

Well-known member

I have extended family in Lebanon. I feel for you. I really do.
I can go on and on and on on this topic but I will just say I pray for the Lebanese people and there is no " good guy" in this mess. The only " good guys" are the LEbanese Civilians, being held helpless by this monstrosity.

Spring is beautiful everywhere, but it is more than beautiful in Lebanon. Spring is the spirit of an unknown God speeding through the world, which, as it reaches Lebanon, pauses, because now it is as at home with the souls of the Prophets and Kings hovering over the land, chanting with the brooks of Judea, the eternal Psalms of Solomon, renewing with the Cedars of Lebanon memories of an ancient glory.

Kahlil Gibran


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Ahhh, Iran. Where Hezbollah gets all of their funding. They are more than willing to lend a "helping hand" to Hezbollah.

Ahhh, America. Where Israel gets all of their funding. *end sarcasm*

If you haven't noticed America has supplied Israel with tanks, missiles, F-16's etc. But wait, no no, it's okay. But shame on Iran & Syria for doing the same for Lebanon.

Everything I've seen in the news lately about the conflict in the Middle East is pretty much 100% biast. What do you expect from US media when Israel is our allies? Of course, I don't think they would broadcast the destruction Israel, with the help of American supplied weapons. No, they won't show how many innocent women & children have been killed with their attacks, but so quick to show what Lebanon has done to Israel.

I don't want this to turn into another "Who is Jesus" thread, but I felt I needed to say something.


Well-known member
And for those who have family in Lebanon, pray to Allah (swt) that everything will be okay. Inshallah those family members will be back with you soon unharmed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
If you haven't noticed America has supplied Israel with tanks, missiles, F-16's etc. But wait, no no, it's okay. But shame on Iran & Syria for doing the same for Lebanon.

It is not Lebanon that Iran and Syria are funding, it is Hezbollah, which has no legitimate governing power and is recognized worldwide as a terrorist organization. So, yeah, shame on Syria and Iran for funding terrorism.

Also, the only thing the US has supplied Israel with as of late is patriot missiles, designed only to intercept missiles targetted at Israel. In case you haven't noticed, Israel is a fully armed and autonomous nation for many, many years..


Well-known member
Excuse my misstatement about Lebanon & Hezbollah. Thanks for the correction Lemurian.

Of course everyone who isn't America's allies are terrorist. But Israelis have illegally occupied Palistine & Lebanon for a number of years now. And by any means necessary they've illegally taken the land away from Palestine. That means, just like what we see in the media now, Israeli's have done the same exact thing to Lebanon & Palestine - they just don't show it cause the US & Israel are BFF!!

(I'll finish this later, time for the mall w/ my family)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
Of course everyone who isn't America's allies are terrorist. But Israelis have illegally occupied Palistine & Lebanon for a number of years now. And by any means necessary they've illegally taken the land away from Palestine. That means, just like what we see in the media now, Israeli's have done the same exact thing to Lebanon & Palestine - they just don't show it cause the US & Israel are BFF!!

Come on, now. Isreal pulled out of Lebanon, I believe, six years ago. And pulled out of Gaza just recently, infuriating its own citizens! As I stated before, neither Hezbollah nor Hamas wish to acknowledge these concessions, and neither do you, apparently!
I cannot defend the past actions of Israel, nor the actions of individuals in their military (believe me, I know..), but you could at least bother having your facts straight before you make accusations and throw blame around.


Well-known member
There is a small wrong statement there-the US has many non allies that we dont accuse of as terrorist. Some are flat out obvious-Al Queda, etc. It's important to realize that it's not the countries we say are terrorists. It's the certain groups within the countries (with the exception of N. Korea we're just mad at the government there). I know you all think this terrorism thing is stupid-but to be perfectly honest just this week we heard on the news that an air base was the target of a recent terror plot - and that air base is less than 20 miles from my house and 10 miles from a good friends!

And to reiterate my statement this has gone on for HUNDREDS of years and I will clearly state (mainly because I do not think I made it clear the first time) Both sides are clearly at fault here. This is a very unclear multitiered and huge problem that seriously I dont think even if they declared peace right now, nobody would really know what the hell they were fighting about!

First its land, then its religion, then its power and so on and so on. Its a centuries old ordeal. Even before the US or Isreal or even England came about. We're talking this is even older than the roman empire!

And you gotta remember also that the US has never gotton along with Iran (Iranian hostage sitch anyone?).

So I truely can see where you are coming from Stacy and this is why I (for once) didn't really rail into Quan (and believe me we DO have our differences) because this is such a sticky place in our history. And I truely believe that in this-nobody is right. I dont care who the US sides with there is absolutely nobody correct in this ordeal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Come on, now. Isreal pulled out of Lebanon, I believe, six years ago. And pulled out of Gaza just recently, infuriating its own citizens! As I stated before, neither Hezbollah nor Hamas wish to acknowledge these concessions, and neither do you, apparently!
I cannot defend the past actions of Israel, nor the actions of individuals in their military (believe me, I know..), but you could at least bother having your facts straight before you make accusations and throw blame around.

It's kinda hard to think outside the box when you only have US media to watch. Though, when you have other World News (not only US or Europe, but Middle East & Asian news) you begin to pick up on things US media doesn't show. AND, not only news but friends that have experienced first hand. So you say I choose not to ackowledge those concessions... I chose not to state it in my response doesn't mean I don't acknowledge. I'll acknowledge day and night, though it wouldn't help my arguement. My facts are as straight as straight can be and what I would like is for you to get yours straight if you think mine aren't.

And I agree with you, youbeabitch. Politics (as well as religion) will always be a point people will probablly never see eye to eye in. You'll have Mr. A over here talking and defending why so & so is better, then Mr. B over here arguing why so & so sucks. So who's right? Who the hell knows! No one, not in the Middle East - hell not here! - will ever come to an agreement.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Not trying to be rude, or hijack the thread at but where I'm from specifically, the idea of mass transit is difficult. To live in a rural area a good 25 miles outside of town and expect a bus/train/subway system to be configured based on gas prices is unrealistic.

It's America. Just like Texas, everything is big here! :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
It's kinda hard to think outside the box when you only have US media to watch. Though, when you have other World News (not only US or Europe, but Middle East & Asian news) you begin to pick up on things US media doesn't show. AND, not only news but friends that have experienced first hand.

You are terribly naive and rude to go around assuming that everyone who doesn't agree with you must be mere sheep, believing everything they read in the local paper and watch on CNN. You don't know who you're talking to! Some of us don't need to broadcast who we are or where we're from or where we've been or what our ties our to this particular event. Facts are facts and they make a point just fine. By all means, let's agree to disagree, but please refrain from attempting to insult. It is incredibly rude and very unnecessary.


Well-known member
It must be very important to realize that there are some that are like sheep in this country. Because they dont listen to whats going on in politics other places etc. However, there are others who have broken the mold and the templet to realize that it is only necessary for survival to never accept what is being hand fed to us by the US media, the AP Routers, or any other media force.

But it's also necessary for survival to not regurgitate what our friends and family say-as they too only hear what they want to hear which is what I see many people doing.


Well-known member
Lemurian, please point out where in my statement did I ever directly personally insult or call ANYONE sheep? Please, I'd love for you to point it out. I have never in any of my responses said anything to personally attack anyone, not even you. YOU are the only with the personal attacks yet you make it seem like I've done something. Me, naive and rude? I don't think so. I was merely pointing out the fact that I have other resources that I've watched, listening too and have that gives me more information about the situation then the common Joe Shmoe who watches 1 type of resource. I don't care who you are, you can be the president of the US if you'd like but that doesn't change my view on anything. I suggest you watch what you say first before telling me too. In the end, this is a debate forum... different views are inevitable. That's what this forum is all about. Bottom line, I respect everyone's point of view on this situation. But when you accuse me of doing something I'm not that's when things get personal. I'm not the type of person to get mad over something that not everyone has the same view on - especially over the internet! But please, YOU keep the personal attacks out of this conversation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Shimmer i am not giving
all the links as you have been so immatur in the last few topics regarding sources. I have used right wing and left wing sources but have not posted them as i know that it only gives you fuel to whinge about left and right polotics instead of the topic.

Then don't expect to be taken seriously.


Well-known member
we both know our feelings towards that poster. I should get my popcorn and enjoy this! I gotta admit, some of the stuff she says makes me ROFL because she does not show that she is educated in the topics she says she feels passionately about.


Well-known member
my father has left Lebanon by boat/ship on Sunday morning I haven't heard from him since he's propbably in Cyprus now waiting to leave.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
YAY!!! He's in safe territory now! This makes me so happy for you and your family! *HUGS*

Second that!!

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