Is racism quite prevalent in the USA??


Well-known member
Of course it is prevalent here. It is everywhere. And, unfortunately, in my opinion, a large reason why we can't get our shit together.


Well-known member
Yes. It keeps going back and forth, and then everyone want to play the victim, which just makes it harder to progress.

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I have friends who are Indian (born in the US but raised by parents who are Indian) who'd probably get disowned if they married non-Indian. Their parents would probably be like that if they were in India or any other country.

I agree!!! I'm Indian, born in India, but luckily I have open-minded parents who are ok with me dating/marrying any race. Many of my Indian friends aren't allowed to marry outside their race and some of the things their parents say about Americans are ridiculous (they are lazy, immoral, etc, etc).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chenilecee
Oh yes! Don't be naive to think that racism is not prevelent! The reason it may "seem" discreet now is because it is basically illegal to be an outright racist. There is still some serious racism going on in Corporate America. Has anyone seen the 20/20 episode where they exposed how companies discriminate against you if you have an ethnic name like Jose, Shaquanda, Dejuan, Bhavin...?

Even worse was a whole program where they showed how the public treats black and whites differently, the one that stands out as really crazy was that they used teen actors in one demonstration and one of the boys families came and they slept in the car while waiting on them to finish film and someone called the police about them sleeping in the car as if they were waiting to ambush someone, it showed the true level of the mentality of some people, black people sleeping in a car- of course they are criminals

If I remember the name of the show I'll post it, with the black vs white the police were called at a greater level for blacks with people having the balls to say ON camera, "they didn't look like they belonged here" it was a middle class area park

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Even worse was a whole program where they showed how the public treats black and whites differently, the one that stands out as really crazy was that they used teen actors in one demonstration and one of the boys families came and they slept in the car while waiting on them to finish film and someone called the police about them sleeping in the car as if they were waiting to ambush someone, it showed the true level of the mentality of some people, black people sleeping in a car- of course they are criminals

If I remember the name of the show I'll post it, with the black vs white the police were called at a greater level for blacks with people having the balls to say ON camera, "they didn't look like they belonged here" it was a middle class area park

Oprah did a segment like that not too long ago.

There were two black actors, one male and one female, acting like they were fighting in a park in a middle class, mostly white area. The man started hitting the woman and hardly anyone stopped to help or say anything. A few people said something, and all they said was basically "this is not the place to beat your wife". This old white couple called the police and were like "These people are fighting in our park". Only one person, a white woman, stood between the man and the woman and defended her and refused to leave her side. I was astounded by the whole thing.

I'm going to try to look up the segment on YT. There were other experiments with different ethnicities and scenarios.

Edit to add:

Here is a link to the segment I was speaking of.

Ethical Experiment


Well-known member
Unfortunately there are a lot of uneducated, ignorant, close minded people here in the US who have never traveled outside the nation and cant seem to think outside of the box. Hopefully as time passes, this changes as people grow older and have more eye opening experiences (but then again we managed to elect Bush president for two terms so clearly there are a whole lot of really ignorant people still out there..I guess at least 51% of our entire nation!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
Unfortunately there are a lot of uneducated, ignorant, close minded people here in the US who have never traveled outside the nation and cant seem to think outside of the box. Hopefully as time passes, this changes as people grow older and have more eye opening experiences (but then again we managed to elect Bush president for two terms so clearly there are a whole lot of really ignorant people still out there..I guess at least 51% of our entire nation!

There is a distinct irony in calling people who voted for George Bush "really ignorant" and then asserting that at least 51% of the entire nation voted for him. Which they didn't. Even if we assume that you meant voters instead of the entire nation, you're still wrong.

Just because people haven't traveled outside of the US doesn't make them ignorant or uneducated, but calling them that does make YOU close minded.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I agree with Stargazer. Plenty of ignorant people live in the US but have traveled way more than I.

I know a chick who is South Asian, has been to quite a bit of Europe, the Carribean Islands I think, India, etc., and she makes blatantly racist comments about white people and exoticizes Middle Eastern and black men.

I myself have only been to one country outside the US. Why? Because I have to support myself and don't have the luxury of time/money to travel very far. Would I love to go other places? Sure, but right now, it simply isn't practical.

However, I'd far say it that I'm ignorant and I'm certainly not uneducated or close-minded.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
There is a distinct irony in calling people who voted for George Bush "really ignorant" and then asserting that at least 51% of the entire nation voted for him. Which they didn't. Even if we assume that you meant voters instead of the entire nation, you're still wrong.

To be exact 50.7% of our nation voted for George W. Bush. And yes, to me this means that 50.7% of our nation is made up of close minded, ignorant, or uneducated people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I agree with Stargazer. Plenty of ignorant people live in the US but have traveled way more than I.

I know a chick who is South Asian, has been to quite a bit of Europe, the Carribean Islands I think, India, etc., and she makes blatantly racist comments about white people and exoticizes Middle Eastern and black men.

I myself have only been to one country outside the US. Why? Because I have to support myself and don't have the luxury of time/money to travel very far. Would I love to go other places? Sure, but right now, it simply isn't practical.

However, I'd far say it that I'm ignorant and I'm certainly not uneducated or close-minded.

You have the DESIRE to travel though which is the key factor! I would say that the people I am characterizing as close minded and ignorant are the ones that have no desire to travel because they think leaving the comfort of the US is "scary."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
So racism only pertains to African Americans?

In my opinion no. I can't tell you how many times I've been called a cracker. And atleast here I find that racism towards white people is just as common. At our counter it's not uncommon to try to talk to a woman of color and for her to walk past you and talk to the employee of color. I think in some way EVERYONE at sometime has done something negative based on race. Wether it's to ignore the crackers and go for the dark skinned woman at the counter, or worse.

I think the type of racism has something to do with where you live. I've only really been friends with two interracial couples and it's never been mentioned to me that theyve had problems -here- (Probably because it's a military town and everyone is from different places and cultures to begin with).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
To be exact 50.7% of our nation voted for George W. Bush. And yes, to me this means that 50.7% of our nation is made up of close minded, ignorant, or uneducated people.

You cannot be fucking serious?! That statement in and of itself is close-minded and ignorant. Hello pot, it's kettle calling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady

The only country that I've lived in so far where I felt completely at home and haven't experienced any kind of racism is Canada
it's weird too coz Canada is also very multicultural....maybe even more so than the US.

I agree. I'm originally from Canada and you don't really see things like that a whole lot. But then again to be honest, Canadian people are generally more friendly.

Don't get me wrong it does happen there, but not on the level that you see it in America.

In the town I'm from, you don't see obesity like you do here in the South. That's because there's better public transportation and sidewalks. So you can walk a few blocks to the bus, then walk around downtown. You can't do that here. It all goes back to culture.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
I find some americans too concerned with race...
Some people say they don't think America is ready for a black president.. LOOK PAST THE COLOUR its not about that. Its about someone who can lead the country with competence.
That comment is so annoying. Get over it!

It wasn't just about black though. They also said that about a woman president. People want "change" but a lot of people aren't willing to accept change.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
Unfortunately there are a lot of uneducated, ignorant, close minded people here in the US who have never traveled outside the nation and cant seem to think outside of the box.

I've never traveled outside the US. Praytell, how does that make me ignorant and close-minded? Ever consider that perhaps the MAJORITY of people who have not traveled outside the US have not done so because of a lack of money rather than because of their own preconcieved notions of the outside world?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
To be exact 50.7% of our nation voted for George W. Bush. And yes, to me this means that 50.7% of our nation is made up of close minded, ignorant, or uneducated people.


First off, 50.7% of VOTERS voted for George Bush in 2004. That is not 50.7% of the nation. And you also conveniently ignored the fact that you mentioned 2 elections. In the first election, 47.9% of VOTERS (again not the nation) voted for George Bush.

As for the rest, calling people who voted for someone you don't support close minded, ignorant or uneducated? Pot, meet kettle. Seriously, you might want to get your facts straight before you call other people ignorant or close minded.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I've never traveled outside the US. Praytell, how does that make me ignorant and close-minded? Ever consider that perhaps the MAJORITY of people who have not traveled outside the US have not done so because of a lack of money rather than because of their own preconcieved notions of the outside world?


The words "uneducated, ignorant, close minded" are completely unrelated to the number of miles a person has traveled. Nor does it affect their ability to "think outside of the box".

Prime example, a co-worker (who lived in Europe for a while) recently referred to an Indian woman as "those people." At which point I had to say, "What did SHE do?" At which point she bitched about how back in Texas there was an Indian family who would 'sell' the family business to a newly immigrated family member in order to avoid taxation every so many years. "Sounds like a smart plan," I say. I decided to bite my tongue and not ask how that's any different from her fiance has spending more time unemployed than employed the last 5 years... not because he can't find work, because he's lazy and would rather collect unemployment. The Indian family, smart enough to both earn a living and avoid taxes. Her fiance, smart enough to only work a few months a year and then spend the rest of the time mooching off her and the state government. He always "mysteriously" loses his job right before school lets out, so she won't bitch at him to get a new job since he'll look after the kids. I hate him with a passion because he's basically worthless, but he knows how to play it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*

First off, 50.7% of VOTERS voted for George Bush in 2004. That is not 50.7% of the nation. And you also conveniently ignored the fact that you mentioned 2 elections. In the first election, 47.9% of VOTERS (again not the nation) voted for George Bush.

As for the rest, calling people who voted for someone you don't support close minded, ignorant or uneducated? Pot, meet kettle. Seriously, you might want to get your facts straight before you call other people ignorant or close minded.

Thank you for stating so eloquently what I was thinking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
In the town I'm from, you don't see obesity like you do here in the South. That's because there's better public transportation and sidewalks. So you can walk a few blocks to the bus, then walk around downtown. You can't do that here. It all goes back to culture.

Hey, hey, hey....Let's not bring my weight into this.


Well-known member
There is racism everywhere unfortunately. It is just the world we live in. I wish people look past the colour of skin and see the person.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
In my opinion no. I can't tell you how many times I've been called a cracker. And atleast here I find that racism towards white people is just as common. At our counter it's not uncommon to try to talk to a woman of color and for her to walk past you and talk to the employee of color. I think in some way EVERYONE at sometime has done something negative based on race. Wether it's to ignore the crackers and go for the dark skinned woman at the counter, or worse.

I think the type of racism has something to do with where you live. I've only really been friends with two interracial couples and it's never been mentioned to me that theyve had problems -here- (Probably because it's a military town and everyone is from different places and cultures to begin with).


I'm sorry about your experiences though.