Ladies: Have you cheated?


Well-known member
I've never cheated, and I never will. I've been cheated on. I was with a guy for 3 years, not knowing that he was having sex with whatever girl he could. I know how that makes a person feel, and I'd never put that on someone that I love. And if I don't love someone or see it going anywhere, I will break up with them. There's no point in dragging it on.


Well-known member
Nope, never have never will. Love Mr. Rbella way too much. However, I am having an emotional relationship with one Mr. Randy Rose. He is my only loved one (male) outside of my husband. If he was straight, we'd have problems!!!


Well-known member
I have cheated once....It was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made and nothing I'm proud of


Well-known member
Well I would have to be in a relationship first to cheat, and I've never been in a relationship.

But I think because I have been single for SOOOOOOOOO long that I will truely appreciate love should I ever be blessed with it. And no matter what I wouldn't cheat, if a guy was mean I would leave him.

Again not likely to be a problem for me, I think I am an old cat lady type! lol

Little Addict

Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Well I would have to be in a relationship first to cheat, and I've never been in a relationship.

But I think because I have been single for SOOOOOOOOO long that I will truely appreciate love should I ever be blessed with it. And no matter what I wouldn't cheat, if a guy was mean I would leave him.

Again not likely to be a problem for me, I think I am an old cat lady type! lol

but I'm probably not an old cat lady ... more like an old dog lady


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
If you sincerely believed that you were under the impression that you could see others (open relationship), that isn't really cheating. Maybe a gross misunderstanding, but I don't think it's cheating

yeah that's what i thought but after he saw that i went to the prom with another guy (not mine-his) he poured his heart out to his friends and some of mine how i done him wrong and that he borderline hated me.


Well-known member
definitely not proud of it but i've done it so many times i can't even count. especially when i was married. i got married at 18 (i've been divorced for 6 yrs) and wasn't anywhere ready for a committed relationship. i didn't even consider myself ready until my late 20s. everything really changed for me when i turned 30 though and now the person i'm with, i would never even consider betraying him like that. i know people always say "once a cheater..." but i like to consider myself proof that it isn't always true.

as far as i know, i've been cheated on once and it hurt so much, that was enough to change my ways. for good.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Never did ... Never had to ... Also, never really been cheated on ...
Nice poll though ... Not like only guyz always cheat ... Anyone could!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
yeah that's what i thought but after he saw that i went to the prom with another guy (not mine-his) he poured his heart out to his friends and some of mine how i done him wrong and that he borderline hated me.

I think that's the thing with open relationships: some people think they can handle 'em but cannot.

I'm not against the idea of open relationships, but I think it takes a lot of honesty with yourself and someone else to go into one


Well-known member
well i was on the outs with my ex.....we decided to try to ''give it another try'' but we never seen each other and well i met someone else.....and figured if i was doing that i clearly didnt want to be with the other one...and never looked i don't know if thats cheating!!???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cutetoughgirl
well i was on the outs with my ex.....we decided to try to ''give it another try'' but we never seen each other and well i met someone else.....and figured if i was doing that i clearly didnt want to be with the other one...and never looked i don't know if thats cheating!!???




Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
definitely not proud of it but i've done it so many times i can't even count. especially when i was married. i got married at 18 (i've been divorced for 6 yrs) and wasn't anywhere ready for a committed relationship. i didn't even consider myself ready until my late 20s. everything really changed for me when i turned 30 though and now the person i'm with, i would never even consider betraying him like that. i know people always say "once a cheater..." but i like to consider myself proof that it isn't always true.

as far as i know, i've been cheated on once and it hurt so much, that was enough to change my ways. for good.

same here almost except I was much older than 18. I married a great guy but was so caught up in the wedding and not the marriage that I didn't realize I was missing some things in the marriage. Then along came a guy (old friend) and my hubby gave me an ultimatum. Not good to do to me cuz I am a quick reactor so I moved out. I didn't mean to and now I understand when people say it. You never know how a person feels unless you walk their shoes. That goes for cheaters and the cheated. I have been on both sides.


Well-known member
I haven't but I think that's only because of the fact that I've had it done to me and know how much it hurts so I couldn't do that. Especially not to my b/f since he's the sweetest guy ever, but I don't think I'm so high and mighty that I wouldn't do it if I had a crap boyfriend, who knows


Well-known member
I seriously considered it toward the end of my last relationship, but simply because i was not getting laid.

I find I am only tempted to cheat if I am starved of attention.

I haven't done the deed.. but I have grabbed someone's butt (about three times) whilst in a relationship..

Although, in reflection, some relationships I loook back and think "damn, I should have just done it!" lol

No regrets!


Well-known member
When I was in a serious relationship I would never. For example, this guy tried to get me to date him instead of my boyfriend. I was tempted because I've known him for a loooong time and always thought he was hot but I told him to get lost. And I was so glad because when it was over between me and my boyfriend, I went after this same guy and he tried to play me with another girl! Should have seen that one coming in retrospect, eh?

However, a couple months back I was in a relationship with this guy. I don't even know why...I was bored & lonely. But I did cheat on him...and broke up with him a little after that. Strangely, I never felt bad or guilty about it...I just figure it's because I had so little feelings for him. I feel worse about it now, because obviously it's a sleazy thing to do.