MAC 25% off sale

1 UP Mushrooms

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Civies
To all you Ontario ladies .. do we pay tax when we order from the online MAC store ? This is my first time ordering so yeah ..


Yes MAC charges us whatever the local tax is.


Well-known member
So far I am definitely getting:

Eyepencil sharpener (I thought I had one, but I don't, lol)
Electric Eel pan
Freshwater pan
Humid pan
Bitter pan
Stars 'n Rockets pan
Club pan
A couple of palettes
Buzz l/g

Might be getting:
Baby Sparks d/g
Like Venus d/g
Smile d/g
Wonderstruck (I'm almost out!)
Vibrant Grape
Gorgeous Gold pan
Deep Truth pan
Passionate pan
Cranberry pan
All That Glitters pan
Parfait Amour pan
Creme de Violet pan

I still need to go to the freestanding by me and swatch Swimming, Steamy, and Juxt to see if they're different enough from my Gulf Stream and Warm Chill to justify getting. I need to go swatch Moon's Reflection to see how the color payoff is on me, too. (Plus it's out of stock right now...) I have been lemming Creme d' Nude, too... but I need to try that on, I think, to see if it makes me look corpse-like.
I've also been wanting Beauty Marked and Shadowy Lady, but I'm thinking those might make me look like I have black eyes..., that's a horribly massive list.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissCrystal
my stuff got shipped out today !!! lol im so glad they didn't cancel my order

this is what i got

yeahh i went a little crazy with the eyeshadows me and my mom are going to share them like i need more eyeshadows i already have like 50 lol

50 e/s. If you stick around, you will have way more than 50 and you still won't think that is enough. It is a sickness around here, it spreads quickly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
So far I am definitely getting:

I still need to go to the freestanding by me and swatch Swimming, Steamy, and Juxt to see if they're different enough from my Gulf Stream and Warm Chill to justify getting., that's a horribly massive list.

If you going for lime green, go for the Mineralize in Fresh Green Mix. Juxt will be around, Fresh green won't.


Well-known member
I got my package today! I got the f and f discount, so mac didn't take that back from me! yay! there was tax, the regular ontario tax....

Anyway, this is me:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
If you going for lime green, go for the Mineralize in Fresh Green Mix. Juxt will be around, Fresh green won't.

I actually have Fresh Green Mix already - but that reminds me to compare Swimming, Steamy, Juxt, and Bitter to that, too!
And maybe compare the blues on my list to Sea & Sky, which I also have...

oiii, this is hard work!


Well-known member
I'm going to go to the counter today and just browse so I can make my final list, hopefully I won't aggravate anyone


Well-known member
Wow i'm so excited i keep planning my shopping cart on the website but i keep rearranging it every day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
They didn't tell me anything that was a total joke on my part, and my active imagination.

Well you gave me a good laugh for the day!


New member
Quick question


I have never ordered from Mac online before have only gone into the stores. My question is when the Sumo sale starts does it start on June 16th at 12:01 A.M. PST or EST? Thanks!


Well-known member
This seems like a pretty good sale. I just got a ton of stuff at the Markham warehouse sale, but this seems too good to pass up. Hmmmmmmm

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
ok, so my stuff is out for delivery but as I'm at work, I have to go to Fedex office to pick up tomorrow!!! Can't wait any longer!

miss sha

Well-known member
Oh god, my list just keeps growing and growing. D: (So far!) I'm going to get...

Clarity e/s $14.50
Newly Minted e/s $14.50
Buckwheat e/s $14.50
Bright Future e/s $14.50
Vibrant Grape e/s $14.50
Plum Dressing e/s pan $11
Goldmine e/s pan $11
Expensive Pink e/s pan $11
Sketch e/s pan $11 (enough e/s you think?)
2 E/s palettes $12 x2 = $24 (I'll have 3 e/s palettes then, will split them up by blues/greens, pinks/purples, browns/neutrals)
Blacktrack Fluidline $15
Lychee Luxe l/g $14
Venetian lustre/g $14
Queen Bee l/g $14
Buzz l/g $14

-25% ($53~) = $159~



Well-known member
ok ya'll, i'm thinking of getting an extra 239, 217, and 242..

would this be wise?? i often find myself needing another clean brush, but im wondering if i should buy these now and wait til later...argh i dont know what to buy. i really wanna get other things but ;lskdfjs;akfksfas <---frustrated


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
ok ya'll, i'm thinking of getting an extra 239, 217, and 242..

would this be wise?? i often find myself needing another clean brush, but im wondering if i should buy these now and wait til later...argh i dont know what to buy. i really wanna get other things but ;lskdfjs;akfksfas <---frustrated

I think it will be wise to get extra brushes. I am always frustrated in the morning when my none of my brushes are clean. -__-


Well-known member
i'm getting:

Night Manoeuvres
Knight Divine
Bright Future
Beauty Marked
Vibrant Grape
All That Glitters

Blue Brown
Pink Bronze
Golden Lemon


Girl Friendly

Do I need both Plumage and Flourishing? What are the differences between the two? Help me eliminate some?? I'm gonna be broke after this sale. -__-


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
Do I need both Plumage and Flourishing? What are the differences between the two?

um, they are completely different from each other. flourishing is a light olive (like and actual olive, only lighter). plumage is a dark blue-green peacocky color. there's no way you can compare the two.


Well-known member
maybe i should get a holiday set though? they're always at my local cco.

i think thats what i'll do.

that way i can get some other shit LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NernersHuman
Okay, postcard received, cart filled, waiting for the stroke of midnight the 16th!

1. Wicked=Love
2. I want that dumb postcard. x( There's no chance that the postcard would be something I could pick up at a store or counter... since it's an online thing, right?

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