"It's a cold day in hell when..."


Well-known member
It's a cold day in hell when a teenaged guy doesn't come in and ask to get a makeover, while his friends all snicker behind him. Yes, you are so funny! Nobody has ever said that before!

How 'bout this: a customer is shopping with her hubby or BF, but the man won't cross the threshold and looks nervous...like the makeup will jump up and apply itself to his face.
I applaud the man who comes in and patiently waits!


Well-known member
its a cold day in hell if im not asked if we have GWP, then i say no and they proceed to ask if we give ANYTHING free! why would you want ANYTHING free? do you even know what anything could be?....lol!

if someone askes if we have a mac credit card.

if we do hair as well as makeup.


Well-known member
Since Clinique is known for GWP and sample packs at certain times during the year...every single day at least one customer will say "Oh, and give me whatever you have for free, too". Those are the customers to whom I will say "Sorry, I don't have anything". If a customer is POLITE to me and doesn't act like I am their personal slave, even if they don't buy something, I may give them a free mini foundation or lotion or something. I want to encourage those people to come back and see me, and to try out our products!

Also, I love customers who give me shit because we don't have something in stock. No, I cannot telepathically predict exactly when the truck will deliver it. I can take your name and number and call you, but I do not know the exact time and date that will occur.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
Also, I love customers who give me shit because we don't have something in stock. No, I cannot telepathically predict exactly when the truck will deliver it. I can take your name and number and call you, but I do not know the exact time and date that will occur.

Oh I love those people! One woman demanded I go and get some stock from our warehouse for her, and got angry when I said I couldn't as we don't even have a warehouse!

It's a cold day in hell when... you advise a customer on skincare products that would be suited to how they've described their skin concerns but they go ahead and disregard your advice completely and buy something made for dry skin if they have ultra oily skin.


Well-known member
It's a cold day in hell when...

...you don't get the very worse possible customer - Ms. "I want it to look like I'm not wearing make-up. I want to look natural like [insert various Hollywood superstar]"

...it's an event day @ M A C, we're fully booked with various clients and two or more friends or relatives get make-up done by different artists and this doesn't occur...

...and at least one of them (usually the one with the worse skin, brow stubble, un-exfoliated, chapped lips, one the phone during, snacking in-between, disruptive kid at her side that she seems oblivious to and was the most indecisive about the look) wonders why their make-up doesn't look like the friend or relative with perfect smooth skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NaturalSister19
It's a cold day in hell when...

...and at least one of them (usually the one with the worse skin, brow stubble, un-exfoliated, chapped lips, one the phone during, snacking in-between, disruptive kid at her side that she seems oblivious to and was the most indecisive about the look) wonders why their make-up doesn't look like the friend or relative with perfect smooth skin.

I had this happen to me,..they were actually talking about me anyway,... I was at MAC in Nordies once just to get pampered a bit and booked an event makeover,.. the lady next to me was whining why she didnt look like me when she was done,.. it killed me not to yell at her that the poor MA's aren't plastic surgeons or dermatologists,...she had the chapped lips, post acne scarred skin, and was on the phone,.. (Thank God MAC can only do so much,... Didnt want her lookin like me anyhow,...)

When I went on for C-shock one of my Fav MA's stuck and application in my bag again,... subtle hint?? Not sure I have as much patience as some of those gals,.. LOL.


Well-known member
1. getting yelled at for being o.o.s. of ANYTHING.. it doesnt matter whats out of stock it could be the most random thing and that ONE person who comes in looking for it... throws a fit.. and it is my fault... like i could go in the back and make some for her but i wont because im a jerk or something

2. the same girls coming in for a makeover EVERY DAY!

3. people asking for free stuff.

4. people asking what makes our makeup SOO much better then everyone elses

5. people who arent actually interested in anything but work you like a dog for there own personal amusement

6. people who throw tissues, cotton swabs, or tester brushes all over the floor. or draw on displays with makeup.


Well-known member
It's a cold day in hell when one teenage girl doesn't turn to another teenage girl and announces "your make-up is so much wilder and crazy than hers [pointing at either myself or the subtle natrual look that I've just let bloom across a clients face], you should totally work as a make-up artist!".

Man, I wish. In the grand scheme of things it's much harder to work the most delicate natrual make-up on someone than it is to do a wild and crazy, brightly-coloured mask. I see that 'you should be an MA because your make-up is crazy!' sentiment expressed here on the boards all the time and it never ceases to bring the lulz. Do a flawless Cate-Blanchett-in-an-SKII-advertisment make-up and then we'll talk.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
It's a cold day in hell when one teenage girl doesn't turn to another teenage girl and announces "your make-up is so much wilder and crazy than hers [pointing at either myself or the subtle natrual look that I've just let bloom across a clients face], you should totally work as a make-up artist!".

Man, I wish. In the grand scheme of things it's much harder to work the most delicate natrual make-up on someone than it is to do a wild and crazy, brightly-coloured mask. I see that 'you should be an MA because your make-up is crazy!' sentiment expressed here on the boards all the time and it never ceases to bring the lulz. Do a flawless Cate-Blanchett-in-an-SKII-advertisment make-up and then we'll talk.

This is soooo true. I really can't hand the recent slew of fake "MUAs"...they can't even be qualified as GWKs, they're just frikin girls with (slightly) larger makeup collections & they suddenly think that they are makeup artists cause they can do shitty obnoxious looks-on themselves.


Well-known member
It's a freezing cold icey hial storm in hell when I don't get asked about gifts/GWP.

Ohmygod...the whole Gift thing has been running rampant the past two weeks...

"Don't I get a gift with ma purchase?!"
"No, ma'am, I'm sorry, MAC doesnt really do Gifts with purchases, we do have th eBack2 Mac Pro.."
"Girl, I don't care about no program. I want a gift. That's horrible I spend all this money and dont get no gift. I get a gift at Clinique"
"I'm sorry ma'am, but like I was saying if you turn in 6 empty containers for recycling you can get a free lipstick at our counter or any other MAC counter."
"*sigh* Well, okay,*rolls eyes*"
"Have a great day!" *insert as much of a smile as I can muster.

I swear I've had this EXACT same conversation quite a few times...


I'm new here...but I'm surprised this one didn't show up.

It's a cold day in hell when a women claims to have "sensitive" skin yet can't say how her skin reacts to product, or what ingredients cause problem...

Really?! You have sensitive skin? Gee...I can rub glass all over my face and have nothing happen...you must be really fancy since you're beautiful skin is so delicate.

Someone wants to spend 2 day looking for a “coral” lipstick…turns out they want pink

Two words…
Sample Trolls


Well-known member
Sample trolls! I love it. It seems that some people don't care even if a sample is 10 shades too dark for them as long as it was free!

It is a cold day in hell when we have containers displaying full sized lipstick, lip glosses, etc for purchase that people think are for free. People just reach inside and stick them in their purse. Sometimes I have to chase people down and tell them that is not FREE!! Good Gosh people!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheManda
I'm new here...but I'm surprised this one didn't show up.

It's a cold day in hell when a women claims to have "sensitive" skin yet can't say how her skin reacts to product, or what ingredients cause problem...

Really?! You have sensitive skin? Gee...I can rub glass all over my face and have nothing happen...you must be really fancy since you're beautiful skin is so delicate. [/font]

just in defence of those with that kind of skin (ie me...) i am still unable to tell exactly what will cause it to go mad.

i can be fine with something for months, then all of a sudden it starts causing red painful lumps and red patches on my face. if i leave it aside for a while then try again sometimes it's ok again, sometimes it's not. my current night cream will cause burning pain on my skin about once a fortnight but is fine all the rest of the time... and i have no idea why.

my skin can't decide what works for it, so in the meantime i just have to be careful and avoid anything that i think might cause it drama (unless i can get a sample first).

i can totally understand the frustration i must cause to an SA though. it must be tough to have to deal with that every day


Well-known member
It's a cold day in hell when...

...I don't have a customer who huffs and puffs about being on a tight schedule while I'm ringing up her purchase - after she just spent 40 minutes painstakingly rejecting each nude lipstick I show her, as requested, and then picking a pink color.

...I don't have someone come into my counter at Nordies and ask me where Anne Taylor is in the mall. Shit...I don't know because I work in here all day, but that huge map in the courtyard (you know: the one you just walked past?) may know.

...I do not help someone pick out colors for a half of an hour just to be told "thanks! I'm glad you helped me, because I'm going over to the MAC store to buy these tomorrow and they aren't as helpful as you guys are."

...I don't have to field a smartass comment about the MAC displayers being "crazy".

...an MA at my counter doesn't have a customer ask for a "bright" look who then freaks out at the lightly applied Jest and Naked Lunch eyes and yell "no! that's too bright! can we take it off!? I'll just get Shroom again."

...I do not hear "that's not how the girl at my old MAC used to do it," as if I just tried to con her. (Meanwhile I'm thinking: God, I hope no MAC artist taught you that crappy look you came in with. If so, shame on that artist!)

...I am not asked in a desperate voice how to keep foundation/eye makeup looking fresh all day and, after I explain about primers and then demo for them, hear "I'm not really interested in buying that stuff. It sounds like a waste of money."

...I do not spend 5 minutes showing someone all of our bronze shadows like they asked, when I finally find out that in that person's language "bronze" means "gold".

... I do not hear "GOD! NEVER MIND! I'll just go to Target!" after answering someone's question: "I want some really good brushes. How much is this one?"

HOWEVER... It's also a cold day in hell when..
...I don't hear "Thank you!" and "Oh my! I have never looked so pretty!" or "I wish you could come do my makeup every morning!" or "I wish I had met you years ago" or "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!". I have many many more wonderful clients than weird/nasty/insane customers.


Originally Posted by redambition
just in defence of those with that kind of skin (ie me...) i am still unable to tell exactly what will cause it to go mad.

i can be fine with something for months, then all of a sudden it starts causing red painful lumps and red patches on my face. if i leave it aside for a while then try again sometimes it's ok again, sometimes it's not. my current night cream will cause burning pain on my skin about once a fortnight but is fine all the rest of the time... and i have no idea why.

my skin can't decide what works for it, so in the meantime i just have to be careful and avoid anything that i think might cause it drama (unless i can get a sample first).

i can totally understand the frustration i must cause to an SA though. it must be tough to have to deal with that every day

When people do have an actually skin problem that's understandable and there's stuff that we can use (I work at Estee Lauder) for that. There are for some reason though people who think it makes them look fancy to say that they have sensative skin. They use that point as a way to show off or to act like they're too good for our product. If someone does really have highly sensative skin they can always say how it's reacts. So many of these people are just sample trolls wanting to be able to take home $115 moisturizer to "try".


Active member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
It's a cold day in hell when a teenaged guy doesn't come in and ask to get a makeover, while his friends all snicker behind him. Yes, you are so funny! Nobody has ever said that before!

How 'bout this: a customer is shopping with her hubby or BF, but the man won't cross the threshold and looks nervous...like the makeup will jump up and apply itself to his face.
I applaud the man who comes in and patiently waits!

lol, hope i dont get in trouble for my input here since im not a mua but i had to say my husband is guilty of this! lol!! now proceed all you wonderful mua!!! this thread is awesome!!!


Well-known member
I swear I could add to this list after every week of working at MAC...hahaha

It's a cold day in hell when...

Someone comes in looking for 'a very nude nude lipstick' and after showing them everything under the sun...they walk out with 'o' or fresh moroccan. NUDE?! WHA?!

People come in allllll about taking home all of the Barbie collection...even if it came out months ago and we've already sent every piece of it back.

That's all for today!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Sample trolls! I love it. It seems that some people don't care even if a sample is 10 shades too dark for them as long as it was free!

It is a cold day in hell when we have containers displaying full sized lipstick, lip glosses, etc for purchase that people think are for free. People just reach inside and stick them in their purse. Sometimes I have to chase people down and tell them that is not FREE!! Good Gosh people!

YOU ARE KIDDING ME!!!!! People have *really* done that????? Wow. There are even more stupid people in this world than I knew


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Sample trolls! I love it. It seems that some people don't care even if a sample is 10 shades too dark for them as long as it was free!

oh I totally agree! I don't work in makeup, but I am in retail, and we have several customers that come in DAILY and browse the store somehow mentally recording the pricetags in their head. They can get 100 items, collect them in a huge cart and when absolutely ANYTHING, ANYTHING rings up different than what the tag says (It can be 1 cent more, I promise you I've had that happen at least 4 times in the last 6 months, where it was 1 CENT more), and they want it ALL free. EVERYTHING. get a life, people!

I could go on with a thousand "cold day in hell" things, but I'll politely step out of the thread because it doesn't exactly have to do with makeup, just retail! argggh I am such a friendly, polite person, but I swear some people are just absolutely impossible to please and view you as an easy target to vent their frustration and anger.