Introduction FOTDs (Pic heavy!)


Well-known member
Ooh I didn't notice this went through, it told me I had to post a certain number of times before I could post pictures and links...
Oopsie. Anyway, thank you everyone! I hope I didn't post it twice... lol.


Well-known member
that last eye looks hard to do and awesome!! love your hair and ruby woo looks great on you. thanks for posting.


Well-known member
Thank you everyone.
I'll try to get around to doing a tutorial on the last look, everyone on other makeup sites I frequent requested a tutorial on that look too. But honestly it was mostly just me packing the color on and blending it for about an hour per eye, lol. I don't have a video camera at the moment but I think webcams can capture video like that...? I'll see if I can get one.


Well-known member
You are GORGEOUS!!
I really like the last look! The white liner is such a nice touch


Well-known member
WOWWEE! You are stunning. Your hair is great and the last look is uber cool. I love it!