Is this Pro Pan E/S genuine?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angi
Or.... she could just provide the reciepts invoices or a letter of authenticity from MAC. Surely that would be quicker (and cheaper!) then getting the lawyers involved!?

I was trying to report all her listing the other day, but got a blue screen of death on my computer and then forgot what I was doing. I'll report them all tonight.

Great! Thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nuria_28
She said she is not selling fake eyeshadow and she will refund my money in my paypal account. This was this morning so I will wait till this noon to open a dispute in paypal.
Thanks for the piece of information and thanks for worrying about other ebay buyers.


You're most welcome. I hope you get your money soon.


Originally Posted by Katjamo
Great! Thanks.

Lawyers are not going to get involved for this.. my boyfriend is a barrister and he will not move a finger for this case.
I hope nobody buys from her anymore... BTW, can you put a photo of your fake pan and the real one? I never bought refills before so I am not sure how it should look like.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nuria_28
Lawyers are not going to get involved for this.. my boyfriend is a barrister and he will not move a finger for this case.
I hope nobody buys from her anymore... BTW, can you put a photo of your fake pan and the real one? I never bought refills before so I am not sure how it should look like.

I am going to. I have a genuine Sketch on the way from MAC.

But I am not sure I can really capture the difference in picture. I don't have a good macro lense, and the differences are really really small. Hopefully someone with a good lense can get some good pictures. But I will try.

I couldn't see the difference untill I knew it. They are very good fakes. Just by looking at the pan you can't see it. But when you compare the magnet carefully with a genuine you can see the difference. The fake magnet is just a tiny bit thicker. It also sticks more to the palette. I could feel it when I put the pan in my palette, the magnet was a bit stronger. But you have to have a genuine to compare to, to really see it.

The texture of the eyeshadow is also wrong. MAC eyeshadows are quite dry, expecially velvets like Sketch. But the fake was really creamy. It didn't feel like the real thing when I applied it.


The weight in my pan is 1.3g/0.04 Us Oz. Is this normal? every single pan I am seeing in internet says 1.5g/0.05 US OZ.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nuria_28
The weight in my pan is 1.3g/0.04 Us Oz. Is this normal? every single pan I am seeing in internet says 1.5g/0.05 US OZ.

This is normal. Some of the eyeshadow finishes (I think it is Veluxe Pearls) are 1.3g


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pinky & Poodle
And the store is empty

Still hope to get my money back

YAY! Excellent.
Hope you get your money soon.

But he will probably just show up again under another name. Or she. I am not sure which it is


The seller report me to Ebay..... I opened the dispute in Paypal and I would like to know what happens after you give some extra information to paypal. what is the next step?
Any luck with your money Pinky?