In a dilema


Well-known member
I guess asking you some advice could be good for me.

I've been working here for 1 year now.
2 weeks ago our boss told us that she decided to leave at the end of the month. We're a small team, 4 people, and 2 girls are back home with their baby for a couple of months. So, I'm the only steady one here for the moment except my boss, the 2 other girls are here to replace the one in maternity.

I seriously need more money than what I have right now, and last week I got a call for a job interview, tomorrow. They pay 2$ more than what I have right now, I would have a closed office just for me, in a kindergarden, but in the ''semi-basement'' in the offices, in front of a big hospital here in Montreal.

The thing is, if they (the new place) like me and want me, I would leave my actual job in 2 weeks, in the exact same time than my boss. The 2 other girls would be alone until one of the girl back home comes back, in the end of may. And nobody can really do my job, I'm the secretary/accounting... If I leave, lets be real, they would be in deep ****.

But on the other side, I really want something new in my life, and defenatly need more money to pay my rent and credit cards. I live alone and its expensive.

Should I wait after my boss quitted?
Because the president didnt even start to search for a new person to replace her... BUT In july, I'll have approximatly 1$/h more on my pay if I stay here... So it would be a difference of 1$ and hour.

What should I do?
Go to the interview, or stay here and wait a little until they find a new person...? :confused:

(Sorry for misspelling)


Well-known member
You have to take care of your self, ultimately.
If you can wait until July, and you don't mind missing the opportunity, do so...
but, if upon interviewing with the job (which I would say do anyway), you decide it's something you really want to do, go for it.
You've got to look out for your own ass, because no one else is going to do it for you.


Well-known member
That is also what my mother told me and a friend too.

But I feel guilty
to leave the girls with all this stuff to do.

What I forgot to say is that our office will be moved somewhere in the building, we dont know where yet... I hate bureaucratics decisions, people dont care about us.

Right now I'm in a very undefined position and I dont like it...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would go to the interview to see what happens. It seems like you want a new job, since you did apply for this one.

You put in a year, which is a lot of time. It isn't like you're abandoning them after a few months. Unless you have some kind of contract (like some of my friends are supposed to stay at their jobs for 2 years; the job can't force them, but it's better not to burn those bridges), I would definitely leave the old job.


Well-known member
If it was me I would take the other job. You have to look out for yourself in this world.

Your boss quit and obviously didn't worry about who was left behind so why should you.

You are obviously a very caring person to be thinking about how they will manage with two of you gone.


Well-known member
I do care about others, thats true
Its also because I like the girls
I don't have a lot of people (friends) around me, so its a sort of friendship I created with them.

I printed some interview help pages
Tonight I'll practice my skills

Thanks for your answer, its helping me decide what to do, because I really don't know what to do.

In french you could call me a Girouette


Well-known member
I agree with PP. You need to do what is best for YOU. They are a company and sure it sucks BUT companies go through this stuff all the time and make it through, they will work something out.

Your other option would be to interview for the job and if they offer it to you, you can always approach your current employer and see if they will offer you more to stay.

I would say go for the new job though. You are looking for a change and if you stay at the current place just because they offered you more, you still wouldn't be happy. Good luck and let us know how the interview goes!!!


Well-known member
Just minutes ago, she (my boss) was saying something like :
I don't care, I wont be here in a month.
(we were talking about a website that copied ours, and its mostly our principal goal to make this website...)



Well-known member
I would talk to your current boss if you are close to her and let her know your situation and ask for advice. I’m hoping she would be okay with it considering she’s leaving that work place to. I would take the new job, period. If the new job is flexible I would ask if you could work 20 hours a week there the first few weeks until your old job found a replacement and you trained him or her. That way maybe you can work half at your new job and half at your old job. I think your new job would appreciate your job commitment and concern and your old job would see that too.

If your new job is not flexible and they need you full time then I would talk to your old job about working maybe 10-20 hours for a few weeks to keep things going until they find a replacement. Offer to train one of the temporary girls to take over the most important aspects of your job until they find a replacement. Since money is tight, this extra work/money could really work to your advantage. You will feel great helping out at your old place and the excitement of learning the ropes of a new job.

I agree that you must really take care of yourself foremost but there is no reason you can’t try to reach a compromise and help out. Employers have to know and be prepared for employees quitting even without notice- if you are absolutely irreplaceable and it is urgent that they keep you maybe they will offer you a better offer. Think back to when you first took on those responsibilities and duties- who was doing them before? How did your company get along without you prior?


Well-known member
They can hire another accountant. I woulnd't even bother telling your boss until you accept the job. Bosses can act a lot different if they know your planning on quitting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
They can hire another accountant. I woulnd't even bother telling your boss until you accept the job. Bosses can act a lot different if they know your planning on quitting.

Its complicated since the one who hires is going.
Here in Quebec, there's an unwritten law in employment that says that if you go search for another job on your current job time, you can be fired... so I dont wanna talk about it to her until I am sure that I found something else.

kaliraksha, your advice is perfect!
I never tought (??) about it, but its a great compromise.
Tomorrow I'll bring it on the table.
Thanks for that one!

I know I have to think about myself, but somewhere inside, it tells me not to be SO selfish. Before me, the accounting was made by my boss. Since its the beginning of the season (I work for campground listing/rating here in Qc), the other 2 girls will be very busy. I understood today that she wants to talk to me about what's next and what to do when she'll leave.

Since she announced her plans to leave, she made some comments about her not caring about whats next for her boss and such. Like, its not my problem anymore. Yeah, maybe not yours, but WE will still be here. Thursday, I asked her about where our office will be moved, and she told me that she doesnt know (and somewhat again, don't care). I think its a little bit immature for a 46 years old women.

I'll get a good night of sleep, and tomorrow is another day.
Its a shame that they announced rain/snow

I have to go in bus/metro.

Thanks all of you, I'll come back to tell you how it went


Well-known member
Let us know how it goes. Good luck and yes, don't worry about others, work is work and you gotta do for you.


Well-known member

I'm back at work
I think it was the worst job interview I ever had in my life!
Wow... they were 3, and were asking ''trick'' questions.
I didnt know what to answer, I was really nervous.
Normally, I feel really confident in front of interviewes.
Anyway, it felt like it wasnt for me.

I did a french writting test (my first language) and I printed it, but it didnt worked and the lady closed ''word'' before I could save it, I had to redo it and it wasnt as good as the first (I had to type a letter).

I'll have the answer on the beginning of next week.


Well-known member
Sometimes though you may just be acting a bit overcritical and you may have done just fine. However, if it wasn't for you then it wasn't for you. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do and thanks for the update =)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Interviews/getting a job is a bit of chance and other things out of your control, like nepotism.

If you don't get this job, think of the interview as like practice for the next job you want.


Well-known member
I forgot to tell you!
They called friday, left a message.
The lady told me : you're accepted, please call me monday to talk about it.

What the...?

It was the worst interview ever, and they want me?
They called at my old job, that I had 3-4 years ago, I gave them the name of my aunt whos still working there (without telling them she is my aunt). They asked many questions, and told her we had a great interview, and that I was really good.

C'est le monde à l'envers!
Upside down!

So I'll call tomorow to ask what is next, I have in mind that they want to do another interview...

I'll tell you


Well-known member
Yes I'll def. will do the list, I just want to hear what the lady has to say.
It's just that I'm not ready to re-live a stress like I had last week.

I hope I'll have a moment to call, because my desk isnt in a closed room, when I talk on the phone everybody can hear me.


Well-known member

I finally talked to the lady.
They want to hire me.
BUT, there are things that changed...
The salary first, she told me when she called the first time that it was 16,50$/h and now its 14,61$!!! Its less than I make here at my current job.

This is ridiculous :confused:
I went to the interview because it was a good salary, I mean more than I currently make and I would need more than that but it was one of the main reason why I wanted to job.

Anyway, she'll call me tomorow to tell me if she can give me this amount. If she can't I'll refuse it. Why would I make less money...
The office she showed me, where I was supposed to be in, changed. I would be in an office without any window, but an opening on the room where the kids go to run and stuff like that... I dont think it would be good for me since I have difficulties to concentrate.

Just writting in over here helps me to make up my mind.

Thanks for reading