longest time in a mac store/counter?


Well-known member
I usually go the day a collection comes out. I check out the items on my pre made wishlist from the collection and confirm that I still want them after testing them on me. THen take a quick look at other shadows and glosses then I'm out. I would say it takes 30 minutes to get out. But the girls at my counter are nice and they know me. They also know that I will always buy something as well so they don't care that I linger. I did spend about 2 hours once but that was when i was being helped by a new freelance girl so she was super excited to be behind the counter and willing to chat with me about out favourite stuff. PLus I let her do a full out makeover.


Well-known member
10 hours. Hahaha does it count if I'm working?

But when I was a customer, the longest time was an hour and a half getting a makeover.


Well-known member
I am usually all about biz. I pretty much know what I want before I go in so it is rather fast. I do chat to my guys and gals at the counter, so that adds a bit of time to my visit.

I do tend to linger a bit more when at a Pro Store though.


Well-known member
Uhm, I was at the counter the other day for about an hour and didn't buy anything!
I chatted it up with the MAs, and played with flashtronic.
I was right by the Macy's and I had to go see it.
I'm going back tomorrow to buy stuff.
When I go MAC shopping, I'm usually there for an hour+.
I was there for about 2 and half hours one night..but it was slow and I kept the MA company.

I don't have any freestanding stores near me, but I'm going to Chicago on Wednesday and I will be going shopping..so I will probably play for at least an hour with pigments. heheh.


Well-known member
The longest was about 2+ hours at the MAC store when it opened all shiny and new. It was right after tax time and rather than put my money towards credit cards, I spent about $400 on new stuff. We tried a ton of stuff and it was loads of fun. I bought a lot I never thought I'd wear!

Counter time is usually 15 minutes: 10 waiting for help, 5 getting helped. Rarely do I get anything more than that. I wish the MAC counter was closer to my house.

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