Lets talk skin tone.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by joygasm
And you seem to suffer from arrogance.

To use her words (and in context)... the truth hurts. *zing*


Well-known member
Funny thing is I have no problem with going in the sun, I meant as in staying in the sun for long periods of time.... I have things to do during the day. I don't sit inside like a vampire...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joygasm
I have trouble accepting the fact that I'm darker than most people.

Are you in Orlando, FL as of now? Because that statement is hard to comprehend. Looking at your picture you are of the fairer skinned variety. At least to my eye.

Dark skinned < light skinned. I'm so sorry you feel this way. I'm an NC50 - NW 45-47 girl myself and I don't think I ever felt like I had the need to be lighter then I was at the moment. After I had my son I got a bit darker but you know what? I just changed my foundation and kept it moving. Life is TOO SHORT to bitch about my skin tone .. and its also too short for me to listen to assholes who want to put me down for something as trivial as the tone of my skin. You would think in 2009 people would have gotten over the "dark = ugly" thing but alas, people are cruel.
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