kids say/do the darnest things!


Well-known member
So we all know kids can say things or do things that just crack you up! so lets share

I dont have a child of my own, but my 2 year old cousin( amanda) is a trip!

she got into my aunts purse and took out RED lipstick and put it ALLLLLL over her face. she tried applying it to her lips, but it just didn't work too well

and before I told my parents/family I was dating doug, we took amanda to the as soon as she came home all she said was anjjjjj and doug! doug!doug! lol..she called everyone doug. so I kinda got busted hahahaa.


Well-known member
Aww my little brother is two and a half....

He says "oh oh oh silly me" after almost everything!

Every day at about 5pm he comes in to me & my mum and says "TEA READY!" (he means dinner, my stepdad calls it tea). Even if it's not.

If you ask him if he's cute/gorgeous/sexy etc. he will say yes.

He sits on my computer chair and shouts "SPIN ROUND BIG!!!".

He picks up random phrases from the TV, that's quite funny. "No deal" from Deal Or No Deal is a favourite at the moment!

He pretends that he's flashing quite a lot. He mimes ripping his shirt open - I really don't know where he got that from!

He says "WOSSHAT?!" (translation: what's that?) to anything. He points at people in the supermarket and says it too - so embarrassing!

There are plenty more, he's crazy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
Aww my little brother is two and a half....

He says "oh oh oh silly me" after almost everything!

Every day at about 5pm he comes in to me & my mum and says "TEA READY!" (he means dinner, my stepdad calls it tea). Even if it's not.

If you ask him if he's cute/gorgeous/sexy etc. he will say yes.

He sits on my computer chair and shouts "SPIN ROUND BIG!!!".

He picks up random phrases from the TV, that's quite funny. "No deal" from Deal Or No Deal is a favourite at the moment!

He pretends that he's flashing quite a lot. He mimes ripping his shirt open - I really don't know where he got that from!

He says "WOSSHAT?!" (translation: what's that?) to anything. He points at people in the supermarket and says it too - so embarrassing!

There are plenty more, he's crazy!

awww thats tooo cute!!

amanda also watches so much dora, she speaks spanish..well she can count to 5 and say open..but shes not even 2 yet!

and her new thing younger bro works at dunkin donuts and brings muffins to my aunts house..and amanda calls him the muffin man haha


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Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx
amanda also watches so much dora, she speaks spanish..well she can count to 5 and say open..but shes not even 2 yet!

haha my 2 year old cousin knows so much spanish from watching dora.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
haha my 2 year old cousin knows so much spanish from watching dora.

Yeh thats pretty neat, I wish there was more Spanish cartoons and stuff around when I was little. I'm totally gonna try to help my kids learn a 2nd language when they are super small and receptive to that stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Yeh thats pretty neat, I wish there was more Spanish cartoons and stuff around when I was little. I'm totally gonna try to help my kids learn a 2nd language when they are super small and receptive to that stuff.

ITA! I think its sooo great


Well-known member
Educational tv is the best. My two and four year old not only speak Spanish because of Dora, but can tell you things about animals like the kinkajou because of Diego and speak "music" because of Lilttle Einsteins. When you push my four year old on the swings she yells "accelerando" when she wants to go faster.

My two year old keeps lifting up her shirt and telling people she has a baby in her tummy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Educational tv is the best. My two and four year old not only speak Spanish because of Dora, but can tell you things about animals like the kinkajou because of Diego and speak "music" because of Lilttle Einsteins. When you push my four year old on the swings she yells "accelerando" when she wants to go faster.

My two year old keeps lifting up her shirt and telling people she has a baby in her tummy.

yeah amanda knows animals like penguins and rhinos..which isn't a common animal you tell your kids lol.. and she knows what a mammal is..


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My nephew, who's 3 years old, has a hearing problem so he uses hearing aids (If he doesnt have his hearing aids on, it sounds like everyones whispering). This one time my mom was talking to him whie he was watching a tv show he really liked. While she was talking to him, he turned off his hearing aids and was like "sorry granny i can't hear you im watching tv"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
My nephew, who's 3 years old, has a hearing problem so he uses hearing aids (If he doesnt have his hearing aids on, it sounds like everyones whispering). This one time my mom was talking to him whie he was watching a tv show he really liked. While she was talking to him, he turned off his hearing aids and was like "sorry granny i can't hear you im watching tv"

awwww.. i wish i could turn off my grandma sometimes too hahah

but that is so cute =]


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The other night I told my kids to lay down and go to sleep. As I was walking out the room, my 2 year old daughter goes..."Ok Chickenbutt!" Man, I wanted to laugh. But at the same time I had to tell her to not say that ever again. LOL


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my friend asked his 2 year old "if he would like to go to bed now?"... and he responded..."no thanks, i'm good"

hee hee, how's that for honesty?


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A police officer came into the school where I work to talk about 911. She asked some of the kids to come up and pretend that they were calling 911 with an emerangcy. One kindergarten student was told to pretend that he saw a man break a window and crawl through. When the officer asked him how old the man was he said 91.

All of the adults in the room had a good laugh and kept on laughing through out the day when the story was brought up again and again.


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The other day, my son (1 1/2) looked out the window and yelled "Ice creeeem! Ice creeeeem!" It had just started to snow.... what a comparison! Thats a high SAT score if I ever saw


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ben
A police officer came into the school where I work to talk about 911. She asked some of the kids to come up and pretend that they were calling 911 with an emerangcy. One kindergarten student was told to pretend that he saw a man break a window and crawl through. When the officer asked him how old the man was he said 91.

All of the adults in the room had a good laugh and kept on laughing through out the day when the story was brought up again and again.

Awww man, my fiance and I just laughed real hard at that!!!! Kids say the funniest stuff.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
This falls into this category somewhat...

the other day, I was in the bathroom getting ready for the day, dh and the kids were out in the living room. Kids were playing and dh was watching Full Metal Jacket.

As I was curling my lashes, I hear my 3 and a half year old yell..."WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, A JELLY DOUGHNUT"? (It's a line in the movie he had just heard and was repeating)

Trying desperately not to laugh, dh and I tried to tell him that was not a nice thing to say and he shouldn't say it anymore.

Yeah, well, that didn't work. We went out to eat at a buffet shortly after that and while we were at the buffet, he kept asking (loudly) Momma...What the fuck is that? People around me were laughing, I was mortified (and trying not to laugh).

He's said it probably 10 more times since then, but yeah...there's my lovely story.


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if you asked my cousin who's 3 1/2 [ going on 40 i swear ] if his meal was good he'd say no.... it's great. he's such a cutey, he always makes me smile whenever he's around.

also our grandfather has been quite sick lately and had been looking very gaunt, and would make faces at nicky. We'd always say to him "don't scare him dad" and nicky started saying it too but he'd say "don't scuure him dad" it's adorable.


Well-known member
Conversation with my 4 years old sister... (circa 2003)
Pilar is her name and one day she went to my bedroom and woke me up..
pilar: kaia,kaia! wake up!
me: whaaaaaaaaaat???
pilar: i'm scared
pilar: i have a "pipi" (penis) and is growing!! (she looked terrified)
me: *laughing* what are u talking about?
pilar: yes! i went to pee and i saw it! you wanna see it?
me: alright let me see it...

oh my god! it was her clitoris! i tried to be as serious as i could ... and of course i explained her that is normal every girl has it !!!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
when i was younger about 3, i couldn't speak very well, i had slower speech development so i used to say things like

Me: Bunmuppet! *points furiously*
Mom: What sweetie?
Mom: Where?

this went on for 6 months til i pointed at a Bunmuppet and it was a bunny rabbit lol