Im really lost and i need advice. someone... pls help


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxainixx
it's my birthday today... miserable bday ever..

Sorry you're feeling miserable.. but I'm going to wish you a happy birthday anyhow, and i hope you find happiness soon in this area of your life. What's done is done though, I mean are you expecting us to tell you to get back with him or something? You have to choose to move on. Being sad about ending your relationship is okay but you have to realize this was in your best interest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxainixx
it's my birthday today... miserable bday ever..

Happy Birthday

Seriously, consider this, you proved to yourself as well as all of us that you are strong enough to walk away from an abusive relationship. Its not an easy thing to do and the longer you would have stayed with him, the further he would have pulled you down, until you reached a point where leaving him would have been nearly impossible.

Abusive relationships are complex and one of those 'through the looking glass' situations where, unless youve been in one before, you dont fully understand them.

Your ex is evil, simple. He lied and manipulated you throughout the entire relationship, he convinced you that he sincerely loved and cared for you, until he got you right where he wanted you, and began to abuse you. He toyed with your emotions, thats abuse, he hit you, thats physical abuse and he did all this knowing that you loved him, that is just an ultimate low.

Now that youve broke up with him, hes seeking revenge by flaunting his new relationship in your face! He knows hes hurting you when hes doing this.

Be sad, cry get it all out of your system, regardless of how badly he treated you, you still loved him so naturally your going to be heartbroken but please remember, the reason why you feel so alone and upset, is because of him. He put you in this situation, I bet he made you choose between him and your friends too? He wanted to get you all alone, so that you would depend on him, he wanted to trap you in the relationship - that shows what kind of 'man' he was.

You will build your life back up, in time, its not going to be easy or quick, he spent a good year destroying it, but youve still got your family to lean on and if your ever feeling particularly low, youve got us too, just post here or PM us, even if its just to vent.

Youve done a big thing to get away from him, alot of women dont get away in time. Dont go back to him, he wont change, even with counselling because most men dont.


Well-known member
You know..abuse just doesn't mean "hitting"..

He's CLEARLY abusing you emotionally AND mentally already..Now he's moving onto Physical abuse.

AND CLEARLY, he is NOT going to stop. SO....





N O W !


Well-known member
Sweetie, I know that you are mentally exhausted and he has you believing that this is your fault. That he just "loses control with you" probably because he "loves you so much", but you are worth so much more than this. You are a beautiful strong woman who deserves a man that adores and cherishes you and treats you with the respect you deserve.

So many of us have been where you are and we all made excuses for them because the more they treated us badly the more we believed that we were unworthy and we couldn't do any better. Believe me, you can.

Run as fast as you can!!

In spirit sister



Well-known member
********** HI ALL!!!! ( waves!!)**********

i'm sorry to dig up this old thread. i'm happy now! i cant thank you all enough! looking back, god, i was so pathetic!

thank you as in, really from the bottom of my heart. thank you.