I need to loose 30 pounds.


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I am gonna give it my best damn effort and my dh said he will do it for 2-3 days with me if he can juggle it around the shop


Well-known member
nice! its always awesome to have a work out buddy.

What type of stuff will you do at the gym for the two hours that you're there?


Well-known member
swim and weigh training...plus he likes to play basketball & racquetball they have a full court there


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Oh and they have spin class and aerobic classes to she is emailing me the schedule today..so I can try to coordinate my time..they are doing that Million Pound thingy....not sure the name of it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I am gonna get there with you!! yeah I love a challenge it motivates me...I want 118-120 and I am at 125

Yay congrats Tish! I am hoping to break this plateu. Usually the only way I've been able to break past plateus is a 2 day juice fast and then I go to the gym do weights, cardio and swim. I also go with my son for a walk, (we have annual passes) so we'll go to Disney and walk around all day.

i cannot wait to see 115 on my scale!! My size five jeans are loose on me now! So I went to try a size 3 and it still fits tight, so Im in between sizes right now. I hope once these 8lbs are gone Ill be fine!

Im gonna try different workouts now!

Thanks for the advice everyone!! Lets keep this going, motivation is always the best


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Visual Edge
I'm a vegetarian...

-For breakfast, I eat egg whites, caraway rye or pumperknickle toast, and frest fruit drizzled with honey and nuts. You can eat tons and still keep calories low if you choose the right food. Melons are low calorie and berries are great as well. Mix in half a banana, some apple and kiwwi or whatever fruits you like and you'll have something so delicious you wont believe you're being healthy! Egg whites are so low calorie, it's unbelievable and the bread I have is 140 calories for TWO slices.

You can also make an eggwhites omelette with fresh cheese and your favorite vegetables or just cook up some vegetables, poor in some eggwhites and make yourself a little veggie skillet.

-Focus on protein because having more will help you control sugar and carb cravings.

-Add more fiber into your diet!!

Thank God for vegetarians that don't starve themselves on nutrients..!!!!!! Haha, seriously, reading how healthy you are made my day! I was diagnosed with allergies to soy, gluten, dairy, and eggs for about a year... and at the same time, some of my friends decided to "try" vegetarianism/veganism... and eating with them was so painful, all they would do is complain... and I just sat there thinking, "You morons are starving yourselves on Wonder Bread and simple carbs, I have even more restrictions than you, and eating those things actually makes me ILL!"

Anyway. Congrats on being resourceful and evolved. :p


Well-known member
Im jumping in on this thread

Im a vegetarian too. (Since Jan 2008) And at the beginning I was the best vegie, tofu, nuts, seeds all the good stuff, then I got super lazy and stopped going to the gym (couldn't because of an injury in a car accident
) and just ate pasta literally every night!

So now I want to lose a total of 22kg (or 49 lbs), I've already lost 6kg (13 lbs, so I just have another 16kg (36 lbs) to go!
I've dropped a dress size, but I've really noticed that the area around my stomach is getting loose, it desperately needs toning, so I've been trying to do some stomach/ab exercises, as well as my usual walking and aqua aerobics
(which is AWESOME btw, if you haven't tried it!)

In terms of eating, Im on a specialised "program" but basically;
-Leave 5hrs between meals (this has to do with insulin release, and it doesn't work for everyone, but this program was made specifically for me!)
-Have a meal consisting of 40% protein and 60% vegies
-Im allowed the equivalent of 2 slices of wholegrain bread, no other carbs
-Dont mix proteins. I.e dont have beans & cheese at the same meal

I've also tried to cut back on caffeine, and alcohol (doing pretty well so far!)

I'll keep you ladies updated, and I enjoyed reading everyones journeys so far, so keep posting!


Well-known member
Last night I did the Jillian Michaels 20 min boot camp. It says it can guarantee a loss of 20lbs in 30 days. I don't know if thats actually possible, but man the video kicked my butt!!

I am eating a "Choco monkey oatmeal" its sooo good! and low calories


Well-known member
I love Carmel Apple Rice cakes the bite size and I dip them in reduced fat Jiffy Peanut Butter...PB is great source of protein

I went on a new medication yesterday ...I pray it does not affect my weight


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Last night I did the Jillian Michaels 20 min boot camp. It says it can guarantee a loss of 20lbs in 30 days. I don't know if thats actually possible, but man the video kicked my butt!!

I am eating a "Choco monkey oatmeal" its sooo good! and low calories

Jillian Michaels kicks my ass...I've yet to have the energy to attempt the 20 lbs. in 30 days. I can't do her workout two days in a row!


Well-known member
I'm starting Slim in 6 today. I'd like to lose 30 pounds by September, so I thought it was worth a try. Anyone tried it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Oohh I might have to check out her DVD's. Shes so damn fit.

Does anyone use them on a regular basis?

No but I have heard raves about her...and I love her on the Biggest Looser she is hard ass...and yes she is ripped like crazy....not overly just perfectly toned


Well-known member
Another great exercise resource is LIVESTRONG.COM - Health, Fitness, Lifestyle... I have it bookmarked. :] Bobbi Brown is actually a blogger (or something) on there, which I thought was cool. She's a huge exercise advocate. A lot of times I find myself playing the victim when it comes to exercise... ie Omg I just caaaaaan't I'm too tired, or Omg it's so nice outside so I don't want to go to the gym... but there are so many other things around the house I should be doing... Blah blah etc etc. So it helps me to know that there are resources online.. because goodness knows if I have time to watch tutorials on YT, I have time to check out the vids on LiveStrong. :]


Well-known member
Alright Ladies, I'm a 100000295u39845349p8548ucbh puyh gp34ch bp394% noob when it comes to exercise, and the wonderful Tish said I should check this thread out. From what I've read you are all so inspiring. I just dont know where to begin...We have a weight bench and like this arm machine thing here at home, I love taking walks/running, and I am the biggest vegetable/fruit lover! I just need some guidance, or like, well to say it straight up a plan of some sort to get started, cause I have no clue what I'm doing. Working out to me is like doing paint by number blind...it's just not that easy..lol!


Well-known member
Girl if you love running and walking that is half the battle won right there....Cardio is the best for you when trying to loose weight....The weight training is great as well...But just getting moving will make a major difference when you start buring calories


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So I ended up buying the Jillian Michaels Shred dvd. I am absolutly sore from the 2nd day. Today will definetly be a challange!! Gotta carry on!


Well-known member
OMG ladies, yesterday I went to work out with my aunt and sister, and made the mistake of not eating! I though I wsa going to DIE, I was so dizzy, and light headed.
On the plus side, that workout felt sooo good, although my arms are KILLING me from all that boxing...
And went I got home, I went on an hour walk, but I am so not up for it today, my muscles hurt (I forgot how it felt to work out)

* Oh, does anyone reccomend Planet Fitness? Their rates are SUPER cheap and I would like to know if anyone's been there?*

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