Jersey Shore on MTV


Well-known member
This show is my guilty pleasure, I don't want to watch it but its so bad its good. I was one of the people who said they would never watch it but I caught it on a rerun and couldn't look away. When they came down to Miami, they caused alot of drama, I live in south Florida and heard it on the news.

I still can't believe they get paid like 10,000 an episode and they are demanding more for the new season. And why is Angelina back? rant over.


Well-known member!!!!! I knew she would act like that and I thought it was kinda funny that pauly yelled at her the way he did. sam and ronnie, im about over it, dont want to see no more of their, 'im done. you do you imma do me' drama. it doesnt make it fun, just a bit uncomfortable to watch!


Well-known member
yeah Angelina shouldnt be there, she made no impact last season so why rbing her back? she's a tit!


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure she's in it for the money. She's probably not making as much as the others, but the economy is rough and a check is a check. She won't last the whole season though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy!!!!! I knew she would act like that and I thought it was kinda funny that pauly yelled at her the way he did. sam and ronnie, im about over it, dont want to see no more of their, 'im done. you do you imma do me' drama. it doesnt make it fun, just a bit uncomfortable to watch!

I completely agree! I really wanted to like them the first season and I kind of did, but now it is just old, and like you said uncomfortable, and we're not even there!


Well-known member
Wow Jersey Shore is my total guity pleasure.
It's so trashy, and I'm sure that I lose a couple IQ points everytime I watch an episode, but it's so entertaining and hilarious!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thiscarmen
Wow Jersey Shore is my total guity pleasure.
It's so trashy, and I'm sure that I lose a couple IQ points everytime I watch an episode, but it's so entertaining and hilarious!


I love this show. I actually like Ronnie I just think he has to learn to deal with his feelings. I don't think he's a douche he's just overly sensitive and too reactive. He and Sam have a relationship that is just too passionate. It's the type of passion that makes this crazy in love and they can't get enough of each other today and then they hate each other and do hurtful vindictive things to each other tomorrow. It's a dangerous kind of attraction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Mike is wicked hot

lol! in the last episode i laughed so hard when he was ordering the food and he said his name was Situation! and the food guy was like 'whatever man!'

i think pauly d is the best looking one - but i'm not a fan of the hair! Vinny is the guy with teh best personality though i think!

ms. kendra

Well-known member
I like Pauly and Vinnie the best.

Snooki and JWoww are too "extra" this season. They used to be my faves.

I'm totally over Ronnie and Sam, and I hope the show doesn't focus on their drama the whole season because it's gotten old. They act like five year olds.

Who cuts Mike's hair?? The scene with him, Pauly, and Angelina in the kitchen I couldn't stop looking at his jacked up haircut!!


Well-known member
yeah Ronnie and Sam doesn't interest me at all anymore. i want to see single Ronnie being insane with the ladies!
is it sad that i really look forward to this show each week?!

ms. kendra

Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
yeah Ronnie and Sam doesn't interest me at all anymore. i want to see single Ronnie being insane with the ladies!
is it sad that i really look forward to this show each week?!

No it's not. What's sad is that last Thursday I almost cancelled my plans to go to happy hour with friends because I didn't want to miss it (even tho MTV replays it a million times! LOL!!!


Well-known member
I was over them last season. I'll be over them next season, which I think will be the last. Sooner or later MTV won't be able to afford them.


Well-known member
This show is totally my guilty pleasure. It's 100% pure brainless entertainment but it makes me laugh. Mike is so hilarious, so much insecurity going on there. They are all dumber than doornails but that's what makes the show so great, haha! Jwow is so darn annoying, she needs some anger management classes, sheesh.

None of the men are the least bit attractive to me, they are pretty much my anti-type.


Well-known member
Zomfg. The floating boob in the jacuzzi. Sammie and ron are stupid. He's verbally abusive to her. I bet his parents are ashamed of him after watching him on there. I like jwoww the best. Mike seems more "grown up" this season

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
Zomfg. The floating boob in the jacuzzi.

OMG the BEST part was when Pauly D was like "Yo, put that on the grill", I was laughing sooo hard!!

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