Just wanted to say


Active member
THANKS to everyone whose posted!
I've been lurking the boards today, trying to prepare myself for a possible demo in the near future.
Today, I went to one of my local MAC counters in a Dillard's & applied directly to the hiring manager. Luckily, there was no one there at the time & she had time to evaluate my cover letter and résumé which I had taken with me. She gave me an application and told me to quickly fill it out, but not before she quizzed me. "Why do you want to work at MAC?" "Why do you like MAC" "Why do you like makeup" etc. I also went in with my face completely done, contoured and highlighted, and my eyelashes in full mode. She stared at my face for quite a while & then smiled and told me to fill out the application, bring it back, and then that one of the managers would call me back. Before I left, however, she asked to review my resumé and my cover letter. She looked approvingly at it, then hurried me on my way to fill out the application, meanwhile keeping my résumé to look it over. I went back once it was done & she read over it, smiled again, and told me she personally would call me back to schedule my demo.. GOSH I HOPE I GET IT!!!

Pray for me, y'all!


Active member
thanks! I have my demo/interview on Wednesday.. I've spoken with some of the MAC girls at another counter in town and they were super helpful =]
I'll let you know how it all goes!


Active member
thanks guys! I've been stressing about it... Any MAC MUA's [or anyone really] have any tips/suggestions outside what's already been posted??


Active member
AHH! So I went today to my demo/interview!
I took one of my best friends, who doesn't wear too much makeup & has flawless skin, in as my model. I was scheduled to be there at 4, so I arrived around 3:40 to the counter inside of Dillard's. The way the one I applied at works is that there's a counter inside of Dillard's, then a kiosk outside, and thankfully the majority of the actual consumer traffic was at the kiosk. Laurie, the hiring manager, was there when I arrived [she was the one I'd spoken to previously] & she asked me to hold on for just a second while she finished with some customers. When she was done she gave me some guidelines on sanitation [which, thanks to Specktra, I was completely aware of!] and then proceeded to tell me to do a day look & that I had 45 minutes! Unfortunately, because of Specktra, I'd gotten myself used to the idea of 25-30 minutes, and felt rushed for no reason. But I took my time picking out products, then started my application. I chose a really neutral eye, with some Soft force on the lid, some dark brown in the crease, aquadisiac under the lower lashes, and mylar as a brow highlight. Lined it with fluidline [which I was a tiny bit shaky at] and then did a really pretty pink lip. The whole time Laurie kept telling me "Relax, you're doing fine.." and I tried, but its hard when you know a job is riding on it! I finished off with some smolder in the waterline and prep & prime last then zoom lash. I was then told to turn it to a night look, and I grabbed carbon [of course] and some cool-toned brown that I can't remember the name of.. The night look wasn't rated quite as highly. I chose a darker lip out of sheer rushing, and should've stuck with something more nude. Also, I didn't apply more cheek color, but the client [my friend] didn't want anymore, which ultimately is what matters.. Overall though, Laurie and Melissa [the retail manager] applauded my work, and said my blending was better than most. I then was supposed to be interviewed by both Laurie and Melissa, but they couldn't swing it to cover the counter, so Laurie ended up just interviewing me. We went out to find a sofa to sit on, but none were adequate so we took the long way to the food court, and during that time she talked to me about my application [that a lot of the things I could fix come with time and experience] and she told me about HER history with MAC, which was awesome. We went and sat down and she went through 5 pages of questions, mostly geared towards retail and sales, but mentioned at the beginning that she was interviewing for freelance positions. She seemed really impressed by my answers, laughed when I couldn't think of a pay rate, and said that she could tell I love to help people. After the interview she told me she would review my interview with Melissa then get in contact..

I really feel like I nailed it.. The only thing is I almost feel like she might offer me a permanent position, which would be awesome. I think she was really really impressed with me and my retail experience, along with some leadership experience and my willingness to learn. Also, thanks to Specktra [again!] she was damn near blown away when I knew the history of MAC, I knew about the MAC aids fund & kids helping kids, and knew the motto of MAC [all races, all sexes, all ages]... so hopefully that helped me secure a position... I'll let you know, but I'm hoping I'm right <3

Thanks again guys for the positive words!


Active member
aaaannnddd.... I got it =]
Freelance for now, but at the top of the list to become permanent =]




And which counter are you working at, so we can come in and bug the bejeebus out of you? (Well, others will. I don't think I'm anywhere near you. The closest Dillard's I know of is a state's worth east and south...)


Active member
Congrats! I've was in management for years, and let me tell you, passion for the brand goes a long way, plus it sounds like you have the skills and background too- total package!

Have fun and keep us filled in on your experience!


Active member
thanks guys, seriously!
I'll be between the three MACs in Tucson, Arizona. Two of which are counters at Dillard's & one is a freestanding store. I hope to work permanently at one of the two counters, just because they're significantly closer to me... But ya! I'm sooo excited.. Monday I fill out paperwork at the f/s store, which I'm excited about. Laurie, the hiring manager where I applied, told me to look my best, as I'll be meeting the district manager! Pressure much?!



Well-known member
Congrats sweetie!!!!!
I wish I can work up the nerve to apply at a MAC, theres a new f.s store opening up near me me my skills aren't up to par....
good luck with everything
boa sorte <3


Active member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Congrats sweetie!!!!!
I wish I can work up the nerve to apply at a MAC, theres a new f.s store opening up near me me my skills aren't up to par....
good luck with everything
boa sorte <3

Girl, go for it! I didn't think I had the skills for it, but hey; you'll regret it if you don't... Just make sure when you go in for the application you go dressed in all black, resumé in hand along with a cover letter, and with your makeup looking fierce! The rest will all fall into place if you can get an interview...

E também, você fala português? Ouvi que escreveu no português.. E se falesse, seria muito bom!


Active member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Congrats sweetie!!!!!
I wish I can work up the nerve to apply at a MAC, theres a new f.s store opening up near me me my skills aren't up to par....
good luck with everything
boa sorte <3

A store opening is one of the best times to apply at a cosmo store/counter! Don't be intimidated, it's just another store at the mall- the manager has hiring needs just like any other retail establishment. Usually hiring managers will over-hire at open because they know there will be some people who don't stick with it- MAC does train, so depending on how many people apply, your experience may not be the deciding factor! Being well spoken, looking put together and being professional can make a better impression in an interview than having lots of experience!

Do it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rafaaa
Girl, go for it! I didn't think I had the skills for it, but hey; you'll regret it if you don't... Just make sure when you go in for the application you go dressed in all black, resumé in hand along with a cover letter, and with your makeup looking fierce! The rest will all fall into place if you can get an interview...

E também, você fala português? Ouvi que escreveu no português.. E se falesse, seria muito bom!

Yes! I need to practice some more before applying!~! What type of MU did you wear? I'm thinking it would have to be colourful or so? Rather than something nuetral right?

Sim, eu falo muito pouco de portugues. Eu ainda aprendindo, mas, eu ler e escrever melhor do que eu falar


Active member
well, since I'm a guy its probably a bit different, but you have to think about MAC's motto: all races, all sexes, all ages; meaning its completely open. That was one of the things I mentioned in my interview, that its for everyone from a runway model to a housewife, so you can do whatever. I wore really neutral makeup. A flawless face, contouring, highlighting, a matte brownish blush [prism by MAC]. My eyes were a neutral with just some definition in the crease, then I decided to juxtapose it by doing black liner, for some pop... Strong mascara, a neutral lip, and then set everything really nicely

E você escreve no português bom. Tenho muito pouco tempo falando português, mas tenho todo meu vida falando espanhol, quem ajuda muito <3


Active member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Yes! I need to practice some more before applying!~! What type of MU did you wear? I'm thinking it would have to be colourful or so? Rather than something nuetral right?

Sim, eu falo muito pouco de portugues. Eu ainda aprendindo, mas, eu ler e escrever melhor do que eu falar

I would say it's best to wear whatever is YOU. Do what you do best, if that's not the "look" they're going for, then maybe there's a better place for you. I once saw one of the big "gurus" say of contest entries "it's better to have a nice, simple look that's well done than an editorial look that's a mess."

If color is your style, rock out, but don't feel like you have to fit a cookie cutter mold- you never know, the manager may be looking for someone w/ a different look to bring diversity into her team.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rafaaa
well, since I'm a guy its probably a bit different, but you have to think about MAC's motto: all races, all sexes, all ages; meaning its completely open. That was one of the things I mentioned in my interview, that its for everyone from a runway model to a housewife, so you can do whatever. I wore really neutral makeup. A flawless face, contouring, highlighting, a matte brownish blush [prism by MAC]. My eyes were a neutral with just some definition in the crease, then I decided to juxtapose it by doing black liner, for some pop... Strong mascara, a neutral lip, and then set everything really nicely

E você escreve no português bom. Tenho muito pouco tempo falando português, mas tenho todo meu vida falando espanhol, quem ajuda muito <3

I think I will go for it. Tenho mais uma pergunta : I've read in some og these threads that they may consider someone with a ton of retail/selling experience , and since I have that, with no MU experience or anything, how will I fit something like that into my resume? U know what I mean?

* I tried to learn Spanish, I was pretty good at it when I was younger considering I'm from the Bronx lol, but as time went on, I couldn't get the hang of it anymore lol*

I would say it's best to wear whatever is YOU. Do what you do best, if that's not the "look" they're going for, then maybe there's a better place for you. I once saw one of the big "gurus" say of contest entries "it's better to have a nice, simple look that's well done than an editorial look that's a mess."

If color is your style, rock out, but don't feel like you have to fit a cookie cutter mold- you never know, the manager may be looking for someone w/ a different look to bring diversity into her team.

Thnks a bunch, now the only thing I have to do is figure out how to get in contact with MAC for an interview. The store is opening in Grand Central Terminal, I'm not sure if it would be the same as a counter, u know applying at the HR like in MACYs for M.A.C , so going to apply directly to GC, or what.