I'm struggling..


Well-known member
Recently I've been feeling really down and low. I don't really know why or what triggered it. I just really dislike the person that i am right now. 2007 has been a rough year for me, so many things happened to me in it and i feel that i have been through a lot in 1 year from family issues to personal issues.

Now all these things that happened plus the stress i'm going through in University is summing up together and making me feel down. I now lack the motivation on concentrating on my studies. I have 3 deadlines for the end of Feb and a 10,000 words dissertation to hand in in March. I can't really talk to anyone as no one will understand me and i'm 60% sure that i am going through depression. I also suffer from lack sleep. I can't go to sleep untill 5am no matter how early i go to bed, i just toss and turn untill it's about 5ish. I've been in this state for more than 2 weeks.
There have been 2 occasions where i didn't sleep at all and went to Uni the next day. I am always tired and this leads to the lack of motivation to do anything. Also a lot of people have said to me that i look pale and stressed.

I'm always down and really emotional. I feel that no one understands what i am going through and when i do try to talk about it to someone they just say that i am a final year student and i have a lot to do and i can't be wasting my time on anything else. The tiniest things make me cry. Everything i went through in the past year is adding up and making me hate the person i am today. I still go to Uni and attend all my classes but my motivation level is 0. I know i have a lot to do so i stress and i pick a module to start but i just get lost.

I have tried putting everything aside and concentrating on my studies but i can't do it
. I have a 9am start and it's almost 5am. I've been tossing and turning in bed since 12am..

Please help me.


Well-known member
Aww Nunu, I'm sorry you're feeling so down right now. I've been there myself, and I know it's not fun
I would definitely go to a doctor. I've been on medication before for depression, and while it may not be the answer in your case, maybe they will be able to point you in the right direction...as far as a counselor/therapist. Being able to talk to someone about your stress may help a lot. Just know that you are not alone, and many people struggle with the same things you do. You are such a sweetheart, and I am here if you ever need anything.


Well-known member
, i'm thinking of seeing the Uni's counseller myself as soon as i get the chance to because i can't carry on like this.

thanks a lot


Well-known member
That's a great idea! You shouldn't have to suffer, and I'm sure they will be able to give you some ideas. Take care of yourself & keep me updated girlie.


Well-known member
I feel like all of us girls have been there sometime in our lives. We just overload and down ourselves so much and I feel you may be like me and take everything to heart and just swallow it until you just can't catch your breath. I will pray for you and will ask God to give you the peace you need in your heart. If you need anything pm me I will be here for you! Remember when you're down look up sweetie!


Well-known member
Do not feel weird or anything for feeling this way, I feel like it a lot myself. Like you, 2007 was not the best of years, filled with several jobs, a huge family issue, some illness and a death in the family as well as me having to deal with my studies. Sometimes I struggle to find happy times as I feel overwhelmed by the not so happy times.

From my own experience, I think one of the best things you can do to deal with these situations is to be somewhat selfish - do what makes you happy and have your best interests as paramount. Of course, within reason - we dont want to upset or affect anyone else! It is amazing how often we do things for someone elses happiness before our own.

Surround yourself with positive people and things. I find that hanging around with sulky and negative people brings my mood down. I know the world aint the greatest place for some, but there must always be optimism that things can get better.

Dont ignore dark thoughts, whilst this may be an extreme thing to consider, I think they have crossed many peoples' minds and should be taken seriously. It is good you are seeing the university counsellor as they would be accustomed to this kind of problem.

Please keep us posted on how you feel!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
Do not feel weird or anything for feeling this way, I feel like it a lot myself. Like you, 2007 was not the best of years, filled with several jobs, a huge family issue, some illness and a death in the family as well as me having to deal with my studies. Sometimes I struggle to find happy times as I feel overwhelmed by the not so happy times.

From my own experience, I think one of the best things you can do to deal with these situations is to be somewhat selfish - do what makes you happy and have your best interests as paramount. Of course, within reason - we dont want to upset or affect anyone else! It is amazing how often we do things for someone elses happiness before our own.

Surround yourself with positive people and things. I find that hanging around with sulky and negative people brings my mood down. I know the world aint the greatest place for some, but there must always be optimism that things can get better.

Dont ignore dark thoughts, whilst this may be an extreme thing to consider, I think they have crossed many peoples' minds and should be taken seriously. It is good you are seeing the university counsellor as they would be accustomed to this kind of problem.

Please keep us posted on how you feel!

Thank you, i've gone through the same things as you did in 2007, family death, familly issues and personal issues as well i sometimes think to myself how did i survive all that.

I'm kind of embarrased to see the counseller but i know that talking about my problems helps me cope with them.

Originally Posted by laguayaca
I feel like all of us girls have been there sometime in our lives. We just overload and down ourselves so much and I feel you may be like me and take everything to heart and just swallow it until you just can't catch your breath. I will pray for you and will ask God to give you the peace you need in your heart. If you need anything pm me I will be here for you! Remember when you're down look up sweetie!

I think we are the same, i do ignore some things and then it all loads up and i feel that i can't breath anymore. Thank you.

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
You are a WONDERFUL person. If you ever need to talk about anything, feel free to pm me.

Aww thank you..


Well-known member
I'm so sorry life is such a struggle for you right now. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but things will get better. It's smart of you to seek help. I'm sure you will find a way to cope with everything soon. Hang in there. Know that we Specktrites are thinking of you.


Well-known member
Awh nunu im sorry you are going through this right now. I too am depressed ..but like many have suggested and what I am going to do is seek professional counseling.

I would have never guessed from you lovely fotd's and tutorials that you have been feeling down ...you are always so gourgeous and happly looking in them hehe ..

hugs to you ...i hope things pick up and get better for you.


Well-known member
thanks to you both, urbanlilyfairy i love posting fotd's i love the feeling of reading everyone's comments because they cheer me up
also one of my friends told me that i do hide it really well coz i always look happy and have make up on, but i guess it happens when i'm alone and start thinking about things.

thank you hugs

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
i know exactly how you feel - i just got back to school and i was freaking out about getting through all the things i need to do. the best i can tell you is to talk to someone,it helps relieve anxiety and stress. once you begin to alleviate the feelings of anxiety and stress, you will regain the motivation and drive to push through. never give up. college is hard work and overwhelming, but in the end its worth it. trust me, im a biochem major and want to absolutely drop out and watch maury all day everyday i wake up and look at my schedule of labs, reports, research dates, interviews, lectures.... but everyday i remind myself of my crappy mall job and the awful pay and that puts the goal back in perspective. this semester im putting everything aside and focusing on whats important - the future. im stopping wasting energy on a bad relationship, im cutting out influences that drag me down. you gotta look out for you. make a list of things you need to get done and handle them one at a time. sometimes letting them roll in our heads makes us feel overwhelmed and discourages us from performing. just try to take things one at a time and you'll begin to feel alot more relieved as you complete things. things seem so overwhelming now, but just keep in mind that once these things are behind you and you conquer them, you will be that much closer to a better future.

just wake up everyday and be fierce and take on the world looking fabulous!


Well-known member
I feel for you. I would definitely do what someone else mentioned above and start to put yourself first. From a lot of what I've read from you, you seem to give a lot of yourself, but you shouldn't do it at your own expense. Maybe one thing that could help is getting away for a weekend. I know that's helped me while writing my thesis. I get really sad on campus sometimes and just need to get off and away so I'll try to make it a point to go try something new, or work on my major creative outlet: art or music.
I hope all goes well, and you'll be in my thoughts.


Well-known member

I read your post and can relate. I really really think you should talk to someone. When I was going thru my depressive period i was reluctant to talk to anyone. The longer I held it in the worse I got. I had insomnia like you too. There were nights where I didn't even sleep at all! It was aweful. My best friend called me up outta the blue and just talking to her took a looad off like you would not believe. From that day forward I continued to keep in touch, vent, and just talk.
So call up one of your precious gals and have a gabfest or just vent until you get to the point where you feel like your tears have dried. Girlfriends are like your angels following you through life. I always try to count my blessings instead of the negatives I find it helps to keep me positive. You'll be in my prayers. God Bless you hun.


Well-known member
Big hugs to you Nunu. You are always so lovely around the boards and giving love to everyone so don't forget to give some love to yourself. I know everyone here is sending you some.
If you think you are suffering from depression or as you say having trouble sleeping then you are best going to see the doctor. They would possibly be able to help with both of these things or even if its just the sleeping. Everything is generally harder if you are tired. Or as you suggested seeing a counseller might help, just to talk through your issues etc.
As said above we are always here to help and listen when we can.

Also make sure you spend some time on yourself and make yourself happy by doing things you enjoy. Try and have a relaxing bedtime routine to help you sleep - switch off from stuides, have a nice bath, hot drink and sunggle up with a good book.

Take care of yourself and don't be affraid to ask for help
Big hugs


Well-known member
definitely see the counsellor at uni - they'll be an enormous help. talking through your problems will be a great help. you're not alone in how you feel, so don't feel weird or ashamed of it.

stay strong and try to stay positive. things will get better - don't give up!

to you!


Well-known member
ah, you seem to be going through what i am. my gramps passed away last semester and i am struggling with insomnia and stress and everything and i go to uni too. its so hard to keep up with the work and im not happy with how things are. i missed so many classes, its ridiculous. i have so many things due next week and i have not even started. my headaches are really throwing me off.

definitely go see a councellor. i'm planning on going to.

yesterday i had no sleep and just did an allnighter and went to school and when i got home i totally passed out. its not a healthy life style and i am quite miserable as it is, so i am sad that this is happening to you as well.

what i try to do to help me sleep is that i play a sound tape (Brain Sync - Deep Sleep and Sound Sleep). I lie in bed and close my eyes and I count my exhales from 1 to 10 and repeat. If I find myself trailing into thought, I start counting again. I eventually fall asleep this way. Its a nice way to defer from our worries. I got the mp3 on my cellphone mp3 player and i leave it on loop so it keeps playing. If you want it, just let me know and i will help you get the tape.

focus on eating right and sleeping right. i find it that depression and mood is worse when i don't eat and sleep right.

i don't have a real solution for you because i am struggling too, but I hope it helps you feel a little better to know tht you aren't alone and you are welcome to contact me whenever.

best wishes for both of us!

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