Well-known member
Not arguing, just for the sake of discussion...
I appreciate a lot of what you are saying. In regards to the difficulties with women getting pregnant at a later age, I'm sure you and I both agree that there is a happy medium. One that arrives at at a more developed age than 16, but prior to years where she may encounter difficulties.
You're right, it really is none of our business, but as this is a discussion board and we are weighing our opinions. I am not personally offering the Spears family advice, so I don't feel bad about discussing the topic on Specktra.
Speaking for my personal feelings, they are negative towards the whole issue. As someone said, getting pregnant at 16 isn't the end of the world. It isn't, but it sure as hell won't be easy.
I know that with the cash the Spears family has that this pregnancy will be much easier than it would be for your average 16 yr old in high school. Your average 16 year old won't have the "luxury" of dropping the kid off with a nanny. The average 16 year old doesn't already have the money to send her child to college. The average 16 year old doesn't have the means to feed, clothe and care for a baby. I am disappointed that Jamie Lynn Spears sends a message, albeit inadvertantly, that early pregnancies are easier than they really are (due to her finances).
I watched my 15 year old neighbor and her boyfriend go through the rigors of early parenthood. They were miserable. This is a girl who had endless possibilities. She had made plans. Now, she just works on maintaining and surviving. Between the two options, I can tell which I think would have been the better choice.
And if I know the press, the way I think I know the press, they will be all over her for photos to celebrate the birth, which ultimately glamourizes it for a lot of young girls. I just think that overall, Jamie Lynn Spear's situation (finances, resources, etc.) is not commensurate with most young girls, and that it will send the wrong message.
My opinions on the situation are negative and that's fine with me. The last thing I want to do is commend Jamie Lynn Spears or her boyfriend.
Not arguing, just for the sake of discussion...
I appreciate a lot of what you are saying. In regards to the difficulties with women getting pregnant at a later age, I'm sure you and I both agree that there is a happy medium. One that arrives at at a more developed age than 16, but prior to years where she may encounter difficulties.
You're right, it really is none of our business, but as this is a discussion board and we are weighing our opinions. I am not personally offering the Spears family advice, so I don't feel bad about discussing the topic on Specktra.
Speaking for my personal feelings, they are negative towards the whole issue. As someone said, getting pregnant at 16 isn't the end of the world. It isn't, but it sure as hell won't be easy.
I know that with the cash the Spears family has that this pregnancy will be much easier than it would be for your average 16 yr old in high school. Your average 16 year old won't have the "luxury" of dropping the kid off with a nanny. The average 16 year old doesn't already have the money to send her child to college. The average 16 year old doesn't have the means to feed, clothe and care for a baby. I am disappointed that Jamie Lynn Spears sends a message, albeit inadvertantly, that early pregnancies are easier than they really are (due to her finances).
I watched my 15 year old neighbor and her boyfriend go through the rigors of early parenthood. They were miserable. This is a girl who had endless possibilities. She had made plans. Now, she just works on maintaining and surviving. Between the two options, I can tell which I think would have been the better choice.
And if I know the press, the way I think I know the press, they will be all over her for photos to celebrate the birth, which ultimately glamourizes it for a lot of young girls. I just think that overall, Jamie Lynn Spear's situation (finances, resources, etc.) is not commensurate with most young girls, and that it will send the wrong message.
My opinions on the situation are negative and that's fine with me. The last thing I want to do is commend Jamie Lynn Spears or her boyfriend.