I'm not defending the incompetent Spears parents or their seemingly incredibly fertile children...
But last year 16 year old Keisha Castle-Hughes was pregnant by a 20 year old and nobody gave a shit. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, she was also playing the Virgin Mary in "The Nativity Story." People magazine had her pregnancy and announced her birth in its "Passages" section and covered the story as if it were no big deal.
I know that in the media these situations aren't the same. Probably 5 of you know who Keisha Castle-Hughes is and maybe one of 5 care. I also know that Keisha Castle-Hughes isn't on a Nickelodeon show where children recognize her and her fan base isn't in the tweens and teens...
And there's like a billion unmarried celebrities out there shacking up and popping out kids and everybody either gushes or is disgusted. I'm not saying I think people need to be married to have kids or live together, but fuck, what's going on in the world? It's like speed marriage and speed parenting are sooo in right now. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden were together what, 4 or 5 months before her pregnancy was announced? I know people who've been together for 5 or 6 years who dont even think about marriage or kids, and they're way older than 16, some are even in their 30s.
I feel like celebrities get knocked up and move in together quickly because they have the financial means to. People think that having a baby unexpectedly is okay because you're a millionaire, but you can't just have a baby and an extravagant designer shower and be okay; you've got to raise that child for the rest of its life, and no amount of money or fame will help you do that.
I think Jamie Lynn's pregnancy is incredibly sad. I think both Britney and Jamie Lynn are really screwed up beyond repair because they lack a family support system and a foundation of morals that should have been instilled by loving, decent parents. I'm 20 and if I wound up pregnant, my world would be completely OVER. Yes, I'd most likely find a way to finish school and TRY--yes, key word try--to prepare myself to have a baby...but I've had decent bringing up by my parents and they'd stand behind me. I think these parents are only around because it keeps them living the life, and it's unfair.
Hopefully they can get this shit under control, because frankly I'm sick of hearing about the Spears clan and their fucked up existence.