Originally Posted by LoveMakeup4Real
Regarding the bolded text above...You want to be a housewife yet you're playing house with a man who wasn't your husband but just a b/f? I don't understand how women allow themselves to live with a man for years and give him all that a wife would give, all the benefits and such (sex, cooking, etc) and then get mad at the man once he decides to end the relationship. I mean, can you blame him, you've played the role of the wife and he played the role of the pretend husband without the marriage license. No wonder he becomes an ex. I guess I'm just old fashioned, there is no way I would move in with my b/f (although he has brought the topic up) without him first being my husband because I don't intend to play house for several months or years. This isn't necessarily regarding you, just used your situation as an example, sorry. I kinda got off topic.
I'm not traditional and don't really care to get married... I never lived with him with the expectation to even get married, it was never the goal in the first place. Not all women are traditional and even care about marriage.
We just lived together and had an experience together. It was fine that it didn't work out, where did I state that I was upset that it didn't work out? I'm not upset at all
Nothing in life is a guarantee or absolute, everything is a learning experience. I never expect any relationship to last forever, most things in life don't.
I never cooked for him either, I am definitely not the cooking/cleaning type. As I said, I'm not traditional and the housewife kind. We mostly ate out/food to go.
As for sex, that was for my benefit, I don't think of it as "giving something up", I did it because I wanted pleasure for myself. lol In today's modern age I hardly think having sex is "giving it up", why do people assume it's the woman giving something up? Perhaps he was giving something it up to ME! lol I don't see why sex is so sacred or special that one must attach all sorts of connotations to it, like as if it's only appropriate to only have it with someone who wants to make you his wife, for some people it's only about pleasure. I never even wanted to get married in the first place.