Is a funky smelling gloss still safe to use?


Well-known member
Hey girls (and guys),

today I reached for my 2N Lipglass. I didn't use it for a few months and when I opened it, it smelled really weird. At first I didn't know what it smells like, but then it came to mind, that it smells exactly like Play Doh
! The Lipglass lost the Vanilla-Scent pretty soon, but now it smells pretty gross. Not like it's rancid, but just like Play Doh

Can I still use it, or should I toss it? I really like the colour though! Has this happened to someone before?!



Well-known member
Oh no! I didn't know it was a common problem, otherwise I wouldn't have opened a new thread!

But how can a gloss turn in such a short time?! I got it in Feb.2008! Somehow, it makes me mad, because a gloss really shouldn't turn that fast! They aren't exposed to heat or anything. On the other hand I'm just sad, because I didn't even use a third of it yet

At least it's just 2N, otherwise I could toss half my glosses with it!


Well-known member
My plushglass got like that 3 months after I bought it, and only having used it twice... Then wen I was at the prostore last week, I smelled all their pushglasses, and they all smelled like that.. but the other lipglasses didnt smell bad.... I almsot wonder if certain formulas get gross quicker than others...


Well-known member
Some just seem more prone to spoiling. Heartthrob and Raquel come to mind. I don't know if it's the ingredients or the manufacturing, but some just go faster than others.

Yeah, when they spoil, they smell like crayons. I guess you could use it. For me, the smell and/or formula are so bad at that point, there's no way I could use them (or stand it). I just B2M them. I know...what a waste.


Well-known member
I wouldn't use it. But Back 2 MAC it, don't toss it. At least you'll get recycling credit for it.


Well-known member
Funky smells scare me... I would toss if I were you. Usually that means that the product has gone bad.

Or for real. B2M it. At least you'd feel like you recovered something!


Well-known member
Of course I'll back2mac for it! I don't know, why I kept writing "toss". At least it's my 2nd item for back2mac....

Hm, I just sniffed it again, and
there's no way I can keep using it!


Well-known member
i had a little vI lip gloss that smelled of crayons and i put it in my back to mac pile. i tested it on my hand and i'm sure the texture had changed too.


Well-known member
Ugh...MAC_Whore is right about certain products, I had this problem with Raquel. But, I also wonder if it's really gone bad or if it's just the ingredients. I know that all opaque NARS lipglosses have that rancid smell whereas the transparent ones do not. I ended up taking mine back and they acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. They all said it smelled fine. (yeah right!) Then one MA finally came over and said explained that certain formulas smell a certain way.


Well-known member
Yeah it will not hurt you to use it....But like others have said if you can get pass the smell go for it...I personally couldn't.....There are a lot of lipsticks and glosses from other brands that I love but the smell makes me nauseous to say the least....I guess my lips are far to close to my nose


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_c

I know what a waste right.

Yes, I feel really bad wasting a gloss that is still like 3/4 full! But I feel like, the more I smell it, the worse it gets! I actually tried to wear it, because I thought, the smell might go away. WRONG! It was so gross, every time I breathed I could almost taste the smell. Oh well, it's not like I have no other gloss to wear...

Originally Posted by aziajs
Ugh...MAC_Whore is right about certain products, I had this problem with Raquel. But, I also wonder if it's really gone bad or if it's just the ingredients. I know that all opaque NARS lipglosses have that rancid smell whereas the transparent ones do not. I ended up taking mine back and they acted like they had no idea what I was talking about. They all said it smelled fine. (yeah right!) Then one MA finally came over and said explained that certain formulas smell a certain way.

I heard about that. Guess I shouldn't try Nars glosses, since I'm a very sensitive person when it comes to smells obviously. But I think it's a different story, because the Nars glosses seem to smell like that from the beginning. My 2N gloss smelled fine at the beginning (no way I would used 1/4 of it with THAT smell!), so it definitely changed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yeah it will not hurt you to use it....But like others have said if you can get pass the smell go for it...I personally couldn't.....There are a lot of lipsticks and glosses from other brands that I love but the smell makes me nauseous to say the least....I guess my lips are far to close to my nose

Yes, I totally agree
No way I'm getting past that smell. I think, wearing that gloss longer than 10 minutes the smell/taste would really make me sick! Plus I would be embarrassed to put this gloss on in public. How embarrassing is that, you put on some lipgloss in class and everyone is like "Ugh, what's that smell?!".


Well-known member
Raquel was another favorite of mine. I hardly get any backups but of course I got backups of 2N and Raquel.


Well-known member
my new dazzleglasses have a funky smell to them, they smell like vanilla but has a slight smell like it already turned.