It's a cold day in hell when...
...I don't have a customer who huffs and puffs about being on a tight schedule while I'm ringing up her purchase - after she just spent 40 minutes painstakingly rejecting each nude lipstick I show her, as requested, and then picking a pink color.
...I don't have someone come into my counter at Nordies and ask me where Anne Taylor is in the mall. Shit...I don't know because I work in here all day, but that huge map in the courtyard (you know: the one you just walked past?) may know.
...I do not help someone pick out colors for a half of an hour just to be told "thanks! I'm glad you helped me, because I'm going over to the MAC store to buy these tomorrow and they aren't as helpful as you guys are."
...I don't have to field a smartass comment about the MAC displayers being "crazy". MA at my counter doesn't have a customer ask for a "bright" look who then freaks out at the lightly applied Jest and Naked Lunch eyes and yell "no! that's too bright! can we take it off!? I'll just get Shroom again."
...I do not hear "that's not how the girl at my old MAC used to do it," as if I just tried to con her. (Meanwhile I'm thinking: God, I hope no MAC artist taught you
that crappy look you came in with. If so, shame on that artist!)
...I am not asked in a desperate voice how to keep foundation/eye makeup looking fresh all day and, after I explain about primers and then demo for them, hear "I'm not really interested in buying that stuff. It sounds like a waste of money."
...I do not spend 5 minutes showing someone all of our bronze shadows like they asked, when I finally find out that in that person's language "bronze" means "gold".
... I do not hear "GOD! NEVER MIND! I'll just go to Target!" after answering someone's question: "I want some really good brushes. How much is this one?"
HOWEVER... It's also a cold day in hell when..
...I don't hear "Thank you!" and "Oh my! I have never looked so pretty!" or "I wish you could come do my makeup every morning!" or "I wish I had met you years ago" or "Now
that's what I'm talkin' about!". I have many many more wonderful clients than weird/nasty/insane customers.