Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant


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Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Not as much as you think funnily enough. A lot of women these days seem to be putting it off to have a career which is fair enough but then they get to 40 and they find out that their fertility has dropped massively and they have to resort to IVF and all that. And you're pretty much finished int he child baring stakes once you reach the menopause.

As long as she is trying her best then I wish her all the good luck in the world. It makes me sad to hear people slating a woman with mental health problems and her sister who seems like a nice enough girl and happened to make a mistake which happens to a heck of a slot of people. And it's none of our business anyway. Why is her getting pregnant any different from the young woman down the street or whatever? I hope she manages and gets all the support and love she needs at this time.

Ask yourself this - If you were a 16 year old in the spotlight, how would you feel if people were being nasty about you when you're at a fragile time and need love and support. I commend her for being able to cope with that because I know I probably couldn't

Not arguing, just for the sake of discussion...

I appreciate a lot of what you are saying. In regards to the difficulties with women getting pregnant at a later age, I'm sure you and I both agree that there is a happy medium. One that arrives at at a more developed age than 16, but prior to years where she may encounter difficulties.

You're right, it really is none of our business, but as this is a discussion board and we are weighing our opinions. I am not personally offering the Spears family advice, so I don't feel bad about discussing the topic on Specktra.

Speaking for my personal feelings, they are negative towards the whole issue. As someone said, getting pregnant at 16 isn't the end of the world. It isn't, but it sure as hell won't be easy.

I know that with the cash the Spears family has that this pregnancy will be much easier than it would be for your average 16 yr old in high school. Your average 16 year old won't have the "luxury" of dropping the kid off with a nanny. The average 16 year old doesn't already have the money to send her child to college. The average 16 year old doesn't have the means to feed, clothe and care for a baby. I am disappointed that Jamie Lynn Spears sends a message, albeit inadvertantly, that early pregnancies are easier than they really are (due to her finances).

I watched my 15 year old neighbor and her boyfriend go through the rigors of early parenthood. They were miserable. This is a girl who had endless possibilities. She had made plans. Now, she just works on maintaining and surviving. Between the two options, I can tell which I think would have been the better choice.

And if I know the press, the way I think I know the press, they will be all over her for photos to celebrate the birth, which ultimately glamourizes it for a lot of young girls. I just think that overall, Jamie Lynn Spear's situation (finances, resources, etc.) is not commensurate with most young girls, and that it will send the wrong message.

My opinions on the situation are negative and that's fine with me. The last thing I want to do is commend Jamie Lynn Spears or her boyfriend.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
just wanted to say that my 7 year old sister mentioned at dinner how "zoey 101 is having a baby zoey 102". just saying .... and shes 7. and now we have to explain to her how kids arent supposed to have kids. and shes 7.


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Who's the daddy: Pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears dumped by boyfriend who demands proof of paternity

Pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears has been dumped by boyfriend Casey Aldridge because he doubts he is the father, it has been claimed.

Aldridge is insisting that TV star Jamie Lynn, 16, has a paternity test to prove he is the child's father, according to U.S reports.


Dumped: Jamie Lynn has been dumped by boyfriend Casey Aldridge who is said to be in doubt that he is the father of her child

Jamie Lynn, 16, has yet to confirm Aldridge as the father and insiders say the pair's relationship has been shaky for months.
Casey's doubts have been revealed by a pal of Jamie Lynn's troubled sister Britney Spears.

Going it alone: Jamie Lynn and her mother Lynne Spears were seen leaving a parenting class organised for Jamie by her school in Kentwood, Louisiana

"He wants a paternity test," Britney told the Spears family friend, according to In Touch Weekly.

"Casey doesn't want to be with her until he's sure that he's the father."

Rumours have swirled that Jamie Lynn is in fact pregnant by an older TV producer.

Jamie was seen earlier this week attending a parenting class, in preparation of her impending birth, at an Adult Education Centre in Kentwood, Louisiana.


Well-known member
Christ that family could be on Jerry Springer!

Its not just Jamie Lynn that needs parenting classes...


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Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
There is a lot of talk that she is MUCH further along than she is letting on.

Could be that's why she's wearing that baggy sweatshirt and jeans.


Well-known member
This family is just such a trainwreck- I just can't stop watching it.

But who'd have ever thought that Britney and Jamie would be the ones with all the issues and Christina Aguilera would be the one with the stable marriage, baby on the way, etc?


Well-known member

new reports say that Jamie Lynn is going to give up her baby... to Lynne Spears.

it's not confirmed - in fact a rep is denying it, but given the wonderful job Lynne has already done, I'm hoping it's not true.


Well-known member
i read from a magazine - Life & Style, People, OK! (one of those type of magazines you can find at a bookstore and newsstand), that Jamie Lynn have cheated on Casey and that while she was pregnant, she drank alcohol and smoke cigarettes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition

new reports say that Jamie Lynn is going to give up her baby... to Lynne Spears.

it's not confirmed - in fact a rep is denying it, but given the wonderful job Lynne has already done, I'm hoping it's not true.

I heard that, too.....Lynne was quoted as saying she wanted Jamie Lynn to continue her life as a normal teenager, partying and etc....Maybe she should've thought of "normal" when she was screwing raw.


Well-known member
I tried to stay out of this topic because it hits close to home but take it easy on her she's gotta be going through the toughest time in her life and its now gone public.
I got pregnant at 15 with my now husband Tim. I wasn't allowed to speak of sex or take sex ed no condoms or birth control because in my family there is no sex till marriage. Well I guess I missed the memo that yes you can get pregnant from pre-ejaculation and no the pulling out method doesn't work and yes you will get pregnant the 1st time you do it. With that said I did keep the baby I finished school and even got homecoming queen and kept cheerleading while raising a baby.
Thing is I will always be known as the girl who got pregnant at 15.I saw the shame in my mothers eyes when we would go to my prenatal appt or school functions it was hard on us all.It still is I am now 21 and she is 5 and I still get those shameful looks and all the kinder moms talk about me and all the cheerleading and gymnastics moms look at me funny but now I'm getting off topic lol anyway my point is try to put yourself in her shoes and her mothers shoes. Its a story that people in the media are just making worse.

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