

Well-known member
It is unbelievable how my country and it neighbors operate, my father just went last week to Lebanon and now the Israel has launched an attack on our only airport in Lebanon how the hell is he supposed to get back? all of the runways are destroyed due to the bombing . Isreal has also claimed that they will continue to bomb Lebanon until they get their two kidnapped soldiers back, this is a major setback for Lebanon because the economy was doing very well abd rubuilding and now people like my dad cannot even leave the country. I have been calling him for hours but the lines are destroyed, I know he's alive but I want hime back home right now. I am so worried for him and all the other inncocent people that will be effected.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Sorry to hear about your father.

Thanks Shimmer, I am gonna keep calling. I swear man I had a bad feeling last week when he left, that something bad was gonna happen, he should be okay though, but he needs to bring his behind back to the states, from now no one should be visiting the middle east he only went to visit his family, what a mistake.


Well-known member

Its such a scary time we live in. It sucks about your father, he's in my thoughts and prayers. I mean seriously this is very scary but I know everything will work at well. *HUGS*


Well-known member
Sorry about your dad. Thats awful. However, I have to say the Palenstines provoked Israel. Israel was simply retaliating. However I do agree they have done enough. Despite whatever crimes the Isralies may have committed, they are God's chosen people and they will inherit the promised land. I think the Palestines should give back the soldiers and stop provoking them. And to think all this started because of two brothers fighting. How stubborn can people be??


Well-known member
my little sister is studying in beirut & we're all so worried. no one can reach her by phone but she calls my mother every few hours (it seems you can call from lebanon but not to lebanon). she has internet, so i chat with her whenever i see she's online. i admire her strength- she heard the shootings and bombs- i've never heard those sounds in real life. i lived in washington dc when the airplane flew into the pentagon, and in london when the tube/metro/underground was being bombed. but that's nothing compared to the mess my sister is in. she is stuck, has no way of leaving the country. all her friends left with their families to the mountains; but she didn't go with them, as they plan on going to syria- and that's not a safe plan, either. my sister's almost the only one left in her building...

i just don't get it. israelis are supposedly so intelligent; why are they acting like dumbasses? why are they putting themselves down to the level of terrorists?


Well-known member
I don't think and am not sure if people realize the colossal severity of this situation. If Iran and Syria get involved this is not going to be pretty.
I agree I think Hezbollah and Hamas. Much like Al Queda and the Taliban.

Hezbolla started it-the situation was already fragile to begin with, Isreal wants their soldiers back and it can be seen as an act of war. Then it's amazing how Iran started showing up almost biting at the heels to get involved along with Syria. The only thing the US has done (as far as my knowledge) has blocked sanctions against Isreal and sent over navy ships and I think the rest will be pretty much all under the table.

It's war, folks. We aren't going to negotiate ourselves out of this one. We aren't going to be able to use our vast wealth to buy peace. Negotiations will show weakness which will just stall this situation-its inevitable this will start over again in the future. Money will bring contempt. War will bring death.

Its not a good situation at all.

Pascal, I know this isnt much comfort but I know the US is going to require mandatory evaquations for all its citizens in Labanon and Isreal.

I know your dad will be fine and any family and friends you have over there, or any family and friends anyone has over there-they are all in my prayers


Well-known member
((Pascal)) and ((Cloverette))) I pray your family is ok and will return safely. I hope they can get to the embassies.


Well-known member
It's really too bad that this thread must degenerate into members picking sides. This "conflict" is really older than most of us, and seldomly, if ever, directly affects us. It seems rather brash to judge. My thoughts are with Pascal and cloverette and anyone else with family in the region. Hugs galore


Well-known member
my sister is safe!!!

one of the embassies took her & put her in a hotel yesterday. today she and lots of other people got on a bus which drove them for over 5 hours through mountains and tiny roads, and they managed to get to the syrian boarder! so she arrived in damascus a few hours ago and had to go to the airport later on... from there, there are 7 planes flying home today, and one of them will take her! i'm SO relieved!

pascal, i hope you've heard from your father in the mean time & that he's managed to leave the country, too!


Well-known member
First: I don't want argue or lessen the concerns for Cloverette or Pascal's family. Perhaps this thread should be split.

Lemurian: Respectfully, it is older than ALL of us. It does affect me personally. We can pick sides til we all turn blue, but the bottom line is that it is a multi-faceted issue. Everyone involved in this current aspect of the conflict has done good and bad things. What matters is how people move forward. It is unfortunate that Hezbollah took steps, no leaps, backwards.

I don't feel that it is brash to discuss it. Sometimes with discussion comes judgement. So, talk it out. To encourage dialogue is one of the measures to hopefully bring peace and understanding to the issue. The thread/conversation flowed naturally. That sometimes happens. No offense intended.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloverette
my sister is safe!!!

one of the embassies took her & put her in a hotel yesterday. today she and lots of other people got on a bus which drove them for over 5 hours through mountains and tiny roads, and they managed to get to the syrian boarder! so she arrived in damascus a few hours ago and had to go to the airport later on... from there, there are 7 planes flying home today, and one of them will take her! i'm SO relieved!

pascal, i hope you've heard from your father in the mean time & that he's managed to leave the country, too!

I am happy to hear that your sister is OK. I am sure she will have some interesting stories to tell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Lemurian: Respectfully, it is older than ALL of us. It does affect me personally. We can pick sides til we all turn blue, but the bottom line is that it is a multi-faceted issue. Everyone involved in this current aspect of the conflict has done good and bad things. What matters is how people move forward. It is unfortunate that Hezbollah took steps, no leaps, backwards.

I don't feel that it is brash to discuss it. Sometimes with discussion comes judgement. So, talk it out. To encourage dialogue is one of the measures to hopefully bring peace and understanding to the issue. The thread/conversation flowed naturally. That sometimes happens. No offense intended.

No offense taken. I understand your point -- I wasn't demeaning your opinion, or that of anyone else. I suppose that I feel it is misplaced is all, as you acknowledge. I suspect that if you and I were to discuss this matter privately (that is, the matter of what has happened in the past five days and who is to blame) we'd agree completely
But I do think that the bigger issue is that of our fellow members' loved ones being put in harms way, for whatever reason. It is understandable, I think, to feel contempt for any and all warring parties at times like these, when those in power are apparently oblivious to those who are just trying to go about their day, whether they're studying or grocery shopping or worshipping or holding hands in the park or whatever. It would be a greater advancement towards peace if we all had more compassion for those just trying to live a simple, productive life regardless of where they live. But that is just my opinion!

Glad to hear that your sister is safe, cloverette!!


Well-known member
Cloverette *HUGS* I am SO happy to hear your sister is safe! I have been praying for her safe return.

Pascal-any word on your dad yet? I pray he is safe to.

Lemurian, Mac_whore, I must concur-it actually has to be nipped in the bud lest it turn into another "WMD's have been found, Who is Jesus, Religion" thread.

And you both are very correct that this is a very multifaceted problem and it is more widespread than we like to think about. It's a much bigger problem-with almost every country in the world involved in some way or another.
Every country has done good and bad and there really is no one to fully blame-but the progession has stopped and taken decades of steps back.

I feel sorry for the PM of Labanon. He was pleading the other day with tears in his eyes for help for his people. You know he truely loves his people. He wants them safe. I pray for him to be strong and graceful under this because he's caught in catch 22 situation


Well-known member
I am keeping your father and everyone else in the region in my thoughts...hopefully, he'llbe able to get out of there safely and quickly.


Well-known member
I spoke with my father yesterday, he is ok he has registered with the embassy and all that. But I just need to know when to get him form the airport, that's all we need to know is when he leaves.

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