I'm struggling..


Well-known member
babe i get so low and i really respect you for having the guts to talk about it.
its hard and brave to.
i hope you feel better soon.hugs x


Well-known member
I went to see the counseller on Monday, it was soo hard to talk as i kept thinking he must think that i am stupid for stressing about university work load and i was embarrased to admit that i had suicidal thoughts in the past etc.. It was soo hard to talk to a stranger about my personal problems which has been accumilating during the past year.


Well-known member
Do you feel any better talking to the counselor? No matter what just be honest, even if things are hard to admit they need to know all of the info to help you out. I really hope things get better for you & I think this is the first step


Well-known member
Hi Sweety.....I am no stranger to *any* of the feelings you've expressed. I've been in & out of depression for a long time. I only truly improved after having my son. (I'm not suggesting you get preggie!
This is just what happened to me...& I am still depressed, sometimes, but it doesn't overtake me, as it often threatened to, when I was in college & afterwards...I got better!

Everyone who's replied has been wonderful...so I haven't much to add, except remember, feelings aren't facts; try to take it a Day at a Time (or even get through an hour at a time, if need be); & this, too, shall pass...
These sayings are trite, but they've helped me so much throughout the years.
(For more annoying trite sayings, I've PM'd ya'.)

Nunu, whatever you do, please do share your feelings, with people you trust & feel emotionally safe with.
With a counselor, give it a session or two to feel *comfortable*- if you don't feel comfortable with the 1st counselor, keep looking....otherwise, it defeats your purpose.

I'm no stranger to insomnia, either...People here have given great suggestions. My only recourse with insomnia is reading, although my son makes me so tired, my insomnia is finally less than in the past.

No matter what, please don't keep the feelings inside.
You are young & sweet & beautiful...you deserve to be happy.

You are in alot of people's Hearts & minds, & you are most definitely in mine. Please let us know how you are.
Hugs from CherylFaith

: heart:


Well-known member
Hi again,

I want to thank you all for your help and kind words. I really don't know where i'll be now if i didn't post this thread. I admit i was very reluctant in posting it but it was the right think to do. You girls have cheered me up and with your support i got the courage to walk into the counselling centre a few Fridays ago.
I am feeling much better. My sleeping did get better and 2 of my deadlines are out of the way with! YAY..
So now i have to focus on my thesis and a deadline i have for next week. I am going to go away during easter break (22nd of march, after handing in my thesis) for 2 weeks. I beleive that a change of scene will do me good.

The first meeting with the counseller was not good and i don't think he saw my problem as a "problem" because otherwise i would have gotten a call back for further assesment. Instead our session got cut short because he thought i am just dealing with work load stress. I don't know whether i should wait for their call, that is if they call which i really doubt they will..

Again, i want to thank ALL of you who have supported me by posting replies and pm'ing me, god know where i would be if i kept it all in and didn't talk to you lovelies about it.

Thank you!


Well-known member
I don't want to sound like Tom Cruise but have you tried excercise? For some people that is all they need. In college everyone forgets about their health it seems and they make poor nutritional choices. I have to take meds for my bipolar but i found taking care of my body helped out alot more than i would have thought. Body, mind and soul has so much truth to it.


Well-known member
Thank you!, yes i have thought of exercise and i am always trying to pick a time to go to the uni's gym but i feel guilty because it would seem that i am wasting valuable time that should be spent on studying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Thank you!, yes i have thought of exercise and i am always trying to pick a time to go to the uni's gym but i feel guilty because it would seem that i am wasting valuable time that should be spent on studying.

Oh, please find time to do a little exercise! you'll be surprised at how much clearer your mind is and it actually makes you focus more on your studies, so it actually makes the studying more worthwhile and you'll retain information better. 20 minutes of cardio 3 days a week even makes an impact. I know its hard to get motivated, but if you get it into your routine your body will thank you and you'll sleep better too.
Good luck!


Well-known member
thank you! i do need the motivation and support to do it. No one around me supports that idea because they just say i'm wasting valuable time that should be spent on studying and i get demotivated.


Well-known member
While exercise may work for some people, it doesn't work for all. It didn't do much for me. I felt a little better for a few hours when I went to the gym, but afterwards all the same issues would still be there, like a fog that never went away. Exercise didn't help me get to the root of my depression, for a lot of people the problems are much deeper than just physical well-being.

I'm not saying it's wrong to suggest that and I am very happy for those people who it does work for, but I do think exercise as being the solution to all problems get a little over-emphasized, tbh. It surely doen't do any harm though to be active.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
While exercise may work for some people, it doesn't work for all. It didn't do much for me. I felt a little better for a few hours when I went to the gym, but afterwards all the same issues would still be there, like a fog that never went away. Exercise didn't help me get to the root of my depression, for a lot of people the problems are much deeper than just physical well-being.

I'm not saying it's wrong to suggest that and I am very happy for those people who it does work for, but I do think exercise as being the solution to all problems get a little over-emphasized, tbh.

Oh definately exercise can't reach the root of everyone's problems, I still have to take meds for my depression, but it is so often overlooked it can't hurt to try and looking good comes with the territory.
Talking to someone is priceless as well.


Well-known member
Thanks for the update Nunu! It sounds like you are taking one day at a time & am glad that you feel a little better. Getting away for 2 weeks is an excellent idea & I'm sure you will come back refreshed. It can't hurt. Also, if you still feel bad/overwhelmed make sure you call the counselor and request someone else. You need someone who works for you & takes your needs seriously.

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