Jersey Shore on MTV


Well-known member
oh my word! yes that floating boob in the tub was so funny!
i need to watch this weeks episode soon


Well-known member
i just watched this weeks episode. and it was ok, but not as funny as the others. and i really think that the girls should have just told Sammi about Ronnie, shit is gonna hit the fan next week!


Well-known member
OMG Ronnie is so gross! And boneheaded too! I can't believe how just utterly pathetic he is. A bunch of my friends came over yesterday to watch it, and it was so funny to hear these guys say "Eww what a douchebag!" and stuff like that about them. We also loved the line "I hate tests- that's why I didn't go to college!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
OMG Ronnie is so gross! And boneheaded too! I can't believe how just utterly pathetic he is. A bunch of my friends came over yesterday to watch it, and it was so funny to hear these guys say "Eww what a douchebag!" and stuff like that about them. We also loved the line "I hate tests- that's why I didn't go to college!"

i know! anybody could see what Sam was doing! any guy with one brain cell would have stayed home!


Well-known member
Sammy is completely annoying to me right now. Like she seems so whiney!! and Ronnie he was so much more low key last season this season he is such a jerk like i cant stand him. i agree the girls should have told her already and as much as i dont like angelina, i dont think its fair for them to throw it off on her


Well-known member
Sam is soooo stupid. Classic case of a doormat. Ugh. She keeps going back for more demoralization...what a bint!


Well-known member
I like last season better, you got to see Mike,Pauly and Vinnie alot more and they are waaaaaay more fun to watch than Sammi 'Sweetheart'..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jishin
I like last season better, you got to see Mike,Pauly and Vinnie alot more and they are waaaaaay more fun to watch than Sammi 'Sweetheart'..

i did ready that Sam left the house yesterday on perezhilton.... maybe she has finally had enough?

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Sam is soooo stupid. Classic case of a doormat. Ugh. She keeps going back for more demoralization...what a bint!

Seriously she puts women back 40 years with that attitude of hers! "But I love him"...give me a friggin' break. If my SO did what Ronnie does there would be a chance he wouldn't wake up...EVER!!!!


Well-known member
UGH more Sammy stupidity this episode. I bet she'll get back together with him, she is so retarded! The more the show goes on, the more I hate her, she makes women look so weak and pathetic.

I wish the show would just move on and focus on something else, it's getting lame and annoying.


Well-known member
yes this weeks episode was rather blah with the Sam and Ron thing... again!!! However next weeks looks like it is gonna be awesome! bitch fight! who wouldn't want to watch that?! well my hubby actually... he was listening to me watching it and asked me how my brain wasn't leaking out of my ears at the end! i love him but what a tool!


Well-known member
okay i'm not really a jersey shore girl but i'm watching episodes right now..... can someone tell me the issue with sammi and ronnie? i remember something last season about her supposedly cheating or doing something scandalous but they're back together because....???? someone enlighten me lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
okay i'm not really a jersey shore girl but i'm watching episodes right now..... can someone tell me the issue with sammi and ronnie? i remember something last season about her supposedly cheating or doing something scandalous but they're back together because....???? someone enlighten me lol

yeah that's pretty much it! he's a player and she knows this but still goes back to him every time anyway like a fool
the whole thing is boring now!


Well-known member
This week's episode just made me so mad and irritated. Angelina pisses me off..>=(


Well-known member
Bwahahaha this show is soooo trashy, it's like a trainwreck you can't stop watching. Jesus do these kids get tested for STDs? I hope so, it seems like they're sharing a lot of their ass amongst each other, ewwww! I think if I was stuck in that house for even a day I'd probably become some crazy axe murderer and mow them all down, lol.

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