I'm going to be a .....


Well-known member
New momma to a kitty! I am going tomorrow to look and hopefully adopt a cat from the texas city pound. I am really nervous. i think it's going to be sad seeing all the kitties that need homes and knowing i can only take one home.

Wish me luck!

if i get a boy, he will be named Grover


Well-known member
You're doing a really good thing! I have 2 cats, and while I didn't adopt them from pounds, I did adopt them from 2 homes that didn't deserve animals. One of them gave me my kitten full of fleas..that was nice! Anyway, keep us updated


Well-known member
Awesome!! I wish I could save another, but the husband is standing firm...only 2 cats
Enjoy your new "baby"!


Well-known member
Yay, good for you going the adoption route, my little doggy Toby was adopted just a week ago and settled in really well, it's really rewarding, you guys will have so much fun together! I'm sure the one that's for you will pick you, not the other way round! Good luck!


Well-known member
Congrats, love the name Grover !!

I always had cats around me since the day I was born so you can pretty much say I'm a catperson. I have 4 cats at the moment. They are quite a handful and they drive me nuts on a daily basis, but I love them to death


Well-known member
Congrats, kitty mommy! I know you will do an awesome job. Thank you for choosing a shelter.

Love Grover, BTW!!


Well-known member
thanks everyone! I will def put pics when he/she comes.

If we get a girl, she will be named, Sally.


Well-known member
Congratulations on your adoption! Cats are real darlings! <3 I wish we didn't have such strict house rules so I could have a cat too!

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
Congrats on adopting a kitty! I like cats so much I want one myself but the only cat I can see is my grandma's cat
. And Grover is such a cute name!


Well-known member
pictures please as soon as you get it!.....I love little kitties and puppies. And I'm allergic so the most I can do is to see pictures lol


Well-known member
Good for you for adopting! I work for a no-kill cat rescue (and so of course I have 5 of my own...) and it makes me so happy to see people adopting! Whether it's from a pound or a rescue or whatnot. I can't wait to see pictures!