I need to loose 30 pounds.


Well-known member
Hey girls, I mentioned I would like to lose weight before my birthday, I was wondering would it still be possible, being that it's June, and my zBday is 8/12?
And would it be a noticeable difference?


Well-known member
Of course it's possible...you might not loose as much as you want but you will certainly loose.....get started girl!! As long as you notice that is what matters....you have to loose for you...not anyone else


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Hey girls, I mentioned I would like to lose weight before my birthday, I was wondering would it still be possible, being that it's June, and my zBday is 8/12?
And would it be a noticeable difference?

Oh for sure! Especially if you weight train. You may not notice a huge difference in the number you see on a scale, but don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat! And the more muscle you have, the more/faster you burn calories by just existing... weight training is a win-win situation.


Well-known member
I need advice. Im stuck at 123. I have been here for about 2 and a half weeks now. I changed my workout routine and caloric intake, but nothing yet. Im so frustrated. I know it might be from weight training, gaining muscle weight, so I don't see it on the scale. But any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
Muscle weighs more than fat....are you comfortable at that size or do you just want the number lower....If you are close to your ideal weigt as I am it's gonna take a lot of weight training along with intense cardio to loose the last few lbs....6 mini meals to boast your metabolism with lots of protein . They are the hardest to come off. But I try not to go by the number but by how I like to look.


Well-known member
A pound equals a pound, but muscle is denser than fat, so a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat.

But Tish is definitely on the mark: if your weight is healthy, base your progress on measurements other than just the scale: body areas measurements (such as waist, hips, thighs, arms, chest), body fat, and the way your clothes fit (an easy everyday measurement).... in other words, the way you look.


Well-known member
Yeah, I lost about 2 inches around my body but I gained like 2 lbs! So Im really frustrated. Im literally 8lbs away from my first goal weight. Its soo frustrating! aaah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
You've done soooo well! 25 lbs lost! Thats amazing
You should be sooo proud of yourself.

Thanks! Its definetly been a challange for me, but being this close its what gets me frustrated lol. Once Im at 115, depending on how I look/feel I wanna go down to 105. then just work on toning up.

I dunno if its right, but my trainer had told me to focus on losing all the weight first, and then work on toning. Something about getting bulky w/ muscle under fat. So thats what I've been doing.

But after reading Cobi's post on trainers, Im not sure. Boo! this is all confusing.


Well-known member
My trainer has me do a mix of cardio and weight training.

We start out the work out with cardio, and then then we work on different muscle groups.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Yeah, I lost about 2 inches around my body but I gained like 2 lbs! So Im really frustrated. Im literally 8lbs away from my first goal weight. Its soo frustrating! aaah!

I am gonna get there with you!! yeah I love a challenge it motivates me...I want 118-120 and I am at 125


Well-known member

I had to run a package to the PO today... but I didn't run (or drive), I biked! I almost died omg. But it felt good, and I'm suuuuuure I'll sleep better tonight. I'm so glad this thread exists. :]


Well-known member
Good for you! I love riding my bike....sometimes I wonder if I will make it back...but somehow I work it out!!


Well-known member
Yeah I know that feeling tish. I will have run the first half of my run and think "omg Im going to have to crawl back" but I never do!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Yeah I know that feeling tish. I will have run the first half of my run and think "omg Im going to have to crawl back" but I never do!

I got to the post office... and almost called my sister to come get me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iShadow
I got to the post office... and almost called my sister to come get me!

Why did I do that one day....I went on the bike Trail and called my dh to come and get me...He said and how do I do that...I said drive the truck....HE SCREAMED, Down the bike trail....I said well what am I gonna do...he said Suck it up...I will see you when you get home....I hated him so bad that day...I was thinking maybe he could come carry me and the bike on his 165lb frame....I should have married a big dude lol


Well-known member
Lol, more than once, I've miscalculated my workouts and had to call hubby to come get me...but usually it's because I went running before severe storms were forecasted, and they showed up early. Now I just stick to indoor workouts for the most part.

Oh, keep up the good work, ladies! You're all such great motivation!

Visual Edge

Well-known member
I'm a vegetarian and I had the exact same amount of weight to lose six months ago. I'm now down to 7 pounds to lose so here's a little advice on what's worked for me.

-HIIT training instead of regular cardio. When I started HIIT, it was like a weightloss on switch. It'll take a while before you start seeing pounds shed but you'll be building muscle and losing fat all along. Here's an amazing site that I know you're going to love! The Lose Belly Fat Workout ? Lose Your Belly In 8 Weeks You mentioned you have a home gym so it shouldnt be a problem and HIIT is quick!! I prefer using a bike to a treadmill but that's your choice.

-For breakfast, I eat egg whites, caraway rye or pumperknickle toast, and frest fruit drizzled with honey and nuts. You can eat tons and still keep calories low if you choose the right food. Melons are low calorie and berries are great as well. Mix in half a banana, some apple and kiwwi or whatever fruits you like and you'll have something so delicious you wont believe you're being healthy! Egg whites are so low calorie, it's unbelievable and the bread I have is 140 calories for TWO slices.

You can also make an eggwhites omelette with fresh cheese and your favorite vegetables or just cook up some vegetables, poor in some eggwhites and make yourself a little veggie skillet.

-Focus on protein because having more will help you control sugar and carb cravings.

-Add more fiber into your diet!!

-Take a look at sparkpeople.com. Its full of food information, excersise regiments and motivation.

-At restaurants, stick with salads and sandwiches. I know a lot of the time, you look through the menu trying to find something veggie but you don't have to do that. Choose what you like and have them substitute the meat for eggs, chickpeas, beans, cheese, tofu or whatever veggie proteins they have in their kitchen. Get your money's worth, don't just ask for it without meat.

-Keep tons of low-calorie snacks in the house so what's healthy and what's convenient become the same thing. There's so maaaany options!

-When youre going out, pack snacks so if cravings arrive you can just dig into your bag. I make little mixes with just right kellogs cereal, dehydraded fruit (they make it for babbies but it's flavorful and looow cal), raisins, cranberries, seeds, and a little bit of assorted nuts.

-Make snacks right when you bring the groceries home and pre-package them so their easy to grab. Cut up veggies and bag them, make fruit salads, cut up low-fat cheese and bag with healthy crackers. Anything to keep you satisfied!! Dieting is NOT about starving or craving- you need to beat those things with alternatives.

-This is one of the things that have worked best for me- just always focus on alternatives. Instead of mayo, go with mustard. Instead of lettuce salads, go for baby spinach salads. Instead of ice cream, go for fro-yo with fruits, sorbet, or a popsicle. Instead of a cupcake, go for a bran muffin. Instead of a chocolate bar choose a chocolatey protein bar. Cook with coconut oil instead of vegetable. Use almond butter instead of peanut butter. Skim milk instead of 2%... Every time you see others indulging in something high calorie just think of a lower calorie equivalant! It reallyreally helps.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to message me. I've been on a health food and excerise crazy recently so Ive done a looot of research.
Best of luck.


Well-known member
Alexa....I have a new plan starting next week...it's gonna kill me but save me time and gas lol

My son is going to Summer school from 7:45 to 11:15 and the gym is 1/2 mile from his school..so I am gonna park at the school run the neighborhood or school track...track gets boring...then go to the gym for 2 hours until he is out of the school...Mind you this is for 6 weeks...if this does not get me in shape it will surely kill me so who will care at that point anyway. But if I don't come back home while he is at summer school I will stay motivated not to just sit on my rear and browse the net


Well-known member
If it doesn't kill you - you're going to be one sexy mama at the end of it. (Not that you arent already) but daamnnn girl.

You're going to be looking like your avatar pic in a matter of weeks

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