MAC 25% off sale


Active member
Originally Posted by JStarJStar
I got my package today! I got the f and f discount, so mac didn't take that back from me! yay! there was tax, the regular ontario tax....

Anyway, this is me:

yay for you! for me i gotta wait for my package to get allllll the way here on the west coast.. oh well just a few more days!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
maybe i should get a holiday set though? they're always at my local cco.

i think thats what i'll do.

that way i can get some other shit LOL

I think this is a good idea just to have an extra and save some money but the quality will definitely not be as good as the full sized ones!!

Edit: I'm kind of scared to order online from MAC now because I bought Brave New Bronze two weeks ago and I didn't get it yet (I live like 30 minutes away from the warehouse where they ship it) and I called them and they tracked and it said it was delivered to my front door two weeks ago!!! Either my neighbours stole it or the stupid UPS guy!! Grr..and now the lipstick is backstocked so I have to wait a week so see if they can reship...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
um, they are completely different from each other. flourishing is a light olive (like and actual olive, only lighter). plumage is a dark blue-green peacocky color. there's no way you can compare the two.

i must've gotten confused.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
maybe i should get a holiday set though? they're always at my local cco.

i think thats what i'll do.

that way i can get some other shit LOL

u can but i don't like holiday sets. they feel scratchy and they aren't the same as full sized brushes. they are a great deal, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
I think it will be wise to get extra brushes. I am always frustrated in the morning when my none of my brushes are clean. -__-

That is the worst thing ever

I think I am picking up about 3 new brushes, mostly cuz I'm too lazy to clean mine, esp. foundation brushes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
ok ya'll, i'm thinking of getting an extra 239, 217, and 242. <---frustrated

I vote for getting at least one more of those brushes but just the one U love the most, you know, that brush that makes you keep patting or gliding it against your skin, because it is good to ya,

What? am I the only one who does that.


Well-known member
I'm done with eyeshadows and lipsticks. I'm in for new brushes too. Im getting two 239's since it gets used the most and its so versatile


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pampie
yay for you! for me i gotta wait for my package to get allllll the way here on the west coast.. oh well just a few more days!

I'll cross my fingers that the plane flies/truck drives super fast to get to you sooner!

Originally Posted by sassyclassy
I think this is a good idea just to have an extra and save some money but the quality will definitely not be as good as the full sized ones!!

Edit: I'm kind of scared to order online from MAC now because I bought Brave New Bronze two weeks ago and I didn't get it yet (I live like 30 minutes away from the warehouse where they ship it) and I called them and they tracked and it said it was delivered to my front door two weeks ago!!! Either my neighbours stole it or the stupid UPS guy!! Grr..and now the lipstick is backstocked so I have to wait a week so see if they can reship...

I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened-- my package (which, was quite the haul, if I do say so myself) was left outside on my front step-- where it could have been stolen, or the items could have melted. Luckily my brother got home early and brought it inside... but, I thought it was pretty weird that it was left outside and that it didn't require a signature from me or anything.... When I have gotten MAC delivered in the past, to my address when I'm away at school, they ALWAYS require a signature, so this was especially weird.....


Active member
Originally Posted by JStarJStar
I'll cross my fingers that the plane flies/truck drives super fast to get to you sooner!

I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened-- my package (which, was quite the haul, if I do say so myself) was left outside on my front step-- where it could have been stolen, or the items could have melted. Luckily my brother got home early and brought it inside... but, I thought it was pretty weird that it was left outside and that it didn't require a signature from me or anything.... When I have gotten MAC delivered in the past, to my address when I'm away at school, they ALWAYS require a signature, so this was especially weird.....

the two times in the past that i ordered from mac have been really good. 1st time the fedex guy rang the bell and i answered the door and he was so friendly and polite! 2nd time i wasn't home so the fedex guy slipped a note through the mail slot saying there's a package in the back and there it was, on my back porch hidden from strangers!

i find that canada post is the carrier that just leaves my packages on the door mat if no one's home

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Ok, my package was waiting for me when I got home
I didn't get a lot of stuff but I'm happy with everything...have fun hauling everyone!


Well-known member
i decided to go ahead n get the fullsize backup brushes (239, 217, 242) i use those three the most and i usually use them all together.


Well-known member
am i pathetic for having my basket full until tuesday? like, i seriously refuse to close this window on my computer LMAO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
am i pathetic for having my basket full until tuesday? like, i seriously refuse to close this window on my computer LMAO

If you are, I am too.

miss sha

Well-known member
My window's open too! With Specktra open in the tab next to it so I can keep adding stuff. Back up to $216, whee! @____x;;


Well-known member
Looks like I'm not the only one with a cart full of stuff waiting for the 16th to come!!!
I've had the total go from $190 to over $300 and I really had to cut it down to the $200 range!! LOL I'm trying to build my kit up so this is what I'm getting:

15 Pan Palette for e/s
6 Pan Palette for blush


Iridescent Powder Loose in Golden Bronze
Prep and Prime Transparent Finishing Powder


Sumptuous Olive
Stars n Rockets

Impassioned Solar Bits



Total before tax and discount: $248
Grand total with discount, tax and 2 day shipping: $207.27

I really hope I don't add anything else before Tuesday comes!! Hurry up Tuesday and get here already!! AARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!