b/c further scopes can cause a lot of scarring and it's important to go to someone who deals with that frequently and a regular gyno does not.

Also, don't skip your pills!! And take TISH's advice, that does help.

I'm so sorry your dealing with this, feel free to pm me anytime if you need help.


Well-known member
Massive (hugs) seriously.

I suffer from endometriosis too, and I've been on the pill continuously for like 8 years now.
Thankfully, it really helps, as in my cramps are at the worst uncomfortable, but it's taken years to get to this point. I used to cry because the pain was so terrible, and I'd literally spend days in the bed.
I'm sorry yours is so terrible... I remember those days all too well.


Well-known member
I send you a giant hug too. My only suggestion is that when I get migraines or any other kind of debilitating pain for whatever reason, I find that if I wait until I'm in terrible pain before I start medicating nothing works. And if I keep taking more and more, it won't kick in until after all the pain has gone and then I'm loopy from all the drugs. The key is to start before the pain sets in. I know you were saying that there isn't a really predictable pattern for you, but are there any warning signs that it's about to hit you? If so, start dosing up then and you might find that the pain killers are far more effective.


Well-known member
*hugs* I know how you feel, I'm going through the same thing. I have two ovarian cysts now. I had an operative hysterscopy last december to remove a growth, it was benign thank God, but today I stood up at my desk and just started gushing! OB appt in the am! I cant think of anything specific to help with cramps besides the old skool heating pad. I hope everything works out for you, good luck.

p.s. If I take one more BC pill I am going to chop someones head off, the hormones have me all psychotic, and hairy too


Well-known member
First of all .... HUGE hugs to you ... that is so rough to deal with and still try to live life day to day!

I have ovarian cysts and have had several removed, and the cramps can be completely debilitating. I actually had one burst during the last few months of my second pregnancy and my OB freaked out!

The only thing that I have ever tried to take the edge of is an OTC drug called Percogesic. It isn't advertised, and I am not really sure why it is different but it is the only thing I have ever taken that makes the cramps livable ... and it works for my migraines too.

The only weird side effect is that sometimes I have a really fuzzy memory of the days that I am on it. If they are really bad I take two Percogesic and one Vicodin. There is probably nothing you can do short of Morphine to make them stop completely, but that at least takes the edge off where I can function so it might help you too!


Well-known member
Thank you, thank you all.

So, here's an update. I called my gyno and I'm going in next Monday morning to talk with him. They pulled my chart, and it's been over a year since my last ultrasound and such, and over a year since the last surgery. She said 'Let's take a look at your chart... Oh. You had it pretty good.'

I'm like, 'Yeah'.

So, I'll have to talk with him, and she said, make some decisions on what I want to do to treat it. I guess it also depends on if the cysts have come back or not, also. She said they need to see if I'm 'reproductive' and deciding on treatment will mean I have to think of if I want kids, or if I even can (I don't ovulate right. I do it while menstruating.)... So, yeah. We'll see on Monday, I guess.

I had to go to a specialist and found out that I had it wrapped around my bowel and that was what was causing me so much pain. If you go to a typical gynecologist, they will usually just scope the female parts and not look at the bowel. Next time you go in for a scope, find a reproductive endocrinologist who specializes in this. They will bring a gastroenterologist into surgery with them for the bowel. It's also important to go to a specialist after you've had the first scope b/c further scopes can cause a lot of scarring and it's important to go to someone who deals with that frequently and a regular gyno does not.

Yeah, mine had originally actually moved my stomach, got on it and stuck it to the side of my body somehow. Thanks for the info; I do have a gastroenterologist already, because I have a few other medical issues (paralyzed stomach muscles) but that's a good thought.

I'm not sure how happy I am that I have to make these decisions just yet, heh, but we'll see how it goes!

...Plus, I'm kinda iffy on how to tell my BF about this. I want to tell him I have a doctor's appointment, but am on the fence about TMI. Maybe he'd rather not know, hehe.

PS - Am I wrong (or being hormonally emotional) that I'm kinda upset about all this? I sort of want to cry, but I hate to cry near the BF... I'm stubborn that way, and other people have so much worse than I do...


Well-known member
I'm so sorry this happening to you. I'm sending you lots of hugs and good vibes. I really do hope you feel better soon. Keep us updated!!