Is this a joke?


Well-known member
Probably.....hopefully. The only way to order is to contact them with your info, which probably gets you a call to CPS


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Probably.....hopefully. The only way to order is to contact them with your info, which probably gets you a call to CPS

Goodness sakes, I sure hope so. I don't even like they put the pictures of kids in them.


Well-known member
Like I said in another post, some stupid/sick people will not only think this is real, but a great idea!


Well-known member
When I see things like this, it seriously freaks me out. MacAttak did make me feel a slight bit better about it. It all looks too realistic and it scares me.


Well-known member
This is too silly and sad if it is real. The company is upset with Scrubs tv show for misrepresenting the product....that must be a joke!!


Well-known member
Under FAQ:

"A baby cage? Isn't this harmful to children? No, All of our products are tested on third-world country test subjects for six months. After each experiment, no child showed signs of physical or emotional damage. Baby Cage products are 100% safe! None of our products can cause permanant damage to a child or infant."



Active member
OMG!!!! i would never ever but my kid in this thing
wow!!! i can not believe that some would even thing about buying this thing for there kids.


Well-known member
Definitely fake, like Bonsaikitten or Manbeef. These pretend product sites are a tale as old as time for the internet, and can be funny, if you're aware of their satirical nature. I loved them when I was younger, and always planned on creating my own, haha. That's the market they're going for, also, they look to appear on local news stations or CNN. Pretty much just a prank, really!

This particular one is sad, since there was that news story recently about the family that kept a whole bunch of foster kids with varying degrees of mental and emotional problems caged up in their basement. It might not have been that recent, but it was within the frame of time from 2001-to now, so I think this parody site might've been inspired by those events. Black humor and all that.

Manbeef had t-shirts, I think. And BonsaiKitten is infamous, but totally, completely, one-hundred percent fake. Like Babycage.

It's all sort of a modern A Modest Proposal.