Just got back from the emergency room in the hospital...


Well-known member
Geeez... it always seems like right when things are going okay, everything starts to fall apart...

I don't really remember much from last night, except that I was at a friend's girlfriend's birthday party. It was only like five or six of us because a lot of her friends ditched... and it was at the hilton hotel. we had a few drinks then went swimming... I don't really remember much of when we were at the hotel. but my boyfriend claims that I downed about 4 cups full of vodka straight. I only remember crying and my boyfriend calling my name over and over again.

I woke up at the hospital and started freaking out... I had been vomiting all night, unresponsive (my dad and my boyfriend were like hitting me in the head to see if I would wake up even, lmfao), and at some point during the night I stopped breathing. my dad didn't even call my mom because the hospital said there was a chance I could just plop. my heart rate was really slow and I was dehrydrated so they had to pump me with IV. I only remember crying and spitting in the woman's face when she kept sticking needles in me, lmfao.... my only, and greatest fear is needles
and I had a good 10 or so that night.

apparently.. after I passed out, my boyfriend and my friend neil carried me to their hotel bed. they left me, and the girls at the party just told them to let me sleep it off. my boyfriend came back because I started crying and screaming really loud... a while after that I started throwing up, and threw up all over his hair and his shirt!! I can't even believe he isn't mad at me for any of that, lol. I also stained his shirt purple when he was holding me....
everyone at the party wanted my boyfriend to just drag me to the van and take me home, without telling my parents, and let me 'sleep it off.' after that I started having problems breathing (I also have a really bad heart, and heart problems and anxiety run in my family. I guess my body started freaking out.) My heart rate was insane and I was still throwing up so they called poision control. soon after that my dad called my cell-phone to see where I was... it was now like 3am in the morning... and they turned my phone off so that he wouldn't find out. eventually someone did phone my dad, and he came down around the same time poision control did. they didn't have to pump my stomach because I was still throwing up, and well... there was nothing left inside of me. everyone at the party hid all the liquor in the trunks of their car and told my dad I was drinking before I got there. they then checked out of the hotel, at 4 am in the morning because they were scared of being arrested or get in shit for under-age drinking, among other things...
I really want to kick all of their little white butts right now, lol... just for leaving me like that almost to die. but i'm really happy my boyfriend was there... I don't think i'd be okay now if he wasn't.

my dad called me into sick for work today and they started bitching at him because they now need to find someone for that shift. he went pretty much bezerk on them and finally told them I had been in the hospital. No one knows why I was in the hospital though.. I haven't told any of my other friends, other than online. It's pretty embarassing... and i'm still shaking and having problems breathing.... I can tell you I won't be drinking again any time soon!!!!

I probably will be online more for the next little while... just because theres nothing else to do... but don't expect new FOTDS for some time.


Well-known member
Ugh....Girl, you'd better be careful. I hope you know how lucky your are to be here typing this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Ugh....Girl, you'd better be careful. I hope you know how lucky your are to be here typing this.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK

Yeah I know, I'm really thankful I'm here. and i'm never drinking again. or hanging out with those kids.


Well-known member
I hope you'll be better now. You definitely have to be careful about drinking, looks like you fell into some kind of a coma and it's serious. I don't want to freak you out, just warn you. Take it as a sign and take care of your health, you're young.
Hangovers and all the stuff that comes with are not unusual, it happens to all of us, but you have to know your limits really.

BTW I'm really shocked by your friend's behaviour: when someone is sick like that during a party, and even if it is "just" because of drinking, they should have called your parents. What kind of friends are they? They seemed to be more concerned about their own situation. Come on, fear of being arrested because of under-age drinking?! If you're old enough to drink so you're old enough to take responsabilities. And turn off your phone??!! God. It could have been a lot worse.
Consider yourself lucky that your boyfriend was here and took care of you. Take care of yourself honey.


Well-known member
alcohol poisoning is the scariest thing ever to witness.
and yes. I think you need to find a good group of friends. It sounds like the friends you have are complete Tools who only care about covering their own asses


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
alcohol poisoning is the scariest thing ever to witness.
and yes. I think you need to find a good group of friends. It sounds like the friends you have are complete Tools who only care about covering their own asses

lol, they weren't my friends. it was my friend neil's GIRLFRIEND's party! so I didn't know anyone there, except for neil and my boyfriend. They're ok, it's just his girlfriend & her friends...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
I'm a little worried that you think this is so funny...

I am too. It makes me sad that people can end up in the ER and they don't take it seriously


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tash
I am too. It makes me sad that people can end up in the ER and they don't take it seriously

In what way am I thinking it is hilarious?

I was the one that had to deal with it for the last day and a half, not you.
I said I was not going to drink anymore, If I didn't think it was a serious situation and could damage me, I wouldn't even bother.

I'm pretty sure anyone would want to kick someones ass for fucking ditching them half way through the night when you're puking, in a coma, and them not wanting to call your parents. I never SAID I found it funny so don't put words into my mouth.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by p3nut
In what way am I thinking it is hilarious?

I was the one that had to deal with it for the last day and a half, not you.
I said I was not going to drink anymore, If I didn't think it was a serious situation and could damage me, I wouldn't even bother.

I'm pretty sure anyone would want to kick someones ass for fucking ditching them half way through the night when you're puking, in a coma, and them not wanting to call your parents. I never SAID I found it funny so don't put words into my mouth.


I just got my opinion from all the "lol" "lmfao" sprinkled throughout your post.

And I never said you thought it was funny, I said it seemed like you weren't taking it serious.


Well-known member
considering as I used to be involved in a field that revolved around assisting with people and substance abuse, those had to be HUGE cups (if it was just four) of alcohol/vodka... regardless... I have been in hell due to being drugged while drinking... at a wedding !! no less. I was cognizant enough (or well, my friends were at the time) to request a drug screen... Just a reminder how simple it is for someone to slip something into your drink. It is the most scary thing. You must ALWAYS be aware of where your drink is, and never leave it unattended--even when you are with all "friends". Otherwise, it is a lesson that we all learn... our limit with alcohol. I am truly glad you are okay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiramisu
considering as I used to be involved in a field that revolved around assisting with people and substance abuse, those had to be HUGE cups (if it was just four) of alcohol/vodka... regardless... I have been in hell due to being drugged while drinking... at a wedding !! no less. I was cognizant enough (or well, my friends were at the time) to request a drug screen... Just a reminder how simple it is for someone to slip something into your drink. It is the most scary thing. You must ALWAYS be aware of where your drink is, and never leave it unattended--even when you are with all "friends". Otherwise, it is a lesson that we all learn... our limit with alcohol. I am truly glad you are okay.

That's horrible!! I've never been on drugs or have been slipped anything... when I was at the hospital, I made sure they did a drug test from my blood sample. there was nothing, but my alcohol content was 36. I also have heart problems (from my mothers side, all the women have them) so I have enough problems with my heart rate and breathing as it is...
there were four coups of vodka in those plastic party-cups... it equaled to about half the bottle of a 70cl . although, I don't remember doing that. before dinner, I also had about 8 shots, two hard liquor coolers and half a bottle of sourpuss.. i'm also about 5'3" and 105 pounds... they just said it was too much for my body to handle.

All i'm going by is from what my boyfriend has been telling me... other than that I still don't remember much.


Well-known member
whoa... do you mean a .36% blood alcohol level?! Because at least here in Michigan, that is over four times the legal limit for say, drunk driving (which in most states is a .08% nowadays). I
ndeed, you are a "peanut" at 105 lbs. but hun, regardless that is severe "binge" drinking to the law, courts or substance abuse professionals... please take care of yourself in the future... you now realize what your body does (basically shut down/fail) when you've given it toxic levels of alcohol. Check out this website www.intox.com to guestimate what you've consumed, your bodyweight, time frame of consumption, and it will tell you an estimate of your blood alcohol level, for what it's worth.

I am glad you had a tox screen done to ensure nothing else was at play in your system. I had a friend die from alcohol poisoning at 26 years old... not a way to waste a life


Well-known member
I'm glad you're okay, but your story royally pissed me off. I HATE when people act immature when something happens like that, telling your boyfriend to let you "sleep it off." I would find new friends.
I've already made a promise to my boyfriend to not drink unless he's there, in case something like that DOES happen. But lucky me, my friends care more for my safety than getting grounded for a month or so because they've been drinking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DropDeadDarling
I'm glad you're okay, but your story royally pissed me off. I HATE when people act immature when something happens like that, telling your boyfriend to let you "sleep it off." I would find new friends.
I've already made a promise to my boyfriend to not drink unless he's there, in case something like that DOES happen. But lucky me, my friends care more for my safety than getting grounded for a month or so because they've been drinking.

I understand what you mean... but the whole problem is *they're not my friends.* they're my friend's girlfriend's friends, if that makes any sense. If MY friends were there they would've helped me too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by p3nut
I understand what you mean... but the whole problem is *they're not my friends.* they're my friend's girlfriend's friends, if that makes any sense. If MY friends were there they would've helped me too.

Well that's good! & at least your boyfriend was there.
Sorry I went off in a tangent last night, I was really upset. Last year, this girl I know almost died because someone pulled something like that. It really freaked me out.