Kat Von D MAkeup !!!!


Well-known member
I know it's only makeup but KVD saying that people who eat meat are just as bad as someone who trophy hunts is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm unsure if I want to buy more of her products...
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I saw that and honestly was pretty annoyed/offended. I mean, she has a right to speak her mind and say her opinion but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to get upset over it. I think it was a pretty drastic comment in my opinion and I really am considering the same. It just sucks because nothing wears on me like her Trooper liner. I've been using it for years. To be frank though, I'll probably end up still buying because lord only knows what other opinions some of the CEOs from the other brands I buy have. I just wish she would have thought first and wondered how many of her fans / customers she would be insulting because not everyone is vegan. She definitely could have put it differently.

Edit: That Vampy Varnish blog post was interesting! Thanks for the share. It's interesting that she points out KVD was nasty to people who eat meat but doesn't live a 100% vegan life style (i.e., has leather products and taxidermy animals in her house.) I wonder where she thinks these goods come from?


Well-known member
Yeah honestly I have always been a huge fan of hers, but that was a major "you should have thought that through better" comment for her to make lol. I never even knew she was vegan. Hell, she has taxidermy animals all over her house and tattoo shop. I find it hard to believe that every single one of those animals died of natural causes lol


Well-known member
Vampy Varnish has a blog post on how she will no longer purchase KVD because of that post.
I'll have to read it!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I saw that and honestly was pretty annoyed/offended. I mean, she has a right to speak her mind and say her opinion but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to get upset over it. I think it was a pretty drastic comment in my opinion and I really am considering the same. It just sucks because nothing wears on me like her Trooper liner. I've been using it for years. To be frank though, I'll probably end up still buying because lord only knows what other opinions some of the CEOs from the other brands I buy have. I just wish she would have thought first and wondered how many of her fans / customers she would be insulting because not everyone is vegan. She definitely could have put it differently. 
I agree she has a right to speak her mind but she should word herself better and when you head a major company you should think about what you say and do and how you say and do it. I think she's made some offensive Jewish type comments before too (I'll have to look into that though) and I'm just over it now. I feel like if she feels she's a better person than I am because she doesn't eat meat (and it seems she does feel she's better because he's vegan) than I don't have to spend my money anymore on her products.
Yeah honestly I have always been a huge fan of hers, but that was a major "you should have thought that through better" comment for her to make lol. I never even knew she was vegan. Hell, she has taxidermy animals all over her house and tattoo shop. I find it hard to believe that every single one of those animals died of natural causes lol
yeah I think there were a lot of people commenting about her taxidermy and warring leather and such. I know she made a video about it after some backlash and what not but I didn't watch it


Well-known member
yeah I think there were a lot of people commenting about her taxidermy and warring leather and such. I know she made a video about it after some backlash and what not but I didn't watch it
I 100% agree with you! I hope it didn't sound like I was disagreeing with you about buying her stuff. I'm sorry if it came off that way! Honestly, it's most important for you to stand up and stick to how you feel!


Well-known member
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I saw that and honestly was pretty annoyed/offended. I mean, she has a right to speak her mind and say her opinion but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to get upset over it. I think it was a pretty drastic comment in my opinion and I really am considering the same. It just sucks because nothing wears on me like her Trooper liner. I've been using it for years. To be frank though, I'll probably end up still buying because lord only knows what other opinions some of the CEOs from the other brands I buy have. I just wish she would have thought first and wondered how many of her fans / customers she would be insulting because not everyone is vegan. She definitely could have put it differently.  Edit: That Vampy Varnish blog post was interesting! Thanks for the share. It's interesting that she points out KVD was nasty to people who eat meat but doesn't live a 100% vegan life style (i.e., has leather products and taxidermy animals in her house.) I wonder where she thinks these goods come from? 
Yess!!! This ^^^ !!! Actually her first post was really strong worded whether she meant it or not!! She then edited it multiple times and added the lines about fda etc etc once comments started pouring in!!


Well-known member
I 100% agree with you! I hope it didn't sound like I was disagreeing with you about buying her stuff. I'm sorry if it came off that way! Honestly, it's most important for you to stand up and stick to how you feel! :amused:  
Oh no! I didn't think you were disagreeing with me heh, sorry. I was just saying!
Yess!!! This ^^^ !!! Actually her first post was really strong worded whether she meant it or not!! She then edited it multiple times and added the lines about fda etc etc once comments started pouring in!!
I think I saw an edited version then because I saw the stuff about fda. When I read it though I saw many comments of people agreeing with her


Well-known member
Yess!!! This ^^^ !!! Actually her first post was really strong worded whether she meant it or not!! She then edited it multiple times and added the lines about fda etc etc once comments started pouring in!!
Yeah! I saw the original edit. I don't appreciate the finger wagging and antagonistic approach. I love and accept all, I don't judge others let alone freakin' berate them on their choices (that's the counselor in me speaking, lol). Why should I tolerate someone who doesn't accept me because of what I choose to eat? Let alone equate me to a murderer for sport. It's ridiculous. The more I think about it, the less I want to buy her products. Sigh.


Well-known member
Oh no! I didn't think you were disagreeing with me heh, sorry. I was just saying! I think I saw an edited version then because I saw the stuff about fda. When I read it though I saw many comments of people agreeing with her
I never comment on posts unless it's some friend I know from here or otherwise!! I really had to double take and read that post again because the first unedited post was REALLY strong worded!! I can understand her choice of being vegan but to completely undermine every other choice and such strong wording too was really unsettling!! Vampyvarnish was one of the first few to comment too!! The post was edited multiple times post that and she even made a video explaining her stance!! Idk I am all for standing up for a cause but voicing it in such a way that every other view point is some sort of living in sin was really too much!! I hope she was just trying to communicate her point of view but worded it terribly wrong!!


Well-known member
I never comment on posts unless it's some friend I know from here or otherwise!! I really had to double take and read that post again because the first unedited post was REALLY strong worded!! I can understand her choice of being vegan but to completely undermine every other choice and such strong wording too was really unsettling!! Vampyvarnish was one of the first few to comment too!! The post was edited multiple times post that and she even made a video explaining her stance!! Idk I am all for standing up for a cause but voicing it in such a way that every other view point is some sort of living in sin was really too much!! I hope she was just trying to communicate her point of view but worded it terribly wrong!!
I completely agree with you! I didn't watch her video but who knows I might. I think she definitely could've made a point similar to what she said but in a much nicer way. She could've said something about how in light of the news of this trophy killing we should all think about the products we use and where they come from/how their tested and that we should consider what we put in our bodies and what not and I think it would be less offensive. Instead of seeming like we're terrible for eating meat encourage people to fight for more humane ways to treat animals that we use for meat or dairy, etc and more humane ways to even test makeup (etc). She just went about it in a terrible and preachy way IMO


Well-known member
If kat von d was so concerned about the killings of a living being why hasnt she said 1 word about the racist killings thats been happening? Ok take a seat girl. Two of my coworkers are vegan/vegeterians and not once have i questioned them as to why. We buy them vegan food anytime we throw parties or order food for lunch. They dont bother anyone about being meat eaters. There was a time one of them did get mad because another coworker had a real fur hat and thats understandable why she would be upset. I now most likely wont buy any of her makeup. Im still going to use what I already have from her but from now my money wont go to support her. Anytime I see hate pour out of someone so easily towards ppl who havent done wrong doesnt sit well with me.


Well-known member
If kat von d was so concerned about the killings of a living being why hasnt she said 1 word about the racist killings thats been happening? Ok take a seat girl. Two of my coworkers are vegan/vegeterians and not once have i questioned them as to why. We buy them vegan food anytime we throw parties or order food for lunch. They dont bother anyone about being meat eaters. There was a time one of them did get mad because another coworker had a real fur hat and thats understandable why she would be upset. I now most likely wont buy any of her makeup. Im still going to use what I already have from her but from now my money wont go to support her. Anytime I see hate pour out of someone so easily towards ppl who havent done wrong doesnt sit well with me.
Agreed. I've always been ok with people being vegetarians, vegan, meat eaters just don't get preachy! Don't be rude because your choices are different than anothers! I will also continue to use what I have but the likelihood of me buying more stuff from her isn't in her favour right now.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
I know it's only makeup but KVD saying that people who eat meat are just as bad as someone who trophy hunts is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm unsure if I want to buy more of her products...
People who make such comments kill me!! it doesn't offend me becuz it's their opinion which their entitled to nor does it stop me from enjoing a big azz steak (omg it's hard to resist the fat part) and some chicken!! i'm too loyal to chicken to ever go vegan #SorryNotSorry soooo for her to compare head hunting lions to folks who eat meat
cuz i aint neeeeever had no fried lion....gator yes but lion no!! Is that whole Cecil the lion shyt phkd up esp w/illegal poaching? YES but make no mistake if that dmn lion was to see me in a dark alley he wouldn't hesitate to bite my dmn head off.


Well-known member
People who make such comments kill me!! it doesn't offend me becuz it's their opinion which their entitled to nor does it stop me from enjoing a big azz steak (omg it's hard to resist the fat part) and some chicken!! i'm too loyal to chicken to ever go vegan #SorryNotSorry soooo for her to compare head hunting lions to folks who eat meat :finger:  cuz i aint neeeeever had no fried lion....gator yes but lion no!! Is that whole Cecil the lion shyt phkd up esp w/illegal poaching? YES but make no mistake if that dmn lion was to see me in a dark alley he wouldn't hesitate to bite my dmn head off.
Lol :clapping: I looked at some KVD lipsticks today but then I put them down, bought the Sephora cream lip stains instead and then enjoyed a nice burger! :thdevil: Yes I eat meat and enjoy it, I would never kill an animal for no reason.


Well-known member
Well, well, well, I didn't know anything about this and I'm kinda glad I hoarded several liquid lipsticks before knowing. I'm gonna take a serious pause on buying her stuff now because that post and the video to "clarify" rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing bothers me like people preaching to me about my choices all while expecting you to be tolerant of theirs. I avoided her line for a long time feeling that she was shady and this is just further justification of that feeling. I'm tired of being put in a position to choose my principals or makeup I really enjoy. "ohboy:


Well-known member
Well, well, well, I didn't know anything about this and I'm kinda glad I hoarded several liquid lipsticks before knowing. I'm gonna take a serious pause on buying her stuff now because that post and the video to "clarify" rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing bothers me like people preaching to me about my choices all while expecting you to be tolerant of theirs. I avoided her line for a long time feeling that she was shady and this is just further justification of that feeling. I'm tired of being put in a position to choose my principals or makeup I really enjoy. "ohboy:
Me, too!


Well-known member
well, I didn't know anything about this and I'm kinda glad I hoarded several liquid lipsticks before knowing. I'm gonna take a serious pause on buying her stuff now because that post and the video to "clarify" rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing bothers me like people preaching to me about my choices all while expecting you to be tolerant of theirs. I avoided her line for a long time feeling that she was shady and this is just further justification of that feeling. I'm tired of being put in a position to choose my principals or makeup I really enjoy. "ohboy:
Me too...I've been doing well with not buying LimeCrime I'm sure I could handle not buying from KVD too