Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettygirl
Yes, there is protection. But none of the protection is 100% fool proof. And I think I am like one in a million.. but I kinda commend Jamie Lynn Spears for actually keeping the baby.. and not having an abortion just to save face. My opinion was just that.. you know.. how many girls are actually having sex at the age of 16 (I'm by no means promoting it.. it's just actual numbers).. accidents do happen.. and alot of girls take the easy way out.. and have an abortion.

Since when is having an abortion "the easy way out"? An abortion may not affect someone for 18 years or more, but that depends on the person. A woman will most likely never forget an abortion. It doesn't matter if you chose to raise a child or to have an abortion--either way it is a life changing decision that is extremely difficult for anyone to make. I absolutely hate when people act as though anyone who had an abortion is a horrible despicable person. You don't know why someone would make that choice unless you're in their shoes. Don't go there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Since when is having an abortion "the easy way out"? An abortion may not affect someone for 18 years or more, but that depends on the person. A woman will most likely never forget an abortion. It doesn't matter if you chose to raise a child or to have an abortion--either way it is a life changing decision that is extremely difficult for anyone to make. I absolutely hate when people act as though anyone who had an abortion is a horrible despicable person. You don't know why someone would make that choice unless you're in their shoes. Don't go there.

i totally agree.... at the moment if i ever got pregnant i would consider an abortion as im not sure if i would be in the right state of mind or financially able to give that child the fullest life they deserve. in that case it can be most sensible to have an abortion...imo

but of course you can never tell until your in that situation... if someones using abortion as birth control thats disgusting...but condoms can split...the pill can fail... you never know what life can throw at you.


Well-known member
I'm not defending the incompetent Spears parents or their seemingly incredibly fertile children...

But last year 16 year old Keisha Castle-Hughes was pregnant by a 20 year old and nobody gave a shit. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, she was also playing the Virgin Mary in "The Nativity Story." People magazine had her pregnancy and announced her birth in its "Passages" section and covered the story as if it were no big deal.

I know that in the media these situations aren't the same. Probably 5 of you know who Keisha Castle-Hughes is and maybe one of 5 care. I also know that Keisha Castle-Hughes isn't on a Nickelodeon show where children recognize her and her fan base isn't in the tweens and teens...

And there's like a billion unmarried celebrities out there shacking up and popping out kids and everybody either gushes or is disgusted. I'm not saying I think people need to be married to have kids or live together, but fuck, what's going on in the world? It's like speed marriage and speed parenting are sooo in right now. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden were together what, 4 or 5 months before her pregnancy was announced? I know people who've been together for 5 or 6 years who dont even think about marriage or kids, and they're way older than 16, some are even in their 30s.

I feel like celebrities get knocked up and move in together quickly because they have the financial means to. People think that having a baby unexpectedly is okay because you're a millionaire, but you can't just have a baby and an extravagant designer shower and be okay; you've got to raise that child for the rest of its life, and no amount of money or fame will help you do that.

I think Jamie Lynn's pregnancy is incredibly sad. I think both Britney and Jamie Lynn are really screwed up beyond repair because they lack a family support system and a foundation of morals that should have been instilled by loving, decent parents. I'm 20 and if I wound up pregnant, my world would be completely OVER. Yes, I'd most likely find a way to finish school and TRY--yes, key word try--to prepare myself to have a baby...but I've had decent bringing up by my parents and they'd stand behind me. I think these parents are only around because it keeps them living the life, and it's unfair.

Hopefully they can get this shit under control, because frankly I'm sick of hearing about the Spears clan and their fucked up existence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Firebabe
Funny thing back in the day it was totally acceptable to be pregnant at the age of 14 and up

back in the day people died around 40 lol i think they were probably just doing what they could while they still could.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Since when is having an abortion "the easy way out"? An abortion may not affect someone for 18 years or more, but that depends on the person. A woman will most likely never forget an abortion. It doesn't matter if you chose to raise a child or to have an abortion--either way it is a life changing decision that is extremely difficult for anyone to make. I absolutely hate when people act as though anyone who had an abortion is a horrible despicable person. You don't know why someone would make that choice unless you're in their shoes. Don't go there.

I wasn't trying to force my opinion on anyone. It was basically that, MY OPINION. So if you want to take it the wrong way, by all means.. go ahead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettygirl
I wasn't trying to force my opinion on anyone. It was basically that, MY OPINION. So if you want to take it the wrong way, by all means.. go ahead.

I never said you were trying to force your opinion on anyone. I gave you MY OPINION in return. You offended me, and I responded.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Firebabe
Funny thing back in the day it was totally acceptable to be pregnant at the age of 14 and up

Yeah and people died at 45. We have the good fortune to live in a time when putting off child bearing is possible. It benefits society and everyone around when a woman takes advantage of that.


Well-known member
i think it's funny how both britney and jamie lynn claimed to be the innocent, good girls...and look where britney ended up and look who's followed in her footsteps.

i can't believe she met this guy in church either, don't they teach you abstinence there? but i guess if you're too busy giving the buy a blowjob in the pews, you don't really get the full effect of the pastor's teachings.


Well-known member
I agree
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Yeah and people died at 45. We have the good fortune to live in a time when putting off child bearing is possible. It benefits society and everyone around when a woman takes advantage of that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Yeah and people died at 45. We have the good fortune to live in a time when putting off child bearing is possible. It benefits society and everyone around when a woman takes advantage of that.

Not as much as you think funnily enough. A lot of women these days seem to be putting it off to have a career which is fair enough but then they get to 40 and they find out that their fertility has dropped massively and they have to resort to IVF and all that. And you're pretty much finished int he child baring stakes once you reach the menopause.

As long as she is trying her best then I wish her all the good luck in the world. It makes me sad to hear people slating a woman with mental health problems and her sister who seems like a nice enough girl and happened to make a mistake which happens to a heck of a slot of people. And it's none of our business anyway. Why is her getting pregnant any different from the young woman down the street or whatever? I hope she manages and gets all the support and love she needs at this time.

Ask yourself this - If you were a 16 year old in the spotlight, how would you feel if people were being nasty about you when you're at a fragile time and need love and support. I commend her for being able to cope with that because I know I probably couldn't


Well-known member
I wasn't even thinking about having sex at 16. With her financial position, there's no need to feel sorry for her. I pity the kids because, clearly, her family is a hot ass mess.


With all this hype on the Spear's family I thought this was another rumor at first. Then when I found out it wasn't, I was like WOW how can she continue with her show on NICK? Well I was beside myself when I found out the answer yesterday while watching NICK. I saw a commercial for the ZOEY 101 "movie". Basically they are ending it with her moving away for good.

I just think that these public figures for kids need to wise up. Yes, they do have their own lives but when you have a fan base you can't do some of the things they have been doing lately. For example Vanessa from High School Musical . . .one's taking nude pictures of herself to send off to her boyfriend . .while the other one's getting knocked up. .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pnayluvs1
With all this hype on the Spear's family I thought this was another rumor at first. Then when I found out it wasn't, I was like WOW how can she continue with her show on NICK? Well I was beside myself when I found out the answer yesterday while watching NICK. I saw a commercial for the ZOEY 101 "movie". Basically they are ending it with her moving away for good.

I just think that these public figures for kids need to wise up. Yes, they do have their own lives but when you have a fan base you can't do some of the things they have been doing lately. For example Vanessa from High School Musical . . .one's taking nude pictures of herself to send off to her boyfriend . .while the other one's getting knocked up. .

I just saw the commercial for the movie on Nickelodean. I looked it up online and it turns out it's already aired in Canada so it's up on the internet.

Goodbye part 1: Stage6 · Zoey 101 - 324 Good bye Zoey - Video and Download · lostserenity
Goodbye part 2:
Stage6 · Zoey 101 -325- Good Bye Zoey Part 2 - Video and Download · lostserenity

I just skimmed through part 2 and watched the end of it. Bad acting aside, it's saaaad. I never realized the show was so dramatic.


Well-known member
Anybody else heard the latest rumor that she's knocked up by one of the show's producers and that Casey is just the fall guy, paid off by the family?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Anybody else heard the latest rumor that she's knocked up by one of the show's producers and that Casey is just the fall guy, paid off by the family?


I hope thats not the truth. But we will most likely find out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Who knows, just when you think it can't get any worse with that family they always make room for more crazy.

omg I love those smileys you used at the end... just perfect! haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Anybody else heard the latest rumor that she's knocked up by one of the show's producers and that Casey is just the fall guy, paid off by the family?

totally wouldn't surprise me at all. ewwww.


Well-known member
yes I had heard that it may be one of the producers and that the family has paid Casey to take the fall as his age falls into the area where no charges would be laid but with this other guy, it obviously would. Grosses me out. Maybe its not true? I mean you could make up anything now about the Spears family and with some of the crazy shit thats been going on in the last year that we know was true, its conceivable even more weird stuff is going on with them all.