One of my Flickr contacts posted this photo asking for help to identify shades, but the pots look weird to me.
As a side story, I was chatting with one of my co-workers and she was applying a lipgelée in front of me, so I asked her what shade it was because it looked quite pretty. She said - "I don't know, I bought it for, like $1 - in Beijing."
So I know that they make counterfeit everything in China, but I took a look at it and it really looked authentic - even the printed text on the tube (what killed me was that it even said "Made in Canada" on it!)
Knowing what I know about product safety, if I saw a $1 MAC lipgelee being sold on the street I'd know it was too good to be true. Who knows what nasty chemicals and ingredients are in that product... And in a lip product too! Most of it would be ingested!